Affiliate Page Dominator

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Affiliate Page Dominator
Instantly Gain A Competitive Advantage ByHaving Affiliates Literally Jumping Out Of TheirShoes To Promote YOUR Products Instead OfThe Competition's
Amazing New Dynamic Affiliate Page Generating SoftwareRemoves ALL Excuses Your Affiliates Can Throw At You From: Mike Filsaime and Ray La Foy
Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010
Amazing New Software Dramatically Increases Your Product Sales
Dear Product Owner,
It's a Fact...
Almost ALL affiliates don't want to have to create their own tools to promote your products.
And without affiliates, your sales will suffer big time!
You must have a wide variety of marketing and promotion tools for them to choose from or they will simply promote your competitor's product that does.
It's just not worth their time when they can find a product where the owner has made their life easy and provided them with all the tools they need.
In many cases, when it comes to selling information and software products online, there are two parties involved...
The affiliate marketer looking for a quality product to promote, and the product owner looking for affiliates to help them make more sales of their product.
Let's pretend for the moment that you are the affiliate marketer...
Who's Product Would You Be More Inclined To Promote?
Product 1 where all you are provided with is an affiliate link, if you're lucky.  Many times it's like pulling teeth just to get that for reasons beyond my understanding.
Product 2 where you have a selection of promotional tools such as emails, blog reviews, banners, images, audios, videos, brandable pdf reports, etc...
...all with your affiliate link automatically inserted into the code and all you have to do is copy and paste wherever you see fit.
Assuming both products are of similar quality, I think it's safe to say your choice is obvious.
You would promote product 2 over product 1 all day every day!
Seriously, who wants to spend their time creating promotional tools for someone else's products?
Do you? I sure as hell don't!
Now, if you wouldn't go through all of this trouble creating promotion tools to promote someone else's product...
What Makes You Think Anyone In Their Right Mind Will
Break Their Back to promote Any of YOUR products?
It's blatantly obvious and should be a requirement.
You need to have promotion tools pre-made for your affiliates.  
And on top of that, to make their life as easy as possible, their affiliate ID should already be inserted into each tool.
The less work they have to do, the more likely they will promote your product.
Now, don't get me wrong.
Doing this for every product you have created, by hand, can certainly be a time-consuming endeavor.
One of these pages can take several hours or even days to build from scratch!
Trust me I know.
I have created at least 20 of these full out promotion tools pages for my affiliates the old fashioned time consuming way.
I got so fed up with doing it myself that I had one of my staff members start building all of my promotion tools pages for me so I wouldn't have to be bothered with this daunting task!
Now, you may be wondering just how DO you get your affiliates' ID's to be automatically inserted in to the tools like I mentioned before?
Well to be honest with you, it requires this dirty 10 letter word that ends up stopping most people dead in their tracks.
Yes - you either have to be a decent programmer yourself or you need to hire a programmer to pull this off.
Or you can buy my Butterfly Marketing software for $1497 (which is where the stacked promo tools page concept originated) and build a "butterfly" site which does "some" of the hard work for you.
I have great news for you!
What would you say if I told you that you didn't need to be a programmer, hire a programmer, learn anything new, or drop a cool fifteen hundred bucks to accomplish this?
If you're anything like me and don't want to pull your hair out, or what's left of it, don't you wish someone would put together some sort of software wizard that makes creating these pages as easy as filling in the blanks of a simple step-by-step form?
Well, I got tired of waiting, so I decided to do something about it.
Introducing Affiliate Page Dominator: Your All In One Solution For Attracting, Motivating, And Keeping Affiliate Marketers Promoting YOUR Products Instead Of The Competition
"I will definitely be using Affiliate Page Dominator to dominate my niche"
Affiliate Page DominatorMike and Ray have put together a tool that is valuable for any product owner who has an affiliate program whether they're doing it themselves or using an affiliate manager. It breaks everything down for you step by step, and gives you the best practices for setting up a profitable affiliate program so you can really dominate your niche.

Shifting gears to being an affiliate promoter, it's really a pain when the product a owner only has 1 or 2 emails and a couple banner images to promote their product. Now if they had used affiliate page dominator, they'd have a multitude of methods to promote their product to suit any affiliates' promoting style. And it'd makes it brain dead simple for me to promote their products with-out having to do a lot of extra work.

Any product that I launch or work on in the future I will definitely be using affiliate page dominator to dominate my niche. What about you?
Finally, you can easily create a complete system of affiliate tools embedded with your affiliates' ID's automatically without having to hire a programmer or spending countless hours doing it the old way.
With this user friendly, easy to follow, step-by-step software interface, you can have your affiliate tools for ANY product ready to go in minutes!
Now, instead of scrambling trying to figure out what to provide your affiliates for marketing tools, you can eliminate ALL of the guess work.
If you sell your own products online and understand the impact that an army of happy affiliates can have on your business, but don't want to spend hours or days trying to build one of these must have Promotion Tools pages for your affiliates or you don't even really know web design all that well, then...
Affiliate Page Dominator Is An Absolute No-Brainer
Here Are Some More Reasons Why:
    No html knowledge required - simply fill in the blanks and it generates your affiliate tools page and uploads it for you right on the fly
  • Automatically uploads all required files to your hosting account - no ftp client needed
  • You can use Affiliate Page Dominator with any affiliate program that you use to sell your products such as Clickbank, PayDotCom, 1ShoppingCart, etc.
  • Can Easily Be Integrated with Aweber, ProSender, EmailAces, GetResponse, and Custom Autoresponder Services.  Now you can build yourself an ARMY of affiliates who you can rally at any time to sell your products and services by having them opt-in to your list to become your affiliate.
  • Built in Resource links provide your affiliates with specific marketing tactics that your affiliates can Immediately Capitalize on to promote your product.  So not only do your affiliates get the tools, they also get specific tactics and resources to use when promoting your product with those tools.
  • Can be used on as many sites as you like, for as many products as you ever intend to sell
  • You can use your own custom header and footer on generated page
  • Extremely easy to update. You don't have to use every affiliate tool available if you don't want to, but you can increase the number of affiliate promotion tools over time as you see fit.
To sum it up in English, Affiliate Page Dominator is extremely easy to use and will save you a ton of time and end up making you more money because your affiliates will be excited to promote your products with all of the tools you will now be able to provide them.
Just fill in the blanks, upload the files to your server or let the wizard upload the files for you...
...and BAM!!  You'll have a FULLY LOADED affiliate promo tools page to die for.
At this point, you're probably wondering which affiliate promotion tools and how many of them Affiliate Page Dominator can create for you on the fly.
Here's your answer...
There are twenty unique and effective Promotion tools in total That Your Affiliates Will Have At Their Disposal
*Here's a detailed list:
    Affiliate Link - always good to have that for the creative affiliate that actually does like to do their own thing.  Obviously this goes without saying, but it's very important to have this clearly visible on your affiliate page
  • Personalized Emails for your affiliates that already have their own opt-in list or that use email submission services that offer solo ads, ezine ads, etc.
  • Signature Files - gif you get emails from any marketers or participate in discussion forums, these are the 2-5 line ads that you'll see at the very end of their message or in their forum signature box
  • Banners and Images - your affiliates can place your images in various locations on any of their own websites or blogs, in banner exchanges, and any other place that lets them advertise with images
  • Blog Reviews - just about everybody has their own blog or a complete network of blogs and are always looking for good content to post.  Why not give them prewritten reviews of your product to post to their blog readers?  Both Raw Text and HTML formats
  • Web 2.0 Social Marketing Sites - enables your affiliates to bookmark and tag their affiliate links with their favorite social bookmarking site. Over 100 different sites
  • MP3 Audio Files - let your affiliates post audio messages that you create on any of their sites loaded with their affiliate link.
  • Promo/Demo Videos - enables the ability for your affiliates to copy/paste video embed code loaded with their affiliate link of a review/promo/demo video of your product that you posted on YouTube™
  • Built In Tell A Friend Script - we have a built in script for any affiliates that have a ton of friends they want to tell about your products
  • Brandable PDF Reports - built in feature allows your affiliates to brand reports you provide for them with their affiliate without using any complicated pieces of software.
  • Unblockable Fade In PopUps - yes, pop-ups still do work.  Does not get picked up by popup blockers whatsoever!
  • Text Links - affiliates can paste these anywhere on their website or blog
  • URL Redirects - simple code allows you to cloak your affiliate link so it does not appear to be a blatant affiliate link.
  • Ezine Ads - there are thousands of list owners who let people advertise in their ezines for a fee.  Very powerful if used correctly.  Directory of the hottest ezines provided.
  • PayPerClick Ads - there are so many extremely successful affiliates that are under the radar because they just advertise with PPC.
  • Articles - many affiliates write and submit articles to get organic traffic from the search engines. List included of the best article directories.
  • SafeList Ads - safelists are essentially membership sites where all the members agree to receive emails from each other.  Similar to ezine ads.  Affiliates that know how to use them get great results.
  • Press Releases - great way to get the word out about anything.  Directory included
  • Top Sponsor Ads - great 2 - 5 line ads that can be used as an ad before an email message
  • Instant Buzz Bar Ads - over 150,000 people and counting have the Instant Buzz browser.
*Please keep in mind that Affiliate Page Dominator does not create the promotional materials for you.  You will still be required to create the content yourself.  Affiliate Page Dominator is a tool that will build the page with all of your promotional materials on that page once you fill in the required fields when running the software wizard.
That's a great looking page, wouldn't you agree?  If you were an affiliate, how pumped would you be if you wanted to promote something and the product owner had a professional looking and stacked Affiliate Promotion Tools page like the one you just saw above?

The best part is it will only take you minutes to input all of your promotional material into this wizard and have it spit out your killer Promo Tools page.
Sure, there's a good chance you've seen pages like that, but ask the site owner how long it took them to make - from scratch.
As I already mentioned, it used to take me hours and sometimes even days to build one of those pages.
But not any more because...
Why Spend Hours Or Even Days In Agony Trying To Build This Extremely Vital Page When You Can Simply Fill In The Blanks And Have Affiliate Page Dominator Build A Superior Promotion Tools Page For You In Just A Few Minutes?
Seriously - how much is your time worth to you?
Here's a list of more profitable things you can do with that time:
  • recruit affiliates to promote your product
  • actively seek out quality sources of free and paid traffic for your site
  • optimize sales page conversions
  • optimize back end revenue stream
  • create your next product
  • write follow ups for your autoresponder
  • and the list goes on
Wouldn't you agree it's safe to say that any and all of the activities listed above are worth at least $297?
Your time is worth more than whatever number you come up with.  Any opportunity that you ever get to save time by automating a task will end up making you more money by allowing you to focus on more profitable activities.
Would you be willing to pay $297 to automate a task as time consuming and stressful as building a promotion tools page that would take you less than 10 minutes to do with Affiliate Page Dominator and would do a better job?
I admit $297 may be steep, but you and I both know your time is worth more than that.
How about $197.
Based on what this tool can do for you, would it be worth $197 to save yourself hours by automating this task?
Well, the truth is...
Although I would feel perfectly fine asking for at least
$197 for Affiliate Page Dominator, I'm not going to.
I'm not even going to ask you for $97.
For a limited time, since we haven't even officially launched yet, you can start using Affiliate Page Dominator immediately for ONLY $67
"...let me create all the tools
any affiliate could want..."
Affiliate Page Dominator
Affiliate Page Dominator let me create all the tools any affiliate could want (and then some) just by running the simple, fill-in-the-blank program and...bam! the to-do list!

You guys saved me the time and frustration of building my own promotion page AND helped ensure that I'm set up for maximum profit.  I thank you...and my product launch thanks you!

Lon Naylor
And this price will only be good for the first 100 units as we will be gauging demand in the marketplace.
$67 is the lowest it will ever be.  The next move after the first 100 units will be to raise the price to $97 for a set number of units to be determined at a later date.
And in an effort to show you how confident we are about how valuable Affiliate Page Dominator will prove to be for you, we're going to take all of the risk out of your hands and put it in ours by offering a no questions asked money back guarantee.
My 100% Iron Clad Money-Back Guarantee
If after 30 days you find that Affiliate Page Dominator does not do everything we told you it would, especially make you more money, simply email me for a refund on the spot. You have nothing to lose.
If Affiliate Page Dominator does not build incredible promotion tool pages for your products and save you a ton of time in the process, you get your money back.  No Questions Asked!
This makes it absolutely risk free to give Affiliate Page Dominator a try.  You can get every nickel of your money back under our no questions asked guarantee.
With all the risk on us, investing in Affiliate Page Dominator should be an very easy decision for you.  Save yourself a ton of time and wow your affiliates into promoting your products with this incredible fill in the blank promotion tools page creator.
"Fill in the blanks, click upload and it's done!"
Affiliate Page DominatorConsidering the fact that affiliates bring in the bulk of my online business, providing them with a vast array of promotion tools, I feel is critical.

The Affiliate Page Dominator software makes it so easy for me to setup an affiliate promotion page - fill in the blanks and click upload and it's done. I love it! My affiliates love it!

If you run ANY affiliate program - I highly recommend you get Affiliate Page Dominator!
Alex Jeffreys

Yes Mike and Ray!  I want to start using Affiliate Page Dominator to easily build extremely powerful promotion tools pages for ALL of my sites and Instantly increase my sales made by affiliates.
Affiliate Page Dominator I'm ready to have more affiliates than I can handle all promoting MY site instead of my competitors.
Affiliate Page Dominator I want to be able to build my promotion tools pages in at least 1/10th the time it will take me without using this incredible fill in the blanks wizard.
Affiliate Page Dominator I understand that I have nothing to lose with your 30 day 100% Iron Clad No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.
Affiliate Page Dominator I am aware that you will be raising your price from $67 to $97 after the first 100 units are sold.
Affiliate Page Dominator I am in agreement with you that at $67, this is the biggest no-brainer
With That Said, Please Let Me Start Using Affiliate Page Dominator For An Incredible One-Time Investment of Only $297 $197 $97 $67.  I want to get my hands on it at it's lowest price.

You Must Be Excited Being Just 30 Seconds Away From Using This One Of A Kind Tool!
To Your Success,
Mike Filsaime & Ray La Foy
Affiliate Page Dominator
Affiliate Page Dominator
- Remember, the lowest introductory price of $67 will not be around forever.  Once we hit 100 units, the price will be raised and you will instead have to pay $97.  Hurry Now before the price goes up!
P.P.S. - You only have to pay once to use this tool on as many sites as you want.  You have unlimited use.  Put It To Work For You Now
P.P.P.S - Remember, our 30 day 100% Iron Clad No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee puts all the risk on us.  You have nothing to lose, more affiliates and sales to gain, and more time to focus on more profitable activities within your business to grow it at record speeds. Download Now
Affiliate Page Dominator
发表于 2010-9-16 14:43:59 | 显示全部楼层
1# 20081008

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好牛阿! 整个lp都过来了
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