dxszzcylm 发表于 2012-5-19 01:36:46

Great Amazon Money Making Example

Hey guys

Just poping in and found something I wanted to give away. I know a few of you are using amazon as your monitization method.

i make $200/month per site with amazon.
its only a matter of choosing the right niche and getting good quality/quantity of traffic.

If you want an excellent example of how to make an amazon site right check out the link below:https://flippa.com/2658859-183-mo-25-high-pr-photography-niche-sites-with-mailing-list-1-reserveTake time to understand what they are doing right and how they do it. Do a bit of reverse engineering yourself. A key to the success to this site is the product focus. If you notice their focus is on ONE product.

Google will rank you higher if your the know it all or the best person that knows about a product. Don't try and be the next walmart and sell everything you won't get anywhere that way. Focus on ONE product like this example and you will excel.

Hope this helps .

dxszzcylm 发表于 2012-5-19 01:37:43

Is he making that per site or from all sites total per month as there are quite a few sites included?

Same question as proxyguy :)

I think he makes that from all 25 sites together' wich makes it no so profitable (hosting+domains+linking),
    but those are actually build and forget sites, 4 pages and thats all, if he'll( or someone else will) continue and put content=longtails,
    it might get more money coming...

Yeah, that would be the revenue for the "This group of high-end SLR photography review sites".

    I agree with TerraX, if you're going to monetize using Amazon.com, focus on one product. Make sure it has enough search volume though.

    On a side note, I actually follow the guy behind this flippa listing. His name is Trent Dyrsmid and hes behind Online Income Lab and Niche Site Mastery as stated in that listing as well. He actually focuses on building adsense sites now. At least thats the focus on those sites. He has tons of great content and interviews of successful IM's and its free. I would say that some of the knowledge you get from his interviews are better than some IM guides.

Yao 发表于 2012-10-18 01:18:18

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