dxszzcylm 发表于 2012-5-18 00:52:50

Make Free Edu profile backlink(s)

1- Go to http://academia.edu and signup.
2- Make a nice profile (nice looking name, picture)
For those who don't think of any good names, check this
3- add your sites. It's d0follow (nice*)
4- Select a university and department. (No confirmation required)
5- Now look at some common universities, like Stanford, Harvard, Virginia, michigan. Add people from there. They have mostly high pagerank profiles.
6- After adding them, you can write on their walls. (nice*)
7- Comment on their walls, but don't write spammy (thanks, thank you.)
8- You get backlinks to your profile more and more if you repeat this. After about 1.5 month (my experience), you will get a pagerank on your profile.
9- When you posted to their walls, make a list of profile urls that you wrote and ping em all in pingfarm.com

Here is an example of PR4 profile.

I have done that and now I have a PR4 edu profile link (above is not mine). I have my websites on my profile, and when I post a url on my status, it quickly indexes it and make it higher in google serps.

Note: Currently, the site is not spam protected. It's very easy to spam on this site. You can add hundreds of profiles and write their wall, no captchas. My apologize, don't abuse this method hard. Make it clean and smart way. Thank you.


Yao 发表于 2012-10-28 00:23:03

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