我买了个12刀的,384M的太小了,买个768M的对自己好一点 五一前能用上,就满意了
放宽心,才能愉快玩机。否则期望越高,失望就越大 老板不是说这周不太可能开机吗,楼主怎么理解的……
There is a possibility, but it's unlikely. It will arrive Thursday. If somehow Japan processes customs by Friday and our brokerage is available to complete the process should that be required, and the datacenter decides to set it up that day, and nothing goes wrong, and we can configure networking and a server that same day as well, then yes.
(Edit: Aka, no.)
“Aka, no.”
Edit:楼主说的是四月一日前吗?好吧,抱歉我看错了……那有一点可能,不过老板原话是“more likely than the end of the week.” 也就是说可能性比这周大一点,不过还是悬…… 然后发现线路差的一批 快进到跑路! 期待ing,。 。手持384和500G 开个dei,初中许愿到十五 估计到下周了 反正手里一堆小鸡,不着急 老板的意思是4月1号比周末更有可能开机,我估计周末是开不了机的:( 坐等溢价 VIR圣何塞先开