Reizar's guide to blizting an untapped dating niche for $1000+ a day.

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发表于 2011-8-3 21:21:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hey Guys,

Before I go on I would just like to say. That this idea is untested by me. But I have done research into it.

Well these days dating has taken the turn in which it is targeting oldhorny men for the idea of possible sex. Well Ive twisted this round tofit a relatively untapped niche.

So lets get to it then,

Target Audience

Forget old horny guys and lets go back to the idea of dating. Who are people who struggle to "get girls" and have relationship.

The answer is "Gamers". While we may think of a gamer as someone under18. There are a lot of them that are between the age of 18 - 30.

Analyzing our target audience.

Hot Gamer chicks are quite rare but when a gamer guy meets one. He willbe putty in their hands. This is because a lot of gamers are eithernerds or just don't like to get out often. ( excluding the "jocks" whoonly know how to play MW2 ).

Therefore the idea of a girl that likes the same stuff as them and islooking for a relationship ( rather than a one night stand ) is likeheaven to them.

Gamers look for relationships and not for straight up sex. I will saythat now and remember that. Don't bust out the normal dating moves.

Playing the Part.

So now there is quite a difference between gamer chicks and the chicksyou pretend to be on CL. So heres a bit of a run down on how to playthe part of a gamer chick.

Dont let the world know that you are a girl. I mean have your speechtype and gender / pictures set to the girl stuff. But do go making apoint to people that you are a girl.

What you do is start of with talk that would engage them. For exampletalk about new up coming games or current popular games. Then once youhave that hooked, its time to throw the line. This is where you startmentioning "how you have been looking for that special someone."

Further diving into this what you should do is agree with a lot ofthings the guy says. And pretend to get on really well. Then when youput your sinker in about looking for that special someone. You mentionthat your looking for someone that likes the same stuff you do and thatyou get a long well with. Then start leading them on to your MMD Cashprofile.

Your picture is quite a crucial part. Don't go doing the whole modelactress picture. But rather use a nice picture of a good looking girlaround the age of 20. If you can, try find one of a girl holding acontroller or playing some sort of computer/console game.

Other than that the last thing to remember. Is just to act like you fit in with the guy but remembering to keep your girl style.

Setting yourself up.

Basically you have 2 ways of promoting ( will get into promotiontechniques soon ). However it breaks down to automated or manual.Manual will yield higher conversions and is easier to do.


Just set yourself up with a normal MMD Cash profile. Use your gamer chick pictures.

Automation Style:

You will need a custom landing page made that looks like a dating sitefor gamers. ( you will get some chargebacks with this one when peoplerealize it isn't a proper gamer dating site ). Then just use MMD'sIframe in your Landing page.


Forget Facebook. Gamers are everywhere, but lets use sites that narrow it down so that every member is a gamer.

So here you go. A big list of gamer social networks.

Code: ( coming soon )

Add friends and start talking to them. Then lead them onto your profileand move on. This is the manual way. Be creative and maybe apply someof your past dating method tactics.

There are millions of gamers spread over those sites. So have fun Reizar's guide to blizting an untapped dating niche for $1000+ a day.

Automated way:

Basically this way you are going to need to make your landing page goviral. So you spread the site over those social networks. As well asnow using web 2.0. Use Facebook , Twitter, Digg, etc and get a constanttraffic source flowing. Hint: Topsites do wonders.

Then do some SEO and target long tailed keywords. Im not going to giveyou the keywords or anything. But I think you get the idea.


Ive given you a quick run down to open your eyes to the possibilities.Its now your turn to put the effort in and make some cash. I haven'tspoon fed you here so that everyone is not doing the same thing. Also Iwanted to show that sex and old horny guys isn't what dating promotionis all about.

So have fun and go make some money!

( PS: sf let me see you beat this one Reizar's guide to blizting an untapped dating niche for $1000+ a day. )
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