本帖最后由 20081008 于 2010-7-10 19:05 编辑
带着微笑 再见,维多利亚 再见,吾爱
Goodbye Victoria ——基诺乐队 Chino 相信自己的耳朵,这是支国人乐队。很爱的一首歌,中间的那段小提琴,着迷了。
You better get yourself a ride
,and you got to take your time,
for whom those stormy clouds slowly passed her by.
With the bitter taste, the tear drops in your eyes.
And I know it's so hard for you to say goodbye,
since you grew up in it's arms and blew off your mind.
And for all the bittersweet moments that
you can never left behind.
When you're lonely,
When you're lonely,
there's no one around,
there's no one around,
you needed someone
you needed someone to look you in the eyes.
If it takes me over to stay by your side,
Yes I'll be waiting till the end of the time.
Remember the trees and grass that belong to us,
and also the sky and the stars.
Can't you see, all of them were waiting for us,
they used to wait just for us.
I loved to see you in bloom,
but you liked to see me in blue.
You broke our mirrors and our violent home.
And you would never know how a heart turns into a stone.
When you're lonely, there's no one around,
you needed someone to look you in the eyes.
If it takes me over to stay by your side,
Yes I'll be waiting till the end of the time.
It keeps me hanging there
, just trying too hold on.
All the things were gone but me
.A love goes blind,
a love that can't deny.
A love that's so hard to say goodbye.
Now I can't find the way into your eyes,
your smile to me kiss goodbye
Now I can't find the way into your eyes,
your smile to me means goodbye 来自武汉的基诺乐队可能是目前中国地区最与众不同的年轻乐队。受英国音乐影响颇深的基诺乐队在跳脱英国音乐表面框架的同时,试图将自身的特点融合入他们所创造的音乐之中以产生不同于别人的独特气质。首张专辑《再见!维多利亚》是他们首次正式发表自己的作品,这张拥有11首曲目的完整专辑所要表现的并非狂妄的信心与坚强的斗志,而是在试图挥手作别,与往日的自己以及相伴自己的那些美好事物。没有愤世嫉俗,没有革命野心,基诺乐队试图展现的,只是建筑在自身独特世界观之上略带忧郁的情绪。
PS:论坛由于不好放MP3,只好放网盘啦! |