Dear Partners,Again, we understand the value of partners and therefore decided to give you even more!
Japan is Now in Group B!
We decided that Japanese traffic deserves to be paid more; therefore, Japan has been moved to Group B!
To entice you even more to send your Japanese traffic our way, we have decided to launch a special promo for PPD affiliates. Get paid double for downloads from Japan on Every Thursday of March (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st March 2011).That’s up to 50$/1000 downloads!!
FileSonic 先主要还是做米国的流量 小日本的流量也开始值钱了啊 严重怀疑FileSonic是hotfile的子公司:shutup: 严重怀疑FileSonic是hotfile的子公司:shutup:
布丁 发表于 2011-3-12 19:03 http://cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
同感! 网盘很头疼的..哎. 日本这一震博得FileSonic的同情了 have a look 中国撒时候有等级哦 这个一点也不奇怪
日本本来就NB吗 又是日本