我注册了一个Google,过了一天回了一封信Above All Offers manager@abovealloffers.com 发送至 我N/A, Thank you for signing up for the Above All Offers Network. If your application is approved you will receive your log in information containing a username and password. Approval time can take up to 1-3 business days. We appreciate your interest in Above All Offers and thank you for choosing to sign up at the Above All Offers Network. Best Regards, http://www.abovealloffers.com/这是个什么状况啊 谢谢注册通过的话会通知你
完毕 是google affiliate network? 你的问题问的太泛了,这个翻译下不就得了。用得着么 不是,主要是他发完这个之后一个礼拜都没再发,我就想确定到底是通过了还是正在等待审核。 你这不是注册的GG ADSENSE吧 楼主,收到审核通知没有哈?
看你很努力的样子,所以比较关注 回复 8# 耐克袈裟
当然没收到啦,我回头再申请一遍 站点要点很容易批