dxszzcylm 发表于 2012-5-19 01:03:43

List of StatusNet Microblogs -Like Identi.ca-

Below is a list of StatusNet sites like Identi.ca... all verified active with PR.

If you use blogs you can use this plugin to post to all of them after you create an account...

" ... Every time you make a new blog post this plugin will post a status update to the Status.net servers and Twitter accounts you have specified. You can set as many acounts on as many servers you like. You can even have the plugin to post to different account on the same Status.net server. ... "http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-statusnet/DOMAIN PRhttp://identi.ca | 8
http://status.net | 7
http://status.net/blog | 6
http://floss.pro | 5
http://forum.status.net | 5
http://kingspostup.com | 5
http://petstatus.com | 5
http://dee.status.net | 5
http://sixgun.status.net | 5
http://internetbulgaria.org | 4
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