Pedobaiting Method

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发表于 2011-8-4 22:31:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
OK so about Pedobaiting.

Basically you bait pedophiles, and from there you can do the following:

1.) You can scare them by saying you are the FBI and blah blah. (Has worked for me twice but you need to sound very professional)

2.) You can try to keylog them.

For that you will need for the crypter
you will need PC Guard for Win32
and will need FreshBind 2.01 which I couldn't find or another binder. (Google them)

3.) You can get a bunch of dirt on them and threaten to report them.

4.) You can trick them into giving you $$ for maybe moving with them or something.

Now to pedobait I go in this chatroom: teen chat dot com

Make your nickname 13 f US or something. Post your MSN. (Use MSN)

Another scam is that you "sell webcam shows" I've made $70 from this. And you don't feel bad since you are stealing from a pedophile. (Assuming you pretend to be 13-15)

They will ask for a preview to make sure that you are real!

Easy way to trick them is to use Fake Webcam. ([url=][/url])

Anyways they'll ask for you to wave at them. I have been trying to record someone waving at me from but no one will. I did get someone to blow me a kiss though. (Got me $50 from a punk!) I'll upload that video for you all later too.

Anyways, people from the US are gullible, so only pose as FBI against them.

For the webcam scam, I say that you get people from the UK for legal purpose (assuming you are in the US)

Warning: Anything you do with this information is at your own risk. It is all hypothetical... or something like that.. Could get you jailed, but chances are very low!
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