本帖最后由 feizyx 于 2012-9-20 21:33 编辑We owe you a big apology for the intermittent service outages we experienced on September 10 that may have impacted your website, your email and other Go Daddy services.
We let you down and we know it. We take our responsibilities — and the trust you place in us — very seriously. I cannot express how sorry I am to those of you who were inconvenienced.
The service outage was due to a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables. Once the issues were identified, we took corrective actions to restore services for our customers and We have implemented a series of immediate measures to fix the problem.
At no time was any sensitive customer information, including credit card data, passwords or names and addresses, compromised.
Throughout our history, we have provided 99.999% uptime in our DNS infrastructure. This is the level of performance we expect from ourselves. Monday, we fell short of these expectations. We have learned from this event and will use it to drive improvement in our services.
As a result of this disruption, your account will be credited for the value of 1-month of service for each of your active/published sites.* This credit will be available to you for the next 7 days. Please click the button below to redeem your credit.
我刚续费了空间和域名,用的这个(再加上续费的优费码,呵呵) 谢谢,刚好域名可以续费了
info续费promo code:GDBBREN8 名可以续费 鸡肋阿 本主题需向作者支付 1 广告币 才能浏览
刚原价续费了 买了你的链接,发现没有那个8.99美元的充值啊。。。楼主能说说您具体是怎么弄的吗? 我也没发现,不知道要怎么弄 进去没有啊,咋的说明白 这个需要购买主机才有得。。。。 各位打算续费域名的不用购买了,神马都是浮云。 检查邮箱吧 要以前有用它的 需要买过主机 vps 除域名外的其他业务 才有钱送的。 需要有其他附加服务才有~~单纯的额域名木有··~ 这个是有条件使用滴 赶紧去看看