Cpaflash Director of Internal Team
Requirement:1) Should be familiar with PPV, PPC, social media, Mediabuy, email marketing or mobile, the candidate must be versed in one promotion method at least, and have more than 3 years experience in this market.
2) Need to know the basic knowledge of HTML, PHP.
3) Initiative, Passionate, Man of affairs,Having a sense of responsibility
What we can offer:
1) Around 10k RMB's salary per month, full of insurance
2) Big Platform; Lots of direct advertisers; The real highest payout of campaign; The guarantee of cashflow; The huge development space
3) Company shares, The attractive rewards per year (IPAD, AUDI A4, House)
All candidates need to attend an face to face interview, We only accept 1 application who will be the director of our technical team.
More info : QQ:2422385064 .
Happy Dragon Boat Festival ! Where is the work location?
The salary is low, do you offer revenue share? 符合这个条件的人,1万块基本都是直接忽视的。
当然,这个平台能带来什么,也应考虑。 1万元,呵呵 不成正比- 我觉得能学到东西,或者有提成还是不错的,毕竟很多学习的机会还是很难得。不过确实没时间兼职了,谢谢你发的短信。说实话,个人感觉薪水偏低,还是建议加上上面说的2点,然后就是提成哪怕3%-5%都可以的。 本帖最后由 raycpaflash 于 2012-6-21 19:20 编辑 many duplicates post, sorry. Actually, I have to say, salary is not a problem, revenue share is not a problem. Ability and experience are the most important parts in our interview.I have a word here, if anybody meet our requirement, and join the team, I will guarantee one Audi A4 and two summit travel at least. Thanks for different applications from here. Come on, guys, Join us, and simply tell us " Yes, I can do it ! Actually, I have to say, salary is not a problem, revenue share is not a problem. Ability and experience are the most important parts in our interview.I have a word here, if anybody meet our requirement, and join the team, I will guarantee one Audi A4 and two summit travel at least. Thanks for different applications from here. Come on, guys, Join us, and simply tell us " Yes, I can do it ! yea, another duplicate post 只能说纯支持了,对media buy这块我只能自己是个半吊子,确实有空是想学习下,薪水对我来说确实不是问题,但是做director就肯定误人子弟了。希望能找到合适的Candidate。 每年 有房子车子 奖励么:lol 不成正比- 不懂英文的路过~ work location where? 待遇还可以哈,可惜我没那本事 没那本事的路过 回复 16# net
Changsha !{:13_1213:} 非常好的工作 多学些东西以后以后有机会再应聘 打中文不行啊,鸟语看着蛋疼:lol 居然在长沙,难道33所说的rv是cpaflash,或者你们都扎堆来长沙了,呵呵,有时间到你们公司蹭饭去,在哪个区啊? 薪水不够attractive,但是应该可以互相学习了,technical director对技术要求应该较高,不是basic php就行的啦。 回复 13# goleme
你是Raymond Teoh 嘛?