Cookie Stuffing Forums 思路
This is a big money making idea, some of you may already know this method but for those of you who don’t, it is a good chance for you to start making over $1000 a month from your affiliate companies.I will warn you that this is a black hat method and could get you banned from your affiliate company, so please don’t over do it,
Step 1: Join a Affiliate Company
Ok first if you are not a member of any affiliate company you need to join one. I am a member of Commission Junction so that the company I am going to tell you to join. is my choice as you can find the right offer to target the right people. is also another great choice because whoever you stuff your affiliate cookies with is a potential eBay customer. And therefore a big chance for you to make some nice money.
Step 2: Find the Right Affiliate
We are going to be stuffing forums with this method. So what you have to do is find the forum you are going to stuff and then a suitable advertiser to promote.So for example is a webmasters forum, so the members there are likely to buy hosting and domains.
So therefore go daddy the domain registering company would be a good option to choose.
Feel free to pick more than 1 company as it will increase your revenue chances. DigitalPoint may not be your best option of a forum but its just a example. If you can find a big forum then eBay would be great as there are all ways people joining eBay.
Step 3: Get The Affiliate URL
I’m hoping your able to find this yourself as I am not walking you through this properly.
Click banner, then there should be a few banners
Click on any of those banners as that bit doesn’t matter
Click “Get HTML”
Then the first line of the HTML code should be something like
Step 4: editing the .htaccess file
Login to your website hosting. In the public_html folder (For most website hosts, if this isn’t the case then open the folder that has all your public files in)Now you are there you should see the .htaccess file. If you don’t have one, then just create this file.
Now at the top of that file put:, you get the idea
So at the top of the file it could look summit like
Redirect /image1.jpg
Step 5: Posting
Now that you have targeted your forum and found the correct affiliate for the forum its time to post and get some “clicks” on your affiliate link.
Now just post whatever you would be posting and at the end of your post put this code:
Make sure you edit your website with your website url obviously.
What have I just done?
You are doing a method called Cookie Stuffing. You are stuffing everyone’s cookies that visit one of your posts with these hidden images.
So say someone who visits your post then goes to Godaddy a week later. There computer will remember this cookie so if they then buy something from go daddy then you will receive the commission for it.
Got any Proof ?
I am not going to tell you the forum I used or the advertiser I promoted because if I decide to cookie stuff again it will be more competition for me and you, because everyone who reads this will use that forum.
But I stuffed 1000 people - had 1000 clicks. This took me 15 mins to get this upon which I deleted my thread.
That day I honestly made $0
However about 10 days later I had made £112.37 which is roughly $225.
This was at 10% commission - which means that I had over £1000 worth of sales created. Which for you Americans that means over $2000 worth of sales.
Step-By-Step Overview:
1. Find a forum to use cookies stuffing (not a webmaster forum).
3. Join an Affiliate Company.
4. Get the affiliate URL to stuff.
5. Edit your .htaccess file to cloak affiliate link.
6. Post to forums.
7. Wait some days.
8. Check account and you are rich!
Final Word:
Remember this was 1000 cookies stuffed in 15 mins. If you do this on a bigger scale of 100000 people a month, think of your potential earnings.
Thanks for reading and I hope this information is useful for you.
*Remember, cookie stuffing is against many affiliates rules. So be sure that before you use it, you know that you are risking getting your account banned as a result. cj还可以吗?这么牛呀。:victory: 这个需要点击图片还是它就是自动加载的?应该是自动加载的吧
现在还有用没有? 什么过滤都没有,太不保险了 收藏一下。近期热点话题,不过效果有待观察。 关键在这里:
Remember, cookie stuffing is against many affiliates rules. So be sure that before you use it, you know that you are risking getting your account banned as a result. 这东西我玩了2年多了,我想说,这东西有空的时候玩玩就好,不要太当真了。 7# cissss
过来人传授经验来了:handshake 需要点时间好好的看!不错。。 学习了~~~~~ 英文难搞 需要点时间好好的看! 马克一下,有用资料 这么牛呀 几何一公布,就知道过时了 先收藏,学习一下 不知道老大从哪弄到的资料。 先收藏,学习一下 看不懂啊!!!!!!!!! 看看再说。 收藏学习一下啊。 这个崩溃 完全不知何物 更别说是英文的了