Allowing blog comments to boost blog
Just trying to get others perspective on using comments on your own blog to boost pr and rank.I don't allow viagra and other spammy comments of course, but I usually comment my own blog (using different users of course)and only allow my comments. I try to keep the comments relevant to the blog post/page.
Anyone else do this or have additional recommendations as to a good commenting strategy?
Many Thanks i'm not sure if i totally understood you, but from my understanding, you seem to say that your blog's PR would increase when others comment on your blog. needless to say, thats a big no. getting inbound links increases your PR, not giving away links. of course, giving away doesn't really decrease PR. Sorry if I didnt' explain that thoroughly.
Yes, I understand the inbound/outbound concept. I don't approve any comments accept my own that relate to the post topic to boost the relevance of the page.
For example, if my post or page was on dog training, I would link to an top 10 authority site for that keyword, wikipedia, etc.
To rephrase, what is the threshold of outbound link comments? What is too much? Frequency?
Hope I explained it better that time. Thanks for the reply. wouldn't things be easy if there was a definite number? well, no one knows and many people debate on the number of out bound links. from my exp, too many outbound links don't really harm your ranking.