[BlackHat] AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

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发表于 2011-8-4 22:11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jxau00001 于 2011-12-20 23:33 编辑

[tr][td]Many People Here Wish To Earn Online But Most Of Them Are Just Fake Sites Which Provide Online Earning.

Here Is A Simple And Easy Way To Earn Money Online. Its Not About Increasing Your Referals To Earn Money Or Something Else. You Can Earn Through Google Every Day As Much As You can.

Google Is A World Wide Popular Website So They Wont Cheat You. What You Have To Do Is Simply Make A Site And Start Displaying Ads Provided By Google And You Will Start Earning.

Many People Know About Google Adsense But Others Do Not Know So Its A Nice Method To Earn Online.

For Those Who Dont Know About This

Simply Follow These Steps And You Will Know How To Do This.

1st Step:- Make A Gmail Id

2nd Step:- Go To Blogger .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] And Make A Blog On Forex.

Collect Data On Your Blog About Forex. I Recomend Forex Becoz Forex Adds Can Earn You The Maximum.You Can Copy Paste Date From Here. historyofforexb.blogspot.com

3rd Step:- After Making Your Blog Go To google.com/adsense And Fill The Form For Registration

Remember Give Your Complete Name And Adress And Correct Address Because You Recieve Checks And PIN Code At That Adress.

And Also Give Your Blog URL You Just Created.

4rth Step:- After A Week Or Before That You Will Be Registered By Adsense Then Go To Google.com/adsense And Activate Your Account.

5th Step:- Go To Blogger.com And Sign In, Open Your Blog And Click On Layout. Then Click On Ad Gadget And Then Select HTMl Script.

6th Step:- You Have To Put A Counter On That Blog , Advantage Of That Counter Will Be Known Later. Search On Google "Counter For Free" And You Will Get Many Site For Free Counter. Then Fill The Form Their And Copy The Code And Paste It In That Gadget OF HTML And Save It. NOw You Will See A Counter On Your Blog As Well.

7th Step:- Again Click On Layout>Add Gadget> Adsense. And Select The Type Of Banner You Want To Show Ads And Add Them Thats It. Save It And You Are Ready To Work Now With The Members.

Note :- Now This Is The Most Important Part Of The Work Becoz If You Dont Work Properly Then Members Wont WOrk With YOu Again So Understand It Completely

8th Step:- MAke A Yahoo ID And Sign In Yahoo Messanger Add Me bilalmarri@yahoo.com So That I Can Send You The Member List. Almost 300 Members.

9th Step:- After YOu Add The Members You See Different Messages Coming "free For Clicks". This Means Members Want To Work .

How To Work??

Before Start Working You Have To Understand Few Things
1. Ads
2. Impressions ( imp )
3. Bps

Members Will Work With Request Or Ask You To Req To Start Work

Request Will Be Like This Most Of The Time
3 Ads 30 imp 3 bps

That Means You Have To Open Three Ads On The Blog Of That Member, refresh The Blog 30 times And Open 3 subpages On Each of The Add You Just Opened.

So In The Meanwhile The Member Will Do The Same For You.

How To Know That Others Are Not Cheating And Doing Your Work While You Are Doing His WOrk???

Counter Is For That Purpose Becoz IMP Are Counted By The Counter , When The Member Refreshes Your Page Your Counter Ticks So YOu Will KNow That The Member Is Working.

About Add And Bps

For This There Is Another Solution

When You Open An Add Eg: http//:www.forex.com/productsID66uhrguds55
Copy And Paste The Add Link To The Other Member So That He Can Know What You Have Clicked On.

But Remember Donot Copy http And www Part Simply Copy From forex.com/productsID66uhrguds55 And Paste It.

Same Work With The Bps When YOu Open Bps In New Window Copy And Paste The Link And Send It To The Member.

This Way Cheating Is Avoided.

Remember Never Click On YOur Own Add Becoz Your Account Will Be Closed Imediatly.

1st All Of The Users Here In This Community Start Working With Each Other To Practise The Method Of THe Work So That YOu DOnt Loose The Members.

If Anybody Form Gets Rejected Dont Worry Register Again With The Same Process.

On Forex Ads You Earn Almost 10 dollars On 25 Clicks On Ads

That Means If 1 Members Click On Your 3 Ads 10 Members click On 30 Ads= 10+ Dollars

If You Work With 10 Members In 1 Day It Means $10+ And 30 Days Means $300+

And The More YOu WOrk The More YOu Earn

1st Payment Will Be After Almost 2 Months Becoz 1st YOu Recieve A PIN card From google Then After That Google Pays OnMonthly Basis.
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Google Pays After Your Amount Reaches 100 $ And Believe Me Thats Not A Problem I Did It In 16 Days To Earn 100 Dollars.
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

So Start Working Now And Enjoy The Online Earning

Remember YOu Can MAke YOur Own Req As Well Like 2 Ad 25 imp 4 bps

And Never Cheat. Do The Same Work As YOur Members Do FOr You

Keep The Percentage (Page CTR) Of YOur Ads And imp Under 10 so That Account Wont Be Blocked. You Can Check It In Adsense Account.
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

I Will Also Post An Example Of How To Work So That YOu Can Get A Better Idea Of Working With The Members.

Member 1:- Free 4 Clicks
2 :- Yes
1 :- Req
2:- 2 Ads 25 Imp 4bps
1:- Same For Me
2:- Ok
1:- Url??
2:-example.blogspot .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] urs???
1:- example2.blogspot .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]
1 :- Tell My Counter
2 :- 115 And Mine???
1:- 84
2:- Ok Start With Ads
1:- Ok
1:- Ads
1:-1st Add Forex .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/86yujjghskldo
1:- 2nd Add stockexchnage .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/ppotyhdv5734
1:- Adds Done Now My Ads
2:- 1st add forex-rating .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/uuyrt56778903yhehbbbdkgizxcxh298fhj
2:- 2nd add rbs .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] .pk/hhgrt56673h5vc6d
2:- Now Imp Ok
1:- You COunter Now 140
2:- YOur COunter Now 119
1:- Now Bps
1: 1st add Bps
forex .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/products
forex .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/stats
forex .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/partnerships
forex .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/updates
1:- 2nd add bps
stockexchnage .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/products
stockexchnage .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/stats
stockexchnage .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/partnerships
stockexchnage .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/updates
1:- Your Work Done Complete Mine
2:- Ok Your Bps
1st add Bps
forex-rating .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/products
forex-rating .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/stats
forex-rating .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/partnerships
forex-rating .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]/updates
2nd add bps
rbs .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] .pk/products
rbs .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] .pk/stats
rbs .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] .pk/partnerships
rbs .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] .pk/updates
2:- Work DOne

Here I Will Give The Example Of Just 1 Add 3 Bps And About Impressions ( IMP )

Here Is An Example Of A Blog . Think That This Is Given By The Member

Member 1:- Free 4 Clicks
2 :- Yes
1 :- Req
2:- 1 Ads 25 Imp 3bps
1:- Same For Me
2:- Ok
1:- Url??
2:-example.blogspot .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code] urs???
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Now You Have To Understand That Where Are The Ads Imp And Counter
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

So Now That You Understood Where Are Ads And Imp Lets Move Farword

On To Discussion Again

1:- example2.blogspot .com[/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code][/code]
1 :- Tell My Counter
2 :- 115 And Mine???
1:- 3649
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

At This Point You Must Understant Where Is The Counter And YOu Have To Tell The Member About His Counter

2:- Ok Start With Ads
1:- Ok
1:- Ads

Now Once You Have Checked The COunter And Shared The Information COme To Ads

Here I AM Giving Just One Example Of Ads

Now These Are Ads You Have TO Open These In A New Window

Remember It Depends On The Member That How Many Ads He Want YOu To Click On,

I Am Clicking On One Ad Just
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

After Opening The Add YOu WIll See A New Site Opening

Once The Add You Have Opened Copy The Link And Paste It To The MEmber
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Now Back To Impressions

How To Do Impressions

You Can Do Impressions By Refreshing The Page Or Clicking On Posts. Means You Have To Increase The Counter The Number Of Times That The Member Requested
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

In This Pic The Counter Shows 3649

If The Member Asks To Do 30 IMP Then You Havce To Increase The Counter By Refreshing Or Clicking On POsts Until It Reaches 3679

After The Impressions Are Done Come Back To The Add Which You Have Opened In A New Window
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

You Can See What Bps Are Shown Here . You Have To Click On These And Send The URL To The Member

1:- Now Bps
1: 1st add Bps
1st Bp

AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Clicked On Performance

2nd Bp
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Clicked On Example

3rd Bp
AdSense Click Exchanging Tutorial

Clicked On About Us

2:- Work DOne

Remember If Member Requests More Then 1 Add So You Have To Click On Bps On Each Add

And If He Asks More Then 3 Bps So You Have To Open More Subpages In The Add

I Hope This Makes The Work Alot Easier.

Enjoy Now And Play In Dollars

Important Note: Post Atleast Put 5 Posts In Your Blog So Google Will Not Have Any Problems Atlest With Your Site

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