大家好~ 我是论坛的一个小兵,英文很烂,平时在上班之余在弄了个英文小Blog。。。这两天有人发邮件我,我翻译看下应该是购买链接,所以回答有兴趣(GG翻译再回信),今天,他有发了新的邮件给我,我不知道怎样回答了,所以想到求助一下,希望各位能给点建议。基本意思是$5一个链接,购买2个吧,一般这些链接购买是按月计算的吗?现附上第二封邮件:
I’m glad you’re interested. Here are the details. My client, an education company, would like to sponsor 2 posts on your blog. What this means is that they would pay you $10 via PayPal for you to link back to them within 2 posts that are currently on your site ($5 per post).
Please let me know if this is of interest to you and we can move forward with specific links and posts. You will have the opportunity to see what the links and posts will be before you give your final agreement to post them.
Thank you for your time and consideration. 他要的是内文链接,一般是永久性的 内页链接价值高啊 5刀太便宜了吧 还是永久的? 如果是永久的话我也觉得太低吧。。。
按骄阳说的,先问清楚是不是单月的价格。。。英文太烂,现在在挠头该怎么写:L 这样说来你的网络或是平台权重比较高,如果是说它要求放的位置不是很好,5刀也可以的、 5刀的内页链接单价是很低吗。。。。我没卖过,不清楚:L 原来内页的价格那么高啊 如果你的站权重还可以的话,text-link-ads.com是个不错的选择,内页链接一般一个3-5$/月,我有几个pr2的文章站每个月都有几十美刀/站/月,钱都不提出来,以链接养链接,挺好! 我按照骄阳的提示的做法回了一封邮件,现在他又回了信,如下
Hi, my client could pay you $10 per link for a total of $20 for 2
permanent links. Are you interested?
$10一个永久链接。。。。感觉有点不值得 要是这个价格还不如写付费评论合适呢 我感觉给你写信的这个人像是个中介呢?他应该不是终端用户 我感觉给你写信的这个人像是个中介呢?他应该不是终端用户
myadvertise 发表于 2011-4-23 10:26 http://www.cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
有同感呀,所以我目前还真打算按照9楼朋友的说法拿去text link ads放一下看看,早上去搜索一下相关教程看看。。。唯一的顾虑是站点的pr只有1 Hi!
I’m glad you’re interested. Here are the details. My client, an education company, would
like to sponsor 2 posts on your blog. What this means is that they would pay you $10 via
意通过Paypal 支付你$10,
PayPal for you to link back to them within 2 posts that are currently on your site ($5 per post).
Please let me know if this is of interest to you and we can move forward with specific links
and posts. You will have the opportunity to see what the links and posts will be before
you give your final agreement to post them.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hi, my client could pay you $10 per link for a total of $20 for 2
permanent links. Are you interested?
写Blog的朋友如果有注意到的话,会发现平时有人加我们的QQ,说是让我们给Blog的某篇文章上的某个词加一个链接,他们给钱。一样的道理。 不就是做个外链嘛给他做呗 可以交换撒,做友情链接