本帖最后由 idcspy 于 2011-9-1 16:45 编辑199off,softlayer首月选择199刀以下的独服即可全免
For a limited time, you can receive up to $199 off any SoftLayer dedicated server for the first month. Even better, your server will include the industry's best selection of standard services. Plus, it's all backed by the exceptional support and advanced network technologies that have made SoftLayer the world leader in hosting innovation.
Use promo code "199OFF" when ordering.
For more information or to order, visit our site, live chat, or call 866.398.7638. 好礼包。 没用过独服真想试试 需要信用卡。没敢试。 嗨,还没到那种级别...... 这么大的礼
没福享受 流量贵 这个我好喜欢呀:victory: 不敢试,搞不好绑定信用卡。 要绑定信用卡的就算了 burst任何独服任何时间首月一刀,无需信用卡,。