大家好,我是个amazon新手,是这样的,我的amazon的链接有的是通过短网址推广的,用过多个短网址缩短amazon链接进行推广,后来改adf.ly缩短推广amazon, 今天amazon发来一封邮件封了我的帐号,邮件内容是:Hello,
While reviewing your account, we found that you are using transitional page advertisements to send traffic to the Amazon site. The Associates Program Operating Agreement prohibits Associates from using this method of advertisement. You can review the complete terms of the Operating Agreement, including Participation Requirements, by following this link:
Because of these violations, your Associates account has been closed and payment of all advertising fees withheld. You must remove the Amazon site and all Amazon content from all transitional page advertisements or other sites immediately. Any other accounts you may have or may open in the future which are found in violation of the Operating Agreement terms may be closed and advertising fees withheld without notification.
Thank you for your interest in the Associates Program.
Best regards,
xx - Associates Account Specialist
这邮件的意思是不是不能通过短网址形式推广amazon?这样封了帐号是不是之前推广的佣金都没了? 谢谢! 多久收到的啊,被封了,钱基本拿不到了。 推广了一个多月 ,19个小时前收到的邮件,今天登录后台显示 Account Closed
This account is closed and will not generate referrals. Access to this site is for historical purposes only. If you are a California Associate and would like to re-enroll in the Amazon Associates program, please click here. 那肯定是收不到了吧。。。amazon是net60的。。。现在被封了,不会付款了 是的,不充许用转址站来操作。。。但是我想不通,你都做AMAZON了,用那个只能说赚的钱更少了。。。 是的,不充许用转址站来操作。。。但是我想不通,你都做AMAZON了,用那个只能说赚的钱更少了。。。 ...
huanjiangg 发表于 2011-10-20 20:30
你指的是这类像adf.ly赚钱转址站不允许,还是所有的转址站都不给力,好像bit.ly可以。我本来是想通过adf.ly来隐藏amazon链接的,赚钱次要。 这二个根本不是一个类别的,BIT。LY那个是直接就跳转了,中间没有广告,而你用的那个中间还有个广告呢,体验差了好多,你从AMAZON赚的钱肯定会少很多。。。 肯定不允许转址的啦!悲剧了! 可以重新申请一个了 隐藏链接不被会被封吧,主要是adf.ly中间有广告 重新申请吧~~~ 弱弱的问一句设什么是转址站? amazon 早就说明不能用 adf.ly广告转址来做ama了,你可以用 或 肯定可以,
bitly.com都和ama合作开发了专门ama缩址服务 悲剧了楼主,要改变政策了 封号钱肯定是保不住了 可以重新注册一个,钱是没戏了 思路不对…… 短址不能用