之前码子廉价的时候吃了一些码子,但后来去玩了gcp、az、oc,所以aws没怎么用,现在眼看快到期了,码子额度还有一些,这不用白不用啊~ 就咨询了一些大佬关于AWS码子到期,费用账单怎么算的问题。
Hello there,
Greetings from AWS! I hope you are doing well.
I apologize for the chat getting disconnected abruptly.
To give the best support, I tried initiating a call, however I could not connect to you.
I understand you have concerns regarding the credits being applied on your account. Not to worry, I will help you out on this.
I've reviewed your account and I see that you have 3 Promotional credits on your account, out of which one expires on the 30th of November 2021.
I would like to bring to your kind notice that the credit will only be applied for the charges that have incurred for the Month of November, the same promotional credit will not be applied to any charges that will be incurring in the month of December because the credit would've been expired by then.
However, since the credit's end date is on the 30th of November 2021, whatever charges that will incur in the month of November which is inside the purview of 64.75 USD will be covered by the credits.
Hence, when the bills have been generated in the beginning of December, the charges will be covered by the credits.
For more information on AWS credits you can refer to the following document: https://aws.amazon.com/awscredits/
答案就是前者:码子有效期内所产生的费用都抵扣,到期后第二个月不再抵扣,所以月底那天记得调闹钟删鸡。其实AWS大厂也是算大气的,如果忘了删鸡你也可以发工单申请撤销账单的,好好解释就行~ |
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