Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks

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发表于 2013-11-12 16:52:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 帝尧故里 于 2013-11-12 16:54 编辑 / r0 f: L- @9 D+ ~2 A0 D

+ q* A6 K% ?; {I find this great trick online and cant wait to share it with you buddies.
( F9 X: A* k2 b( ?; c( o3 f# K1 E; E
One really sneaky SEO strategy which only a small fraction of internet marketers are using is getting backlinks from It is a large photo sharing web property run by and is developing very rapidly.4 F, c+ t! B) C# O* j5 G# s4 H2 T
4 O0 B7 G$ \* [0 `% c/ J& e
Now, we definitely aren’t going to post our pictures out there on Flickr. But we are going to use it as a quick solution to get loads of quality high PR backlinks.
1 ^6 d  Z7 e/ K& X' s! e* u5 VThe good news is that you learn and remember a cool small trick and use it over and over to gain more backlinks. It is very easy to learn and also – easy to do!
1 ?8 M2 S3 {. W8 J" p& j5 hAnd don’t let people tell you that only backlinks from sites which are similar to your site content-wise count. There isn’t such a thing! It would be very very difficult for Google to write an algorithm which could distinguish the meaning for the word “golf” inside other text.
9 l4 M9 K) |* KSay one is a “golf” club in a site for golfers and the other is a “golf” automobile model in a blog about cars. See what I mean?+ W( N. Z. s3 Z0 S- P
How To Get Backlinks From Flickr
8 N' u8 N* v2 J' e+ E# XFlickr is very straight forward and easy to understand.
! i0 |, w, \# @& O% ]0 ?There are “GAZILLIONS” of photos there. And there is also an opportunity to leave a comment under the photos. You can see that there are many people who like to comment.
# ]/ j1 Q, O" t- e# m3 @: l5 h6 YAlso, you can spot that there is a tiny difference regarding the comments. One is the person who says something like: “Hi! Great pictures.
4 v& n' U/ J" i3 a2 SReally like the sharpness and depth of color”. And then there are the people who write: “Hi! I am going to use this photo on my website. I give credits to you on http://…”.* l$ N' B$ M* f7 j0 M' t
Obviously, the second type of people are the ones which are probably CEO’s, businessmen and moderators. Flickr gives anybody the chance to use their pictures anywhere on the internet if you give credit back to the original photographer.
' D% C  e" B3 FI want you to watch for these entrepreneurs because, if in the comments section they are relatively many, then you need to be careful.
* Y& n( P" v9 y0 X4 M" h9 v1 l6 h/ B( YModerators could report you as a spammer if you blatantly try to pitch your website. Where these people gather, there is always more buzz.
! X. Z; B1 d4 m) P- X2 MIf there are no comments or less than 5 – you are very welcomed to comment without fear of getting reported.
$ q- m9 S! @: y* ], F% m* }, R  D( XThe Process Of Commenting On Flickr
8 r# M( `8 [9 QBefore you are ready to kick-start your commenting, you need to get a little search string. These are things which you put into Google’s search box and get keyword specific results.! b  U6 _7 F$ n- \2 M) U; B( G, d
The KW’s you choose to put into the search string are irrelevant. We discussed this earlier., B! {: l4 `) i: G0 m8 Q8 f
Okay, here is the search string:1 I4 Q# o- x$ D) g2 d3 W+ N( x “your keyword”* |5 g  N" g2 |  q
For example, you may choose “iphone”. It would look like this: “ “iphone”. Put it into Google’s search box.
. W& H) u9 J+ L+ n, N0 ]- YTIP: Use Google’s “Advanced Search” to be 100% sure Google actually shows you the demanded results! In some places and countries simply putting the “iphone” into Google isn’t gonna cut it.
7 i* ~8 A& ?! [" x: O# XNext, you also need the HTML code: <a href=”url”>Link text</a>.$ j8 N) g1 W: R8 G# _' N
Now, I assumes you have picked your photo. Then you are prepared to comment.
* w$ j( i! G1 S6 AThe comment doesn’t have to be too fancy! Even better when your comment blends into the other comments. Be very ordinary but friendly, as you don’t want somebody to report you as a spammer.
1 M( S" f3 Q( L# _- }1 O% BBefore you submit your comment, you need to place the <a href=”url”>Link text</a>  code into the comment. For example, <a href=”http://www.***.com”>diet programs</a>.; W4 x/ _( o* U. n" m' U
This goes back to your website, therefore add something like “I am a diet program expert and enthusiast who wants to help people lose weight naturally and without pain. Check me out here: <a href=”url”>Link text</a>”.' H- g* s$ Z3 Y/ L' e0 N
Be creative! The more friendly you appear, the better.
; _& F/ x) _8 x2 v6 @Obviously, this strategy works incredibly well in tandem with KW related pictures. For example, a guy showing off his abs after losing 20 pounds in a month. But can easily be done with other pictures. If done mindfully!; a6 r! W) d% B% H- z' @5 C
(source:by Ray from
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4 L" ^4 N/ K" P* x
1 m) n/ ?8 ^8 M0 o$ k/ r
发表于 2013-11-12 17:01:46 | 显示全部楼层
: ]% w7 B' v4 s$ w( p# w
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发表于 2013-11-12 19:27:33 | 显示全部楼层
英文的有点长,慢慢理解,感谢楼主分享Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks
9 Y8 P7 P9 ~+ K, i7 M( \. }' n
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发表于 2013-11-12 21:25:20 | 显示全部楼层
* `/ x8 E( F$ c# D5 @
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发表于 2013-11-12 22:14:11 | 显示全部楼层
全英文哦 学习下。。。& c% P# }! N2 I. i, ]# g7 m9 M
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发表于 2013-11-12 23:10:44 | 显示全部楼层
感谢分享 慢慢看Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks+ J$ w0 S" @. b! [: Y
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发表于 2013-11-13 11:57:11 | 显示全部楼层
11年的文章,现在还有效果吗?' f( _2 d  j% V9 E8 U6 Q: ^
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发表于 2013-11-28 22:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
ddkbyo 发表于 2013-11-13 11:57 Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks
7 o7 }  V& T! w/ _+ r1 C11年的文章,现在还有效果吗?
" w. i1 @8 B5 u0 y5 @0 E1 K
The older the better .                           Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks: o; N& c* b; N

/ \* c" x$ \* U6 X0 f' b% G
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发表于 2013-11-29 00:26:12 | 显示全部楼层
Read it through, helpful passage about how to build a high quality back link on Flickr, without be identified as a spammer, I like the words writer mentioned, lay low and be honest , that's the spirit that's the drill! Thx for your sharing
! m5 t: `- f7 ?; y8 T
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发表于 2013-11-29 01:34:53 | 显示全部楼层
6 z, \& X. S; l) I& u$ B. T; \( [8 ~其次,你很难做相关性。
  Z3 l5 _# v) W! W( O4 p2 l% Y最后,同样都是yahoo的产品,answer要比这个好多了
7 |: R. c- B( A" b
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发表于 2013-11-29 08:09:40 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢分享。。。。。感谢lz, \+ p6 o) g: F/ J) T# M0 V
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发表于 2013-12-4 13:12:25 | 显示全部楼层
非常小黑 发表于 2013-11-29 01:34 Tips: How to Use Flickr to bulid your Backlinks
& |' P6 X+ `+ L- c3 @  N; G; K首先我要说的是,所有flickr的留言都是nofollow的
, Q" o8 R/ Y, Q7 |3 P其次,你很难做相关性。
. k$ X2 \/ P3 t8 `5 m最后,同样都是yahoo的产品,ans ...
- z$ a1 j2 C7 E, A( ^* N" J: F
$ B# h% m7 A- a5 r3 V8 S) [
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