不敢再弄了,都撤掉了,吓人 是竞价推广还是别的宣传方式,楼主把细节说说? Their emotions get in the way. Seriously.Now let's say you get hit with a bad day. You have the same level of traffic, but it results in zero or very few sales. How should you react?
Here are a few possibilities:
1. Pause your campaign, and wait two days before you restart.
2. Lower your bids by 50%. You can't keep losing money, can you?
3. Shut down your campaign. Obviously this offer doesn't convert any more!
4. Realize that on any given day, your conversation rate can fluctuate drastically. You make no changes to your campaign and continue to patiently collect conversion data.
Now if you chose D, then you're right. However, would you really choose D? I mean, you just lost $300 that day. Out of the blue, your campaign conversion rate dropped! Shouldn't you do something?
The fact is, affiliates who choose options A, B, or C have let fear grip them. This type of fear will keep them from properly optimizing their campaign. In many cases, their campaign will never achieve profitability.
I know an affiliate who pauses profitable campaigns out of fear. No joke. 不知道怎么会这样。 难道是竞价? 如果是真要好好思考下为什么了! 如果是竞价,我觉得广告词和否定关键词这两方面要注意以下,否则容易造成无效点击。比如说明明就是收费注册的而你在广告词中写免费注册之类的。 楼主发完帖子就闪人也不看看别人的评价吗 关注中{s_034_m} 建议lz 先学习PPC 再做,否则损失更大 你的失败在于重复别人已经挤的伤痕累累的路 我是用的是关键词软件,好几百个关键词一起上。 是用ADW做的,可以用免费的流量做撒{s_186_m} 免费流量也不好做,技术,英文都需要
adwords 可以做,但是不能几百个关键词一起上 千军万马过独木桥啊,这个怎么行呢,要慢慢来,一天投放一次看效果,不明显就要换一下方式,一味的撒网是太鲁莽的行为1 恶意点击或者无效点击太多了吧 楼主是做竞价推广的么 花了多少银子? 啊。。。听起来是很恐怖的 同情带害怕,还没开工做就看到这个了 我怀疑是很多交换流量的网站搞的 {s_006_m}{s_176_m} 你的lp做得不好吧................... 继续关注中 和19楼的同学有同感~~~~担心哦~ 太恐怖了,这个亏损血流成河啊 意思损失2000人民币?
这是经验性的意见,我个人估计,应该是不错的。 不是吧 这个怎么可能啊 不可思议啊