dxszzcylm 发表于 2012-5-24 01:04:21

Poor Man's Tweet Machine

I got this idea from BlamAds - it's pretty nifty if you don't own one of those fancy Twitter scripts :doh:

What it does is use YahooPipes (which can do a LOT of different things if you put your mind to it) - and scrapes Twitter related to your keyword(s) and then *marked as SPAM* it into an RSS feed which you can then use to automatically tweet to various accounts (many different free programs utilize RSS for tweeting).

Login to Yahoo and then go here: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=de3ad27fb57eec413730a330b7ea1a26

Then clone that so you have it in your account.

Then you can edit it - to change the message - it's in the "Regex" box. Just make sure to keep the RT and the authorname variable (it's already in the regex box). That way - it mentions the username - and that user will see your tweet as well (just more eyes).

Then you can enter your keyword and hit submit, then grab the rss feed and submit it to where-ever accepts rss feeds for Tweets... Hint- feedburner does this. I think there's another one.. (there's several) http://twitterfeed.com
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