[article rewrite] Affiliate Marketing - how to write articles that will convert!

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发表于 2012-5-19 00:18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I've been getting a lot of questions lately on how to write articles or product reviews that will convert. In this post i will be covering both writing a typical article on a keyword you choose to sell clickbank products and i will also cover how to write a good review product. This guide will be specifically geared towards clickbank products and other affiliate products out there.

1. Keyword research is always SOOOO important, so spend adequate time here even if it takes several hours, several days or even 1 or 2 weeks, i don't care just make sure you properly research your keywords, make sure they are getting decent search results monthly!

2. When choosing a keyword you should look for buying keywords, keywords that you think will convert. How do you know which keywords will convert? The ones that work best are problems and solutions to problems. You need to be smart here and think of keywords that people are in a hurry and they need a solid solution to their problems. These are usually the people that want to rip out there cash and hand it over to you.

3. For example i will choose a product that's about reverse phone lookup. There are many problems here that people can face, worrying about a cheating partner, worrying about who their children are calling, worrying about prank callers, trying to look up an random phone number, etc. The key to getting them hooked in is to make them realize that they have a serious problem that they really need a solution to. The solution is your affiliate link to the product your promoting. You need to make them realize that if they don't buy that product their problem remains and they will continue suffering, BUT if they buy your product it's the one stop solution to ALL their problems and it will be worth every money spent and they will be at peace of mind and can get back to their normal lives. You may need to use some psychology and english skills here, use words that REALLY bring them in, make them feel like the article is pointed directly at them, emphasize strong words like "YOU" "HUMANS" "SMART PEOPLE" whatever things like that, make them feel like they are weird, or an outcast, or just stupid or dumb if they dont buy your product. You could say something like "only stupid people wouldn't buy this" - they will really feel like they are stupid if they dont buy this and will think twice before clicking away.

Little things like this really help your conversions, you need to grab their attention and make them want to feel "normal" or fit in with everyone else, humans tend to always want to feel normal and fit in and feel the same as everybody else, they don't like to feel weird and isolated, so use this to your advantage. Give them a solution to their problems and make them feel "normal" and "fitted in" again and they will gladly pay you for it.

Ok now on to product reviews, can't really choose too many keywords here, but heres how to write a good one:

1. Straight away as you get into the article try and pinpoint their problems. Ask them things like are you worried about something, or are you experiencing something, is something something ruining your life, is this problem causing you and affecting you, blahblah? things like that. Then right away give a solution to their problem, If your answer is yes to any of the things above, or to solve your problems, or a instant solution to your problem can be found here: affiliate link, you get the idea, just try and get them involved by stating their problem and give them the easiest solution right away as soon as they get into your article. You may find that this converts really well and a lot of people don't even bother reading the rest of your article (which is completely fine) you just want to send them right off to your affiliate link and let the affiliate site seal the deal with them.

2. Next tell them what the product is about, you want to be clear here what the product does, and get the reader to feel oh this product meets my needs, but make it a brief overview. At the end of this paragraph, give them a link to get the product if they want. Just tell them to grab a copy here, check out the product here (sometimes people are just weird and you need to tell them what to do and they will just thoughtlessly do it to see what its about)

3. Now get into detail and pick out each main component or section of the product one by one and explain each one in detail, you will want to explain this clearly and make it in a way that it will really benefit the person if they buy it but don't tell to buy it in here just yet. Now at the bottom say something like this product is the solution to all these above problems and will definitely make them feel normal and get back onto living life peacefully again or have whatever they need and make their life better/more enjoyable/ or whatever. This is where a lot of people like to buy it because they see the features of the product are so great and jam packed with goodies!

4. Here you can specify any other offers or bonuses or extras of the product and say to the readers they can grab a hold of these specials only by going through your link! Make them feel that if they want these extras they need to go through your link to get it or else they will miss out

5. Now tell them how much it cost. Also a very important thing here is to reiterate the fact that there is a money back guarantee (if there is one), and make them think they should buy it because its risk free, if they dont like it they can get their money back no problems and its easy. People love this so tell them to buy it, they won't be disappointed.

6. Now throw in 2 or 3 testimonials from satisfied users, you may not want to give the full testimonial and just give a teaser, and say to read the full testimonial here(affiliate link)

7. Now at the end just sum up everything and sell them the product one final time and tell them theres no risk, buy it and all their problems are gone/they have a better time in life whatever.

Other notes: Don't limit those who can use this, or mention who can benefit too much, this can sometimes put people off and not turn them into buyers, if you say this is only for those who have this problem, people might click away, it's ok if you list compatibility with different machines or software or something like that. For example an seo software, if you say perfect for noobies, then maybe the pros may think its not that great of a tool and wouldnt bother buying, or if you say for the professional seo gurus or something, then maybe the noobies may think damm it sounds too complicated for me, no thanks, you are just limiting yourself and missing out on every opportunity you can.

Leave all that nitty gritty stuff for the affiliate product page, all you want to do is give a good review, and get them to go to the affiliate page and your done with them, that's your main goal (although some people may want to build a list so they can send out more products and offers, then you can do this also)

Anyways i hope this helped out some of you guys.

I'll have more guides coming soon

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-19 00:18:36 | 显示全部楼层
Great article here.I have a doubt,What are you gonna do when you are trying to review more than one product? like if you are in a best seo software niche, is it better to offer them choices with 2-3 products or should I restrict to one product alone?.Also is it good to use comparison chart or not?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-19 00:19:04 | 显示全部楼层
What i do is i pick one that i find the best/highest payout/see that most other internet marketers promote as the main one. I choose that as the main product that i promote, and focus heavily on promoting this one so it is seen as the superior product out of all of them, and give them the chance to see the other products as well. At the bottom of the same product review page i have a comparison chart of the other products as well and give them a rating each, usually a star, but i only give very brief descriptions. So if i had the main product i would give it say 5 stars (5 stars being the max), Then the next 2 products that are also really good i would give them say 4.5 stars, and the last one 4 stars. Wouldn't really want to go lower then 4 stars or else they wouldn't buy it. If you want to make it seem more legit you could throw in some crappy products that have very low commission payouts and give it low ratings so that your reviews seem legit. Also with the other products that you also wanted to promote try to squeeze in some description that could say the main product and this secondary product go hand in hand together, try to give them a reason to want to buy more then just the one product if you can. An example is like a dog training course, you can also sell them stuff like recipes for dogs, or another dog training course because it is more video based so if they have both the ebook and the video course and the recipe book for dogs they have a complete set of training tools and will have the best dog ever. (sorry if the dog training niche is very cliche, but i've promoted the dog training niche as well and remember it clearly Affiliate Marketing - how to write articles that will convert! so might as well use ti for an example here)

Aside from this i also have a separate page on my site usually called "best whatever type of product" like best dog training programs or best make money online courses, etc. On this page is also have a comparison chart but much more detailed then on the other pages.

You can take a look here to see an example of a good comparison chart: http://www.wowblackbook.com/best-world-of-warcraft-guides.php
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发表于 2012-9-26 14:43:15 | 显示全部楼层
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