昨天DREAMHOST发了个邮箱我说我在搞BH SEO,但是我只有一个域名下面装了WPROBOT,而且设定的是不自动发布,其余都是流量可以忽略的NICHE,但是现在他说哦我吧域名转移到其他的主机商去,像这种情况有木有挽回的余地?Specifically, the clause you violated is:
"Customer agrees to not engage in activities pertaining to Black Hat SEO,
Spamdexing, and so-called "Scraper sites." These can all have a severely
detrimental effect on server performance and are not permitted."
You must use the 14 days allotted to move your domains and content to
another hosting provider. Please have all domains and data removed within
this time frame as your account will NOT be reinstated after it has
closed. Your domains will be disabled during this time to prevent further
damage to the server.
不用也罢就是转移忒麻烦了啊 dh要说你搞了,基本上是没有余地了吧。。。 如果真么有 就写信问问看 沟通一下吧,实在不给力就换家,反正主机商多得是 老手说一下吧。什么样的工具主机不让用,以便给后来者提示一下。
谢谢! 问题是用了不到半年,我在等DH回邮件,真是烦,每天10集刀的ADSENSE给HOld住了 无解,我同样的情况,现在已经转移完毕 你的数据库是怎么转移的?我只知道用PHPADMIN但是进不去啊 你的数据库是怎么转移的?我只知道用PHPADMIN但是进不去啊