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发表于 2004-12-29 14:30:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dr.Ban Seng Hoe 何万成
Curator, Asian Studies, The Canadian Museum of Civilization
P.O. Box 3100, Station B Hall, Quebec, J8X 4H2 Canada
Fax: 819-776-8238
Email: banseng.hoe@civilization.ca

Ms.Angela Kan 简颖湘
Executive Director, Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Vancouver,Canada
50 East Pender Street, Vancouver British Columbia Canada V6A 3V6
Tel: 604-687-0729
Fax: 604-687-6260
Email: ccchq@intergate.bc.ca
Web Site: http://www.cccvan.com ;;

Prof. Peter S. Li
Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan
9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 5A5
Tel: 306-966-6950, 306-966-9636
Fax: 306-966-6953
E-mail: LI@skyway.usask.ca

Prof. Zong Li
Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan
9 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5A5
Tel: 306-9666984, 306-3733417
Fax: 306-9666950
E-mail: ZONGL@skyway.usask.ca

Guida C. Man
Centre for Refugee Studies, York University
York Lanes, 4700 Keele St.
North York, Ontario M3J 1P3
Tel: 416-736-5663 x 20572
Fax: 416-340-7400

Dr. Josephine Smart
Department of Anthropology, The University of Calgary
2500 University Drive
NW Calgary, Alberta T2N IN4
Tel: 1-403-220-6774, 1-403-289-2906
Fax: 1-403-284-5467
E-mail: smart@acs.ucalgary.ca

Dr. Tre Sue-A-Quan
Director, China Scientech Consultants
240 East Woodstock Avenue, Vancouver,
British Columbia V5W 1N1, Canada
Tel: 604-325-4989
Fax: 604-325-3589
Email: trevsaq@hotmail.com
Web Site: http://CGRoots.tripod.com ;;

Prof. Edger Wickberg 魏 安 国
Department of History, University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada




Prof.Alan A. Lew
Dept. of geography and Public Planning
Northern Arizona University, Box 15016
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-5016
Tel: 928-523-6567
Fax: 928-523-1080
E-mail: alan.lew@nau.edu
Homepage: http://www.geog.nau.edu/~alew ;;

Prof.Shuming Bao
Senior Research Associate
China Data Center/ Chinese Economists Society
University of Michigan, USA
Suite 3630, 1080 S. University St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106, USA
Tel: 734-647-9610 Fax: 734-764-5540
Email: sbao@umich.edu
Web site: http://www.china-ces.org ;;

Prof.Bernard P. Wong, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel: 415-338-7518(O)
Fax: 415-338-0530(O)
Webpage: http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~bernardw/ ;;
Dr. Carter Carolyn
Department of Geography, University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: 541-3464557
Fax: 541-3462067
E-mail: cartier@oregon.uoregon.edu

Prof. Sheau-yueh J. Chao
Head Cataloging/Library Liaison for Asian Studies and Romance Languages
Newman Library, Baruch College
The City University of New York, USA
151 E. 25th Street, Rm. 520 New York, NY10010 USA
Tel: 212-802-2372
Fax: 211-802-2360
Email: Sheau-Yueh_Chao@baruch.cuny.edu
Web Site: http://newman.baruch.cuny.edu ;;

Prof.Zhiyuan Chen 陈致远
Asian Study Committee, Appalachian State University,USA
Dept.of Foreign Languages, Appalachian State University
521 Sanford HallBoone, NC 28608, USA
Tel: 828-262-6656
Fax: 828-262-7079
Email: chenzhi@appstate.edu

Ms. Loni Ding
University of California, Berkeley
Tel: 510-848-1656, 510-841-1263
E-mail: loniding@sirius.com

Dr. Lorraine Dong
Asian American Studies
San Francisco State University
c/o AAS, San Francisco state University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 64132
Tel: 415-3387590, 415-7538311
Fax: 415-3380500
E-mail: ldong@sfsu.edu

Prof. Enya Flores-Meiser
Department of Anthropology, College of Science and Humanities
Ball State University
Munci, Indiana 47304
Tel: 756-288-3480
Fax: 765-285-1482
E-mail: 00epflores@bsuvc.bsu.edu emeiser@gw.bsu.edu

Ms. Amy L Freedman
Franklin and Marshall College
110 West 90th, Apt. 4E
New York, NY 10042
Tel: 212-877-2767
Fax: 212-995-418433
E-mail: aqf1541@is2.nyu.edu

Fe Susan Go
Head, Southeast Asia Library
University of Michigan
Southeast Asia Division
110 HHGL-N
Ann Harbor, MI 48109-1205
Tel: 313-764-7523
Fax: 313-763-6743
E-mail: FSGO@umich.edu

Dr.Yugui Guo 郭玉贵
Project manager, Community of Science USA
1629 Thames Street Baltimore, MD 21231, USA
Tel: 410-563-2378 ext.315
Fax: 410-563-5389
Email: yg1@ntmailer.cos.com

Ms. Carolyn Hau
Department of English, University of Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
407 Lake St. Apt B32
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 607-272-6824 (USA)
Fax: 607-255-6661 (Cornell Univ)
E-mail: csh7@cornell.edu

Dr. Mark Lai Him
Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway
San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel: 415-3977164
Fax: 415-3977164
E-mail: hmlai@sfsu.edu,

Dr. Marlon Hom
Chair of Asian American Studies
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel: 415-3382699, 415-7538311
Fax: 415-3380500
E-mail: mhom@sfsu.edu

Prof.Junhao Hong
Asian Studies Advisory Council
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Department of Communication
359 Baldy HallSUNY-Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260, USA
Tel: 716 645 2141 ext: 763

Dr. Madelaine Hsu
Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel: 415-3383493, 415-8644058
Fax: 415-3380500
E-mail: mhsu@sfsu.edu

Dr. Evelyne Hu-Dehart 胡 其 瑜
Department of Ethnic Studies
University of Colorado-Boulder
Campus Box 339
Boulder, Colorado 80309
Tel: 303-492-8852
Fax: 303-492-7799
E-mail: hudeart@spot.colorado.edu

Dr.Jean M.Johnson
Senior Analyst,US National Science Foundation,USA
SBE/SRS Room 965 S.4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230, USA

Prof. Peter Kwong
Hunter College
City University of New York
695 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10021
Tel: 212-772-5559, 212-406-9161
Fax: 212-67-1752
E-mail: pkwong@shira.hunter.cuny.edu

Mrs. Laura Lai
357 Union St.
San Francisco, CA 94133
Tel: 415-3977164
Fax: 415-3977164
E-mail: hmlai@sfsu.edu

Dr. Lee Hwa-Wei 李 华 伟
Dean Emeritus, University Libraries
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701, USA
Tel: 740-593-2705
E-mail: leeh@ohio.edu

Dr.Li, Bernadette 李又宁
Institute of Asian Studies, St. John's University
8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11439
Tel: 718-990-1657
Fax: 718-990-1881

Prof. Hongshan Li 李洪山
President(1998 -1999), Chinese Historians in the United States (CHUS)
History DepartmentKent, Kent State University
330 University Drive, N.E
New Philadelphia OH 446623, USA
Tel: 330-308-7455
Fax: 330-339-3321
Email: hli@tusc.kent.edu

Dr.Xiaobing Li 李小兵
Associate Director
American Review of China Studies 中国研究学刊
Western Pacific Institute, University of Central Oklahoma,USA
100 N. University DriveEdmond, OK 73034,USA
Tel: 405 974 5483
Fax: 405 974 3823
Email: bli@ucok.edu

Dr. Ling Huping
Associate professor of History,
Division of Scocial Science
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO 63501
Tel: 660-7854654
Fax: 660-7854337
E-mail: hling@truman.edu

Prof.Min Liu
Sociology 225 Nicarry Hall
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Tel: 717-361-1571
Fax: 717-361-1487
Email: liumin@etown.edu

Ms.Kathleen M. Lopez
Department of History, University of Michigan
1029 Tisch Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

420 East 55 Street, 7K New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-7518946
Fax: 212-7511257

Dr. Raymond Lum
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-495-2508
Fax: 496-6008
E-mail: rlum@fas.harvard.edu

Ms. Teresa Mei 梅叶帼雄
Chinese Bibliographer
Wason Collection on East Asia
172 Kroch LibraryCornell University, USA
Ithaca, NY 14853-5301, USA
Tel: 607-255-4357
Fax: 607-255-8438
Email: tkm2@cornell.edu

Mr. Kent Mulliner
Asst. to Dean & Collection Dev. Coord.
Ohio University
508 Alden Library
Athens, OH 45701, USA
Tel: 740-593-2707
E-mail: mulliner@ohio.edu

Ms. Lian The-Mulliner
Head, Southeast Asia Collection
Ohio University
123 Alden Library
Athens, OH 45701
Tel: 740-593-2657
E-mail: the-mull@ohio.edu

Mrs. Wei Chi Poon
Asian American Studies Specialist
Ethnic Studies Library The University of California at Berkeley USA
30 Stephens Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2360, USA
Tel: 510-642-2220
Fax: 510-643-8433
E-mail: wcpoon@library.berkeley.edu

Prof. Anthony Reid
History Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Box 951473, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1473
Tel: 310-794-9547
Fax: 310-206-9630
Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Bunche Hall 11364, UCLA
Tel: (310)206-9163
Email: cseas@isop.ucla.edu
Website: http://www.isop.ucla.edu/cseas ;;

Mr. Shiro Saito
University of Hawaii Library
2550 The Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
E-mail: shiro@hawaii.edu

Dr.Sun Yi
Department of History, University of San Diego,USA
San Diego, CA 92110,USA
Tel: 619-260-6811
Fax: 619-260-2272
Email: ysun@acusd.edu

Mr.Melvin Thatcher 沙其敏
Area ManagerAsia/Pacific/Africa
Genealogical Society of Utah, USA
50 East North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84150,USA
Tel: 801-240-3048
Fax: 801-240-1448
Email: thatchermp@gensocietyofutah.org
Web Site: http://www.familysearch.org ;;

Dr. Wang Ling-Chi
Chair, Department of Ethnic Studies
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2570
Tel: 510-642-6555, 510-6427439
Fax: 510-6426456
E-mail: lcwang@uclink2.berkeley.edu

Dr. Andrew R. Wilson
Associate Professor of Strategy
Connolly 404
United States Naval War College
686 Cushing Road
Newport, RI 02841
Tel: 617-666-2985

Prof. Yuang Tsing 袁 清
Department of History
Wright State University
Dayton, OH 45435
Tel: 937-775-3110, 937-427-2245
Fax: 937-775-3301, 937-427-2445
E-mail: tyuan@desire.wright.edu

Prof. Jie Zhang 张杰
President of the Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences
in the United States (ACPSS) 中国旅美社会科学教授协会
Department of Sociology, SUNY College at BuffaloBuffalo, NY 14222USA
Tel: 716-878-6425
Fax: 716-878-4009
Email: zhangj@buffalostate.edu
Web Site: http://www.kennesaw.edu/acpss ;;

Mr. Jeff Liang Gen Zheng 郑良根
President of Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS)
20879 Chase DriveNovi, MI 48735, USA
Tel/Fax: 248-449-1690, 248-449-7056
Email: Lzheng@tir.com
Web Site: http://www.csaus.org ;;

Dr. Liren Zheng 郑 力 人
Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center
109 Alden Library
Ohio University Library
Athens, OH 45701
Tel: 740-597-2530
Fax: 740-593-0738
E-mail: zheng@ohiou.edu

Dr.Min Zhou
Department of Sociology
264 Haines Hall, 375 Portola Plaza
Box 951551
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1551
Tel: (310)825-3532 or 825-1313
Fax: (310)206-9838
Webpage: http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/faculty/zhou/ ;;


Dr. Yang Alexander Chung Yuan
University of San Paulo
Kira Das Margaritas 336, Brooklin
04704-040 San Paulo
Tel: 5511-2416448
Fax: 5511-5332691



Dr. Wu-Beyens I-Chuan
National Funds of Scientific Research
Belgium Universite de Catholique
de Louvain (UCL) Belgium
1 Place dey Doyens, 1348 Louvain-la-Nueve
Tel: 32-10473352
Fax: 32-10472805
E-mail: wu@dvlp.ucl.ac.be



Dr. Mette Thunoe
University of Copenhagen
Department of Asian Studies
Leifsgade 33, DK-2300, Copenhagen
Tel: 45-353-28822
Fax: 45-353-28835
E-mail: mette@coco.ihi.ku.dk



Dr. Frank Nicolaas Pieke
Lecturer, Modern Politics and Society of China
University of Oxford
Institute for Chinese Studies, Walton Street, Oxford OX1 2HG
Tel: 44-1865-280386
Fax: 44-1865-280431
E-mail: frank.pieke@anthropoly.oxford.ac.uk

Ms. Tam Suk-Tak
Faculty of Social and Political Scineces, University of Cambridge
17 Cockroft Place, Cambridge CB3 OHF
Tel: 44-1223-504976
E-mail: st209@cam.ac.uk



Dr. Carine Guerassimoff
Chiang Ch'ing Kuo Foundation Fellow
S.E.D.E.T, University of Paris VII
Tour Centrale, 2e Etage - Case 701
2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05
Tel: 33-4-77-27-47-01
Fax: 33-1-44-27-79-87
E-mail: guerassi@club.internet.fr



Dr. Mary F. Somers Heidhues
Leipziger Str. 16, W-3406 Bovenden



Dr. Patricia Carioti
Researcher, Instituto Universitario Orientale of Napoli
Dept. of Asian Studies
Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore 12, Napoli
Tel: 081-5526178 ext. 276
Fax: 081-5517852



Dr. Rosy Antons-Sutanto
Cultural Anthropology, Leiden University
Wasseraarseweg 55, 2300 Leiden
Fax: 613-94791607
E-mail: C.Antons@latrobe.edu.au

Wu Feng Bin
Sinological Institute, Leiden University
P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden
Tel: 31-0-71-5272212

Dr. Leonard Blusse
Vakgroep Geschiedenis, IGEER/CNWS
Doelensteeg 16, Postbus 9515, 2300 RA Leiden
Tel: 071-527-77-66
Fax: 071-527-26-52
E-mail: Blusse@Rullet.Leidenuniv.nl



Prof. Vladimir Boyko
Center for Regional Studies
Barnaul State Pedagogical University
Resear Project: "Chinese in Western Siberia in 1920s-1930s"
Research interest: Chinese Communities in Asiatic Russia
Molodezhnaya Street 55
Barnaul 656031, Russia
Tel:7(3852)266687, Fax:7(3852)260836
E-mail: boyko@bspu.secna.ru
Dr.Dikariov, Andrew
Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Rozhdestvenka St., 12, Moscow, Russia 103753
Tel: 7-095-9259-568
Fax: 7-095-9752-396
Email: dikarev@mail.magelan.ru
Web Site: http://www.orientalia.ac.ru ;;



Prof. Ramses Amer
Coordinator, Southeast Asia Programme (SEAP)
Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Uppsala University
Box 514, 751 20 Uppsala
Tel: 46-18-471000, 46-8-6187347
Fax: 46-18-695102
E-mail: ramses.amer@pcr.uu.se



Prof. Ang May Ien
Director, Research Center in Intercommunal Studies
UWS Nepean
PO Box 10, Kingswood, NSW 2747
Tel: 61-2-9678-7362
Fax: 61-2-9678-7388
E-mail: i.ang@uws.edu.au

Min-his Chan
Lecturer, East Asian History
Professor, Hunan Normal University
Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Callaghan NWS 2308
Tel: 61-2-4921-5218
Fax: 61-2-4921-6940
E-mail: hichan@cc.newcastle.edu.au

Mr. C C Chin
Visiting Researcher, SEA History Department
RSPAS, Australian National University
PO Box 739, Kingswood, NSW 2747
Tel: 612-47368150
Fax: 612-47368149

Ms. Melizza Chua
Lecturer, Australia Asia Management Centre
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
Tel: 61-2-62494974, 61-2-62419184
Fax: 61-2-62494895
E-mail: melizza.chua@anu.edu.au

Dr. Charles Coppel
Department of History, the University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Tel: 61-3-93445952, 61-3-93479025
Fax: 61-3-93447894, 61-3-93494460
E-mail: c.coppel@history.unimelb.edu.au

Dr.Lawrence W.Crissman
Director of the Australian Centre of
of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network
Tel: (61-7)3875-7285
Fax: (61-7)3875-7956or 3875-5111
Email: Crissman@ASIAN.gu.edu.au
Website: http//www.asian.gu.edu.au/staff/larry.html/

Dr. Beverly Hong-Fincher
Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
Tel: 61-2-62491230, 0580
Fax: 61-2-62403144
E-mail: beverly.hong@anu.edu.au

Prof. John Fitzgerald
Department of Asian Studies, La Trobe University
Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia
Tel: (61)-3-9479-3017
Fax: (61)-3-9479-1880
Email: J.Fitzgerald@latrobe.edu.au

Dr. M.R. Godley
Center for the Study of the Southern Chinese Diaspora
Deaprtment of pacific & Asian History
Research School of Pacific & Asian Studies
Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
Email: godley@coombs.anu.edu.au




Prof. Clarence T. Aasen
Prof. Of Architecture
Schools for Architecture & Design, Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington
Tel: 04-8026226, 04-3850816
Fax: 04-8026204
E-mail: Clarence.Aasen@vuw.ac.nz

Ms. Gail Fromson-Aasen
Senior Lecturer, School of Design
Wellington Polytechnic
PO Box 756, Wellington
Tel: 04-8026239, 04-3850816
Fax: 04-8026244
E-mail: Gail_Fromson-Aasen@design.wnp.ac.nz

Prof. Ip Manying
Department of Asian Languages & Literatures, University of Auckland
Privata Bag 92019, Auckland
Tel: 649-3737599, 649-5292172
Fax: 649-3737411, 649-5292175
E-mail: my.ip@auckland.ac.nz



Mr. Hendrik Jozephus Harris
23 Hurricane Street
Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion Pretoria 0157
Tel: 012-662-1049



Ehsanul Haque
University of Dhaka
Email: ehsanul@eduoramail.com



Dr. A. Dahana
Gatra Weekly News Magazine
Ji. Langit-langit 8
Kayu Putih, Jakarta 13210
E-mail: anahadag@link.net.id

Mr. James Kristanto
Jl. Suryo No 46, Solo 57128
Jateng, Indonesia
Tel: (62)271-635969
E-mail: jamez_91@hotmail.com
Webpage: http://www.huaren.org ;;

Perajaka Maximus Ali
Correspondent, Bisnis Indonesia (Daily Newspaper)
Jl. S. Parman Kav 12, Jakarta

Rully Rahmad I.S.
Correspondent, Bisnis Indonesia (Daily Newspaper)
Jl. S. Parman Kav 12, Jakarta
Fr. Wibowo Wibisono Igantius
Pusat Studi Cina Diyarkara
Kotak pos 1397, Jakarta 10013
E-mail: iww@indo.net.id

Dr. Melly G. Tan
Chairperson, Research Institute
Atma Jaya Catholic University
Jl. Wijaya XVI/15
Jakarta 12160
Tel: 5727461, 7208641
Fax: 5727461, 7208641




Koh Ai Peng
Librarian, East Asian Studies Library, University of Malaya Library, Malaysia
Email: a4kohai@umcsd.um.edu.my

Dr. P. H. S. Lim
Malaysia Investors' Association
Mia Mega Fortune Bhd.
G.P.O. Box 12121
Jl. Ipoh, BT 4, 50768, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-626-1433, 012-212-8870
Fax: 603-626-0042

Prof. Manosr B. Mohd Noor
Center for Policy Research
University Sains Malaysia
11800 Minden, Penang
Tel: 04-6577888 ext 3390
Fax: 04-6584820
E-mail: mnmansor@usm.my

Dr. Niew Shong Tong
Department of Public Policy & Administration
Universiti Brunei Darussalam, BSB BE1410
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Fax: 673-2-249517
E-mail: niewst@ubd.edu.bn

Mr. Wong Danny Tze-Ken
Department of History
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-759-5560, 759-5596, 603-7770064
Fax: 603-7595463




Sr. Dina Ang
Immaculate Conception Academy
10 Grant St. Greenhills, San Juan
E-mail: sda@icagh.edu.ph

Prof. Teresita Ang See 洪玉华
Executive Director, Chinese Studies Program
Ateneo De Manila University / Kaisa Heritage Center, The Philippines
Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines 1108
Tel: (63-2) 426-6001Loc 5381 or 5380
Fax: (63-2) 426-6076
Email: ritch@admu.edu.ph

Executive Director, Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlara Inc.
Rm. 1101 State Center Bldg.
333 Juan Luna St. Binondo, Manila
Tel: 242-0808, 242-3123
Fax: 242-0923
E-mail: tessy@philonline.com

Ms. MA Asuncion Azcuna
St. Scholastica's College
2560 Leon Guinto, Manila
Tel: 524-7786, 801-1685

Mr. Johannes Badillo
Executive Officer
Yuchengco Center for East Asia
DeLa Salle University
Taft Avenue, Manila
Tel: 525-3457, 806-9180
Fax: 526-1253
E-mail: clajldb.CLA.DLSU-MANILA@mail.dlsu.edu.ph

Prof. Anavic Bagamaspad
University of Philippines College Baguio
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City
Email: ambil@baguio.upcb.edu.ph

Ms. Aileen Baviera
Executive Director
Philippine-China Development Resource Center
No.23 Madison Street
New Manila, Quezon City
Tel: 722-8861, 925-0213
Fax: 722-8861, 925-0214
E-mail: abaviera@philonline.com

Mr. Ronald Baytan
The Literature Department, De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila
Tel: 524-4611 local 532, 362-2530
Fax: 524-0361, 362-0409
E-mail: clarb.CLA.DLSU-MANILA@mail.dlsu.edu.ph

Ms. Pacita Carluen
Service Program Coordinator, Xavier School
64 Xavier Street, Greenhills West
San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel: 723-0481, 936-1375
Fax: 721-2529

Mr. Christopher Chua
United Church of Christ in the Philippines
Silliman University
877 Edsa West Triangle
Quezon City 1100

Mr. Margarito Fernandez
Mirriam College Foundation
Katipunan Ave. Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Tel: 927-8581, 713-3136, 713-6646
Fax: 426-0169

Mr. Go, Bon Juan 吴文焕
Vice President, Research Division,
Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlaran, Inc. The Philippines
Rm. 1101 State Center Bldg., 333 Juan Luna St.
Binondo, Manila Philippines
Tel: 63-2-242-0808, 242-3123
Fax: 63-2-242-0923
Email: kaisa@philonline.com

Prof. Lily Go
University of St. La Salle
Bacolod City
Tel: 034-23626, 034-4338740
Fax: 034-21973
E-mail: lilygo@usls.edu

Mr. Michael Guzman
MM Trading, McArthur Hi-way
San Fernando, Pampanga
E-mail: 09514635@mail2.dlsu.edu.ph


Mr. Chang Hsi Cheh 张希哲
President, ROC Headquarters of the Overseas Chinese Association, ROC
No. 232, 3rd FL., Tunhwa Road N.Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 02-271-28450, 02-271-80782
Fax: 02-271-31327

Prof. Chang Tsun-Wu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei
Tel: 02-27898261, 02-27823652
Fax: 02-2781675
E-mail: mhctw@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Prof. Chen Hung Yu
Taiwan Political University
President of ROC Society for Overseas Chinese Studies
Tel: 02-29394921 (office)
Fax: 02-23812028
E-mail: chen1@nccu.edu.tw

Dr. Chu Hong-Yuan
Reseacrh Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
PO. Box 1-62, Nankang
Tel: 886-2-2789-8263
Fax: 886-2-2789-8260
E-mail: mhhychu@gate.sinica.edu.tw


Young-Rok Cheong, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies(Economics)
Yonsei University
Seodaemun-ku, Shincon-dong 134, Seoul, 120-749
Tel: 82-2-361-4183
Fax: 82-2-393-7272, 82-2-362-1915
E-mail: yrcheong@bubble.yonsei.ac.kr


Amemiya Maho
Waseda University
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
4-6-8-804 Takanawa Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-0074
Tel: 81-3-3443-7021
E-mail: nihao@sa.uno.ne.jp

Prof.Chen Laixing 陈来幸
Kobe Society for Overseas Chinese Studies, Japan 神户华侨华人研究会
*** 本 兵 库 县 宝 冢 市 武 库 山 1 丁 目 1-15
Tel: 0797-77-4862
Fax: 0797-77-4862
Email: chin@kobeuc.ac.jp

Mr. Duan Yuezhong 段跃中
Publisher, Journal of Chinese in Japan, Japan ***本侨报社
***本国333-0866川口市芝5-6-6, ***本侨报社
Tel: 81-48-268-6946
Fax: 81-48-268-6982
Email: duan@muj.biglobe.ne.jp

Dr. Goro Takahashi
Aichi University
370 Koruzasa Miyoshi-chyo, Aichi-ken, 470-0500
Tel: 81-5613-6-1111, 81-52-8361677
Fax: 81-5613-6-5553
E-mail: takaha@vega.aichi-u.ac.jp

Prof. Hama***a Takeshi
Institute of Oriental Culture
University of Tokyo
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-3812-2111 ext. 5847
Fax: 03-5684-5964
E-mail: hama@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Mr. Gyo Miyahara
Osaka University of Foreign Studies
8-1-1 Aomandani-Higashi, Mino-City
Osaka 562-8558
Tel: 81-727-30-5272, 81-6-842-0701
Fax: 81-727-30-5727, 81-6-842-0701
E-mail: gyomiya@osaka-gaidai.ac.jp

Prof. Hu Jin Ding
Konan University
9-1, Okamoto
8-Chome, Higashinada-ku
Kobe 6658-8501

Dr. Ichikawa Nobuchika 市川信爱
Tenri University
1051 Somanouchi-cho, Tenri City, Nara-Pre 6320032
1-11, 4-309 Maeda, Yahata-Higashiku Ku
Kitakyushu City 8050069
Tel: 0081-743-63-1515, 093-681-5506
Fax: 0081-743-62-1965, 093-681-5506

Kyusyu University
Tel/Fax: 093-681-5506

Director, Nagasaki Branch Kyushu Society for Overseas Chinese Studies, Japan
#2-6-1, Ogura, Yahata Higashi-ku, Kitakyushu City
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan 805-0059
Tel: 0081-93-661-7694
Fax: 0081-93-663-1612
Email: ichi4444@ruby.ocn.ne.jp

Izumi Ito
Yokohama Archives
Tel: 045-201-2128
Fax: 045-201-2102
E-mail: itoizumi@ma.neweb.ne.jp

Katou, Chiyo
Waseda University
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
1-16-14 Eifuku, Suginami-ku
Tokyo 168-0064
Tel: 81-3-3324-7871
Fax: 81-3-3324-7718
E-mail: k98r3055@mn.waseda.ac.jp

Prof. Ko Kintei
Konan University
12-29-52, Maruyama-cho, Suita, Osaka
Tel: 078-435-2353, 06-388-8790
Fax: 078-435-2545, 06-388-8790
E-mail: kokintei@ipc.konan-u.ac.jp

Prof. Liao Chi Yang 廖赤阳
College of Art, Musashino Art University 武藏野美术大学造型学部
1-736 Ogawacho Kodairashi, Tokyo, Japan 187-8505
Tel: 042-342-6368/6372
Fax: 042-342-5183
Email: liaochiy@musabi.ac.jp

Prof. Lu Yizhong 卢益中
Kyushu Society for Overseas Chinese Studies 九州华侨华人研究会
#2-6-1, Ogura, Yahata Higashi-ku, Kitakyushu City
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan 805-0059
Tel: 0081-93-661-7694
Fax: 0081-93-663-1612
Email: ichi4444@ruby.ocn.ne.jp

Mr.Nakano Katsuhiko中野克彦
Faculty of International Relations
Ritsumeikan University, Japan 立命馆大学

Mr. Satohiro Serizawa
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Research
Nara University
1500 Misasagi Cho, Nara City 631-8502
Tel: 81-742-44-1251, 81-743-757634
Fax: 81-742-410650, 81-743-757634
E-mail: serizawa@daibutsu.nara-u.ac.jp

Shi Hong Hong
Associate Professor, Faculty of Business
5-4-33 Amami Higashi, Matshubara-shi
Osaka 580-8502
Tel: 0723-32-1224
Fax: 0723-36-2633
E-mail: hong@hannan-u.ac.jp

Prof. Shigeo Arai
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mie University,
1515 Kamihama-cho Tsu-shi
Mie-ken 514-8507
Tel: 059-232-1211 ext 2684
Fax: 059-231-9199
E-mail: klpapa@human.mie-u.ac.jp

Prof. Sugaya Nariko
Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime University
3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyami-shi, Ehime 790-8577
Tel: 81-899579227, 89-899269165
E-mail: sugaya@ll.ehime-u.ac.jp

Takeshi Yamagishi
Chair, Committee for Student Affairs, Shumei University
1-1 Daigaku-cho Yachiyo-shi, Chiba, 276-0003
Tel: 81-474-88-2111
Fax: 81-474-88-8290

Tanaka Kyoko
Professor of Political Science
School of Law, Nanzan University
18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoyo 446-8673
Tel: 81-52-832-3111 ext 413
Fax: 81-52-836-7410
E-mail: tanakak@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp

Prof. Wada Masahiro 和田正广
Director, North Kyushu Branch Kyushu Society for Overseas Chinese Studies
#2-6-1, Ogura, Yahata Higashi-ku, Kitakyushu City
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan 805-0059
Tel: 0081-93-661-7694
Fax: 0081-93-663-1612
Email: ichi4444@ruby.ocn.ne.jp

Mr. Wang Bailin 王柏林
Vice Curator, Kobe Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Japan
13-45, Higashimaiko-cho Tarumi-ku, Kobe, Japan 655-0047
Tel: 078-783-7172
Fax: 078-785-3440

Prof. Wang Ling
Social Welfare Development
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Minasami Sawa 1-1, Hachio-ji-shi, Tokyo 192
Contact Add: Rumufordstrade 20
80469 Munchen, Germany
Tel: 49-892-99409
Fax: 49-892-99409
E-mail: Kober.Wang@t-online.de

Dr. Wang Wei 王维
Research Fellow
760-8523 ***本香川县高松市幸町2-1
Tel: 81-87-832-1914
Email: wangw@ec.kagawa-u.ac.jp

Prof. Wataru Iijima
Yokohama National University
E-mail: iijima@econ_s.econ.ynu.ac.jp

Prof. Yama***a Kiyomi
Faculty of Regional Development Studies
Tokyo University
Itakura, Gunma 374-0193
Tel: 81-276-82-9018, 81-48-737-9256
Fax: 81-276-82-9018, 81-48-737-9256

Prof. Yashinobu Shiba
International Christian University
3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka-shi
Tokyo 181

Ms. Zeng Ying
International Christian University
3-10-2 Osawa Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, 181
Tel: 81-422-33-3217, 81-422-33-3589
Fax: 81-422-33-6983, 81-422-34-6569
E-mail: g989046@yamata.icu.ac.jp


Nguyen Hoang Kim
Deputy, Editor-in-Chief, Vietnam Southeast Asia Today Magazine
19A Phan Dinh Phung Str. Hanoi
Tel: 04-8253-250, 927-1334
Fax: 04-8253-250

Dr.Pham Duc Thanh
Institute for Southeast Asian Studies
27 Tran Xuan Soan St.
Hanoi, Vietnam


Prof. Umphon Panachet
Chinese Studies Center, Institute of Asian Studies
Chulalong-korn University
302/152 Tawamit 10, Rama 9 Road, Bangkok 10310
Tel: 662-218-7416, 255-7745, 662-2474045
Fax: 662-255-1760, 662-247-6722
E-mail: pumphon@chula.ac.th


Dr. Michael Walter Charney
Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Tel: 65-874-4548
Fax: 65-779-1428
E-mail: casmc@nus.edu.sg

Mr. Chin Song Lee
Sr. Asst. Librarian, Chinese Library, National University of Singapore
12 kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119275
Tel: (65)874-2039
Email: clbcsl@nus.edu.sg

Prof. Chan Kwok Bun, 陈国贲
Department of Sociology
Vational University of Singapore
Fax: (65)777-9579
Email: socckb@nus.edu.sg

Ms. Ch'ng Kim See
Head, ISEAS Library, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Pasir Panjang, Singapore 119614
Tel: 65-8702404
Fax: 65-7756184
Email: chngks@iseas.edu.sg
Web Site: http://www.iseas.edu.sg/lib/html/ ;;

Mr. Gwee Yee Hean
Chairman, South Seas Society
P.O.Box 709, Singapore 901409
Fax: (65)466-5510

Prof. Kee Poo Kong
Director, Chinese Heritage Center
Nanyang Drive, Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Tel: (65)790-6083
Fax: (65)792-0017
Email: chc@ntu.edu.sg

Ms. Ah Eng Lai
Fellow and Coordinator, of Regional Social and Cultural Studies Section
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Heng Mu Keng Terrace, 119596 Singapore
Tel: 870-2419, 241-8768
Fax: 775-6264, 241-8768
E-mail: laiaheng@merlion.iseas.edu.sg

Mr. Lee Ching Seng
Head of Chinese Library, National University of Singapore
12 kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119275
Tel; (65)874-2872
Email: clbleeak@nus.edu.sg

Prof. Lee Guan Kin
Head, Research Committee, Singapore Society of Asian Studies
38 Springleaf Rise, 788018 Singapore
E-mail: lgkss@mbox4.singnet.com.sg

Mr. Lee Liang-he
The Culture Society, Singapore
59 Bowmont Gardens, 459904 Singapore
Tel: 65-442-0686, 444-3715
Fax: 65-442-0686
E-mail: lhlee@singnet.com.sg

Prof. Edwin Lee Siew Cheng
History Department, National University of Singapore
Tel: (65) 874-3844
Fax: (65)774-2528
Email: hisleesc@nus.edu.sg

Ms. Lee Tang Ling
Manager, Chinese Heritage Centre
Nanyang Drive, Nanyang Technological University
639798 Singapore
Tel: 65-790-6175
Fax: 65-792-0017
E-mail: tltan@ntu.edu.sg

Dr. Leo Suryadinata
Department of Political Science
The National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Tel: 772-3970, 3971
Fax: 779-6815
E-mail: polleos@nus.edu.sg

Prof. Liu Hong
Chinese Department, National University of Singapore
Tel: (65)874-5066
Email: chsliuh@nus.edu.sg

Prof. Ng Chin Keong
Professor, Department of History
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511
Tel: (65)7723849, (65)7723838, (65)874-3849
Fax: (65)774-2528
Email: hisngck@nus.edu.sg

Ms. Makmun San
Radio Producer cum Presenter
Radio Singapore International
Caldecott Broadcast Centre
Aannex Building Level 1, Andrew Road
299939 Singapore
Tel: 3597665, 4842119
Fax: 2591357
E-mail: Chinese@rsi.com.sg

Mr. Eugene Tan
Rresearch Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119614 Singapore
Tel: 65-7780955, 65-2411882
Fax: 65-7781735
E-mail: eugene@iseas.edu.sg

Dr. Wang Gungwu
Director, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
AS5 Level 410 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Tel: 65-779-1037
Fax: 65-779-3409
E-mail: polleos@nus.edu.sg

Dr. Wong Sin Kiong
Department of Chinese Studies
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Tel: 65-874-8043, 65-775-8995
Fax: 65-779-4167
E-mail: chswsk@nus.edu.sg

Ms. Yut Mei Boey
President, The Culture Society and Committee
Member, Singapore Heritage Society
06-10, 139 Cavenagh Road, 229627 Singapore
Tel: 279-7354, 738-2344
Fax: 278-0943, 442-0686


Prof. Chen Chang Fu
Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association
Rm. 1812-1813, 128 Shanxi Road N. Shanghai 200041
Tel: 8621-62673527, 8621-62673528
Fax: 8621-62728215
E-mail: sorsa@public1.sta.net.cn

Prof. Chen Lie
Associate Professor, Jinan University, Guangzhou
Tel: 020-85221941, 020-85223683
E-mail: oksb@jnu.edu.cn

Prof. Chen Wenshou 陈文寿
Director, Research Division of China Society for Overseas Chinese History/
China Institute for Ethnic Chinese History, PRC
1 Bexinqiao Santiao, Beijing 100007 PRC
Tel: 86-10-64018846 (O), 86-10-62761951 (H)
Fax: 86-10-64011651 (O), 86-10-62759291 (H)
Email: chenwenshou@263.net.cn,

Ms. Cheng Xi
All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
4 Beinxinqiao, Santiao, Beijing
Tel: 86-10-64018846, 86-10-64639502

Prof. Chen Xiu-Rong
Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Building 917, Datun Road, Anwai 100101 Beijing
Tel: 649-14750, 649-55154, 620-29986
Fax: 649-11844
E-mail: chenxr@public.fhnet.cn.net

Prof. Dai Yifeng 戴一峰
History Department, Xiamen University, PRC
1-604 Jingxian, Xiamen University, Fujian, PRC
Fax: 86-592-208-6116
Email: yfdai@xmu.edu.cn

Ms. Huang Lu Xia
Research Fellow, Institute for Overseas Chinese Studies
Social ScienceAcademy of Fujian Province, PRC
福州市鼓楼区柳河路18号 邮编350001
Tel: 86-591-3720756
Fax: 86-591-755-2926

Mr. Huang You
Overseas Chinese Museum
493 Sioning South Rd. Xiamen 361005
Tel: 86-592-2093032, 592-2086956
Fax: 86-592-2093032, 592-2086456

Prof. Kong Yuanzhi
Indonesian-Malaysian Section, Department of Oriental Studies
Institute of Southeast Asian Culture Studies
Foreign Languages Bldg. Peking University, 100871 Beijing
Tel: 627-51573, 628-85783
Fax: 86-10-627-52800
E-mail: kongyz@ht.rol.cn.net

Dr. Leng Dong
Center for Southeast Asia Studies
Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong Province
Tel: 86-745-251-0000-322275
Fax: 86-754-25110505
E-mail: dleng@mailserv.stu.edu.cn

Prof. Li Ding Guo
Beijing, China
Tel: 10-68426362; Fax: 10-64-4011651

Prof. Li Guo Liang
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University
Tel: 592-2186414, 592-2182885
Fax: 592-2084886, 592-2084886
E-mail: liguol@jingxian.xmu.edu.cn

Mr. Li Junzhe
Liaoning Province Government Development Reseach Center
No. 45 Beijing Street, Shenyang
Tel: 86-24-2930437, 86-24-6224248; Fax: 86-24-2930282

Prof. Li Yan Shi
Tel: 20-83823566

Prof. Liang Yingming
Institute of Afro-Asian Studies, Peking University
Beijing 100871
Tel: 10-62751970, 10-62752349
Fax: 10-62752345

Prof. Lin Jin-Zhi
Nanyang Research Institute, Xiamen University
No 402 Apt 24, Hai Bin, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian
Tel: 592-2183537, 2186414, 2183844

Mr. Liu Po Zi
The Society of Guanzhou Overseas Chinese History
Museum of Quanzhou Overseas Chinese History
Dong Hu St. Quanzhou City, Fujian
Tel: 595-228-22362, 595-2281915
Fax: 595-2184004, 86-565-2190737

Mr. Liu Quan 刘权
Vice Director, Institute for Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University
Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC 510632
Tel: 86-20-8522-0291
Email: tqliu@jnu.edu.cn

Prof. Liu Xiao-Bin
Overseas Chinese Museum
493 Siming South Road, Xiamen
Tel: 86-0592-2081824, 86-0592-2183909
Fax: 86-0592-2093032

Dr. Long Denggao 龙 登 高
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Shantou University, Guangdong
Tel: 754-2510000,32731; 754-2510000, 33085
Fax: 754-2510505

Prof. Lu Liangxi
Liu He Rd No 18, Fuzhou, Fujian Province
Tel: 592-3734131, 591-7549065
Fax: 591-3791520

Peng Zhiheng
Huawen Center
Shantou University
Guangdong 515063, PR.China
E-mail: Zhiheng_p@163.com

Dr. Shan Chun 单纯
Vice Director, Center for Overseas Chinese Studies,
Research Institute for Ethnic Studies, Social Science Academy of the PRC
北京 100081白石桥路27号中国社会科学院民族研究所海外华人研究中心
Fax: 86-10-6842-1864

Prof. Shang Hong Kui
Institute of History, SASS
2 Tianlin Road, Shanghai 200233

Prof. Shen Li Xin
Institute of Eurasian Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
622-7 Huai Hai Road (M) Suite 357, Shanghai 200020
Tel: 21-65024530; Fax: 21-53066744

Prof. Wang Zhi Gong
Tel: 754-2510000-32098, Fax: 754-8510505

Mr. Weng Yi Pho
Tel: 754-2510000-32427, 754-2510000-32608

Ms. Wu Qiuyu
Institute of Overseas Chinese History of China
All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
No.1 Beixinqiao Santiao, Beijing 100007
Tel: 86-10-64018846, 86-10-63186844
Fax: 86-10-67116846
E-mail: reagon@ihw.com.cn

Prof. Wu Zhi Tang
Southern Adult Economic & Trade College
Tel: 20-83122355, 20-83122918; Fax: 20-83847199

Prof. Xiao Beiying 肖北婴
Director, Institute for Overseas Chinese Studies,
The National Huaqiao University, PRC
Quanzhou, Fujian, PRC 362011
Tel: 86-595-269-1925
Fax: 86-595-268-6969
Email: hqs@hqu.edu.cn

Prof. Xiao Xiao Qin
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Shantou University, Guangdong
Tel: 86-754-251000-32731, 86-754-251000-32389
Fax: 86-754-251000-32389

Ms. Xiao Wei Heng
All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
4 Beixinqiao Santiao, Beijing 100007
Tel: 10-64018846; 10-68329955-3400

Ms. Xie Meihua 谢美华
Director, Research Division of Overseas Chinese Museum, PRC
Tel: 86-0592-208-5345
Fax: 86-0592-209-3032
Email: ocm@public.xm.fj.cn

Prof. Xu Cai Jin
Tel: 00186-595-2182178; Fax: 00186-595-2586583

Mr. Xu Zuosheng
50 Hu Qiu Road, Shanghai 200002
Tel: 21-63211410-1518, 21-56055765
Fax: 21-63230738

Ms. Yang Li
Tel: 78-20307, 591-7842845

Prof. Yang Qiguang
The Chinese Department of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632
Tel: 852-20202, 852-22689
Fax: 852-21941
E-mail: huangmx@jnu.edu.cn

Mr. Yuan Ding 袁丁
Vice Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Zhongshan University
Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC 510275
Fax: 86-20-8411-0303
Email: hssyd@zsu.edu.cn

Mr. Zeng Rui-Lin
Tel: 86-10-64042855, 86-10-66015679
Fax: 86-10-64012173

Mr. Zeng Wenjian
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office
Xiamen Provincial People's Government
Tel: 592-2117097, 592-2113246
Fax: 592-2022844

Prof. Zhai Guangzhong
Ningpo University, Zheijang Province
Tel: 86-574-7604246, 86-574-7218386
Fax: 86-574-7604404

Prof. Zhang Tian
History Department, Ningxia University
Yinchuan City, Ningxia 750021
Tel: 951-2077800-212, 951-2080754

Zhang Xinghan
Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies
Jinan University, Guangzhou
Tel: 20-85220291, 20-85221970
Fax: 20-85221941, 20-852219141

Dr. Zhang Yinglong
Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University
Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632
Tel: 20-852-20291 (O), 20-852-20592 (H)
Fax: 20-852-21941, 20-852-21092
E-mail: skb@ihw.com.cn

Prof. Zhao He Man
Southeast Asia Program, Social College of Guangxi
Tel: 771-5860584, 771-5879397
Fax: 771-5865759

Ms. Zhu Hui-Ling
China Overseas Exchange Association
271 Fuchengmenwai Daijie, Beijing 10003
Tel: 10-68323052, 10-68326846
Fax: 10-68327477

Prof. Zhou Nanjing
Institute of Afro-Asian Studies
Peking University
50 Yan Yuan, Beijing 100871
Tel: 86-10-62752345, 86-10-62752345
Fax: 86-10-62751972, 86-10-62751970

Prof. Zhou Yu E 周聿峨
Vice Director, Office for ResearchJinan University 暨南大学科研处
Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC
Tel: 86-20-85220039
Fax: 86-20-85223255
Email: okyc@jnu.edu.cn

Mr. Zhou Zhong Jiang
Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences
5 Xinzhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi
Tel: 771-5879770, Fax: 771-5865753

Prof. Zhuang Guotu 庄 国 土
Director, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University
Xianmen, Fujian, PRC 361005
Tel: 86-592-2186414, 86-592-2186805
Fax: 86-592-2086774

Prof. Zhue Yue
Tel: 86-20-85220039, 86-20-85513625
Fax: 86-20-85223255
E-mail: OKYC@jnu.edu.cn
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