A fundamental Flaw in society that will bank you hard on autopilot.

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发表于 2011-8-3 21:16:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A fundamental Flaw in society that will bank you hard on autopilot.

    Hey guys,

This might be a lengthy one. Writing from my head, this is an ideathat I have been brainstorming for a few days after having a brainwavewhen talking to Davejug and Doc P in the chatbox.

    First and foremost this is an idea from my side. Nothing tested but I know that this wont falter.

    Secondly hard work and dedication is a must.

This is an MMD exclusive, no sharing out of these walls and noselling this off anywhere. I have spent many many hours going overideas in my brain and thinking about this so that I can provide MMDmembers with a really good business plan as such ( not just a method ).If this gets shared anywhere I will be thoroughly pissed off.

    So grab a cup of coffee and lets get started.


In our modern day society there is a flaw that we InternetMarketers can pick up on. Although I saw flaw this is completelywhitehat. Basic Supply and Demand but we will be tampering with demand.

With the creation of globalization and the invention of web 2.0,Internet Marketing has had major boost in its potential and throughthese 2 key functions we are able to reach target audiences all overthe world with the slightest of ease. We can easily tenfold anyadvertising that simple offline promotion could bring us and at a tenthof the price.

Using these 2 key functions we can exploit a fundamental part ofmany peoples every day lives and more importantly shopping pattern."Fasion". Fashion applies to everyone in the world on some level oranother but for the purposes of this guide and for the way to make themost bank we will be targeting Teenagers/Young adults as these peopleare the most vulnerable to the works of Fashion.

I am not talking about Fashion in the sense of oooh pretty girls,models, painted nails etc. But in the sense of what influences us tobuy what we do and influences us to have certain shopping patterns.

In our modern day world among teenagers for a large majorityfashion is not a choice made by us ( referring to teenagers ) Fashionis a dictatorship thrown upon us by high end designers and the media inorder for us to act as slaves to their clothing lines.

    And in that lies our flaw.

    There is an army of slaves out there waiting to be handed their next work task.

    Or in a real non metaphorical sense. A large amount of the world waiting to
    continue following the trends.

Of course you are thinking this would be no easy task to fightagainst high end clothing designers out there but thats where you arewrong.

    The Clothing industry is still largely stuck offline. Whereas we have a whole world of people waiting to be targeted online.

    It comes down to our 2 basic key fundamentals that I explained earlier.

Also while Im at it. I would like to point out that a largeproportion of what teenagers do is pushed down to them by thedictatorship of the media. And many other things apply in thissituation eg: music, accessories.

Through web 2.0 ( social networking in this case ) and onlineglobalization we can push our own dictatorship of fashion upon othersto make a comfortable amount of cash every day. $100-$1000 a day can becomfortably achieved with a bit of time, work and effort.

    The Method - ( Lets get down to business )

    So what are we going to do?

    Create our own fashion line and push it upon others. Essentially we are going to bank hard.

    Part 1 - Creating a Clothing line.

    This is not as hard as you think it is. Everything is handled online and is very easy to manage.

First thing is first. You will need a brandable name ( doesn'thave to be short ) for your clothing line. Here are some ones that Iknow are very well known in NZ and are very brandable

    - Billabong
    - Ripcurl
    - Globe
    - Dickies
    - Roxy

A lot of stuff that sells well at the moment is hoodies, poloshirts and board shorts. So keep that in mind. Your brand name doesn'thave to do anything with clothing. Just a catchy name that can beremembered easy and is brandable.

    2. Lets start getting a store ready then we can move onto designs.

    Head over to [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://www.cafepress.com/]CafePress: Custom and funny t-shirts plus unique gifts[/url]. Cafepress is a site that allows you to create your own store whereall you have to do is register, upload your designs and set productsand prices. Design your store and then they handle all creation ofproducts, sales and shipping. They charge $XX per product and then youset the price you want and you get the markup of the difference betweenthe two.

So create a store on CafePress and if possible try and set it upwith your own custom domain. I can't remember if you can or not sorry.However you want you domain to be yourbrandname.com.

You will want a custom design or a modified design for you storetoo. So that it stands out from the crowd. And is brandable.

CafePress does not have to be used. There are many otheralternatives. But it is the most reliable one that you can rely to getyour cheques every month from.

Finding people who can design you a CafePress design isn't toohard as because its such a big site there are designers to find as itsworth learning how to design for. You will need a designer to designyour store and maybe a separate one for your logo.

Your logo is the MOST IMPORTANT thing out of all this as this iswhat people remember. Make sure you get something that will always beremembered and isn't really shiny/web 2.0 as it will need to look goodon clothing.

3. So now you have a store setup. Lets go and get some designsmade. This is relatively cheap in comparison to how much you will bemaking. Just 1-2 sales will pay for each design. Depending on yourprice and such.

You have 2 choices for getting designs. Either hire low costdesigners at forums.digitalpoint.com that will design you very verygood designs. ( Providing you find a good designer )

Or you can go to 99designs.com and pay hundreds to get one designthat will look a bit better than the one from DP. Your choice

Or just thinking about it now. There are some good designersaround the place on MMD that might be able to design for you. Althoughyou will probably not get the DP rates. SnBirdi does a good job ofthings. Might be worth paying him a PM.

If you are going to use DP. Take advantage of their contests forumand pay like $15 - $20 per design and say multiple winners. This willget a lot of entries and a lot of variations on designs you can choose.You will get quite a few crap ones. But a lot of good ones too. If youinvite the designers that you see which make good designs. They willenter and bring good designs to your contest.

    The ultimate thing to remember is Keep it simple and choose designs that you would be proud to wear.

    These are the types of clothing that you will need designs for:

    - Hoodies
    - Polo Shirts
    - T-shirts
    - Board Shorts.

    Those are what are in high demand. As you start growing you can start to diversify with things like Sunglasses and the like.

4. Once your designs are made set them up in the CafePress storeas your various products and that means you are 100% started up and arenow ready to move onto Advertising/Promotion.

   Advertising - Promotion

This is what sorts the men from the boys. Exploting Twitter andFacebook will send cash in to your pockets faster than you can say Ilove Money Maker Discussion dot com and Reizar for this awesome guide.

Basically whats going to sell your clothing line is a viraleffect. If people see other people buying your clothes. They will buythem too. So its merely a matter of mass accounts on Facebook andTwitter.

However this guide wouldn't be what it is without showing yousomething that is truly quite genius but is so simple in itself.

    1. I want you to go to [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://adsoftheworld.com/media/online/ikea_facebook_tag]IKEA: Facebook Tag | Ads of the World[/url]and watch the video on that site.

If you have capital then you should defitneley look into promotingwith a tactic like that. Basically giving out free clothes.

Make a picture of a few different clothes you have in your store.And the first person to tag each piece of clothing wins it for free.

Which means of course you will have to pay for it. However as Isaid if you have capital its worth looking into. This promotiontechnique is so simple but ingenious as it just gets your product outthere.

Remember there will be hundreds of people commenting on thosepictures and tagging themselves. Which means that their friends willsee it too and the whole thing will go so viral so fast.

    Of course you will need an account with a lot of friends and possibly a group page with a lot of members.

    2. An alternate form of advertising that requires less capital is basically very simple.

You will need a lot of Facebook accounts with friend adders going( not to often so that Facebook bans you ). And with status updatesjust say stuff like "Omg just brought an awesome new BrandName hoody.Can't wait to get it"

And things like that. This gets your brand name circulating tomany people. Then using group pages you can promote the clothing linequite simply as people will be searching for your brand.

    However the first capital requiring promotion technique works better.

3. This can be applied to Twitter and it should be actually. Manyaccounts and follow many people. Tools are out there on MMD fordownload to do so. A quick search is all it takes.

Basically get heaps of accounts loaded up with heaps of followers.Use Twitkarma.com to remove people you followed that don't follow youback.

    And then just once every so often on each account Tweet how you got a new piece of clothing from [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://www.yourdomainname.com]http://www.yourdomainname.com[/url] and that its such an awesome piece of clothing.

4. Search Engine Optimization. Of course natural searches willyield high sales so make sure you do constant Search EngineOptimization work. Using tools like SeNuke to take advantage of web 2.0properties while you wait for your store to rank high, using thePyroGenius Multi Blog Commenter to get extra blog backlinks and when itcomes out look at getting Link Juice Domination.

    People will be Googling your brand name so make sure they can find it.


Theres the guide guys. Typed up for you all late at night here. Imight have missed something out so if I think of anything new I willpost it here. I will try to come up with new promotion plans and thelike.

I know most of you wont take action as its not your thing. Butthis is a solid plan that will bank you hard and then run on autopilotafter a month or 2 of solid hard work.

    However if just 1 person picks up on this and makes his bank then I am happy as it was worthwhile me posting this.
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