If you place an order that is not activated due to your own negligence, please note it may take up to 30 days to receive a cancellation and refund. This includes not posting your order ID, or losing your order ID. We'll provide at least 24 hours for you to post your order ID here, and up to 30 days (per the previously mentioned cancellation policy.) This will probably average out to about a week.
如果您下的订单由于您自己的疏忽而没有被激活,请注意它可能需要长达30天才能收到取消和退款。这包括不张贴您的订单 ID,或丢失您的订单 ID。我们将提供至少24小时为您张贴您的订单 ID 在这里,并最多30天(根据前面提到的取消政策。)这可能平均为一周左右。
We will also cancel and refund any order for any reason before activation. Unless it is activated, please assume that we're not required to render any services to you. We'll generally cancel and refund your order if you've previously been marked as a problematic customer.
我们也将取消和退款之前激活任何原因的订单。除非它被激活,请假设我们不需要为您提供任何服务。如果您以前被标记为有问题的客户,我们通常会取消并退还您的订单。 |