本帖最后由 adver 于 2013-7-30 07:46 编辑
' K! h ^) F G) m
7 K1 b$ @- \! {# e ?Link schemes + h9 S9 x1 j7 S |4 {$ N
Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site.* ]5 r/ N! V1 o- x: x3 N0 C' R
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The following are examples of link schemes which can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results:
7 c6 o7 R3 u+ V; ?0 _+ u; A4 `' Y
6 n7 A4 T. x; r3 g0 i% }- Buying or selling links that pass PageRank. This includes exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link
- Excessive link exchanges ("Link to me and I'll link to you") or partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking
- Large-scale article marketing or guest posting campaigns with keyword-rich anchor text links
- Using automated programs or services to create links to your site2 a" R4 G8 l7 n! }
: E- |) ?+ W. [1 ~/ [% nAdditionally, creating links that weren’t editorially placed or vouched for by the site’s owner on a page, otherwise known as unnatural links, can be considered a violation of our guidelines. Here are a few common examples of unnatural links that violate our guidelines:
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- Text advertisements that pass PageRank
- Advertorials or native advertising where payment is received for articles that include links that pass PageRank
- Links with optimized anchor text in articles or press releases distributed on other sites. For example:
. F( z# B4 S0 ^$ y1 C9 P( {There are many wedding rings on the market. If you want to have a wedding, you will have to pick the best ring. You will also need to buy flowers and a wedding dress. - Low-quality directory or bookmark site links
- Links embedded in widgets that are distributed across various sites, for example:/ t# N$ Q; O/ R2 w1 Z) G
Visitors to this page: 1,472
9 C% ]$ I# q6 j& W7 x, q car insurance - Widely distributed links in the footers of various sites
- Forum comments with optimized links in the post or signature, for example:* b8 L$ G+ x3 {# z
Thanks, that’s great info!
) q; w3 ` X7 t3 u" E4 A) d - Paul, k8 i# I" x4 `+ _7 }
paul’s pizza san diego pizza best pizza san diego) H2 q" K F+ ~; o2 n
Note that PPC (pay-per-click) advertising links that don’t pass PageRank to the buyer of the ad do not violate our guidelines. You can prevent PageRank from passing in several ways, such as:
8 _& \- B3 a! `2 k y7 m2 Y* }2 Y: I# q e4 A6 ]8 ?1 p# w7 c
- Adding a rel="nofollow" attribute to the <a> tag
- Redirecting the links to an intermediate page that is blocked from search engines with a robots.txt file" d. z: a! [3 B/ a7 @5 q# T
5 Q# B: l0 a. U7 v4 M" t G
The best way to get other sites to create high-quality, relevant links to yours is to create unique, relevant content that can naturally gain popularity in the Internet community. Creating good content pays off: Links are usually editorial votes given by choice, and the more useful content you have, the greater the chances someone else will find that content valuable to their readers and link to it. ' `6 D) z+ K# k+ k4 Z
' X) M8 _* i$ S% ]2 B' T: F* j
If you see a site that is participating in link schemes intended to manipulate PageRank, let us know. We'll use your information to improve our algorithmic detection of such links.+ c8 j7 _" {1 V, O; Y$ s: k
. [' _9 ^. K) A2 }7 q; K" K. |8 G
Jul 18, 2013 2 b* p9 r. t* R3 z7 K
$ ?% X8 k* s/ X) D0 ?% E任何想要操纵 PageRank 或网站在 Google 搜索结果中的排名的链接都可能被视为属于链接方案,而且有违 Google 的网站站长指南。其中包括对指向您网站的链接或从您的网站转出的链接进行操纵的任何行为。) U4 o7 x; J0 E3 A7 g
- x& l! |. F5 H! F2 t
以下是可对网站在搜索结果中的排名造成负面影响的链接方案示例:/ A: b$ d- X5 ?, @0 P8 m8 \
* ^" B6 q3 ]4 r: p- 购买或销售可以提升 PageRank 的链接。这包括花钱购买链接或包含链接的帖子;用商品或服务交换链接;或者向他人发送“免费”产品,以此作为交换来让这些人评论产品并添加链接
- 链接交换(“链接到我,我也会链接到你”)过多,或单纯地为了建立交叉链接而构建的合作伙伴网页过多
- 包含大量关键字定位文字链接的大规模文章营销活动或访客发帖活动
- 使用自动程序或服务创建指向您的网站的链接
% V: U; |9 }/ E, E5 l; M9 H # s" { @" _" D
& l9 L7 N- p# M, ]2 o" m3 J1 }, `- [7 P
- 可以提升 PageRank 的文字广告
- 针对某些文章(其中包含可提升 PageRank 的链接)而收费的软文广告或原生广告
- 包含了分布在其他网站上的文章或新闻稿中的优化定位文字的链接。例如:
, a. ]2 n$ P5 b o: Q4 e4 H8 q 市面上有很多款婚戒。如果您要办婚礼,就必须挑选最好的婚戒。您还需要买花和婚纱。 - 低质量的目录或书签网站链接
- 在广泛分布于各种网站的窗口小部件中嵌入的链接,例如:" S7 G( U1 l0 x' W; R9 A
此页面的访问者:1,472 汽车保险 - 在各种网站的页脚中广泛分布的链接
- 帖子或签名中带有优化链接的论坛评论,例如:1 y7 r; O, ?7 {0 C6 ?9 R5 g
) k. ~( U1 t" [- ~+ U; X# D - 张华$ t# b& m0 k7 ^' ?3 n" ?9 W
张华茶楼 南京茶楼 南京最好的茶楼
; E% k: `8 d% f# _/ A! x 请注意,不会提升广告买家的 PageRank 的 PPC(每次点击费用)广告链接不违反我们的指南。您可以通过如下几种方式阻止 PageRank 的提升:
, v% ]+ B3 I- y U) p D5 c! H+ t
- 将 rel="nofollow" 属性添加到 <a> 标记中
- 将链接重定向到利用 robots.txt 文件阻止搜索引擎抓取的中间网页0 \4 Z& a- @, }# U& s2 }- A! H7 F; x
( f! u1 S& K& j7 U0 r, Z0 d
9 \" s7 t. \/ w9 P& L1 k: ~( J1 q: I) V: q
如果您看到参与链接方案的网站企图操纵 PageRank,请通知我们。我们将利用您提供的信息改进检测这类链接的算法。- @8 H- N0 a4 K% X+ [7 u
+ w- W! c' H8 V. \- ]- B Jul 18, 2013
) m' F4 J7 r! R3 v3 ?& v9 ^, y
% A2 }" O; M1 V1 @ M. Y) d参考链接5 _" s& [: L+ e9 U, L, Z) s7 U
; ]4 A- d1 ?, I' P7 v* qhttp://lusongsong.com/blog/post/696.html9 K# W1 J9 s7 S
% A7 E& l" j8 D. F7 a( B( L! o5 z2 j1 F, D
) W b c" q W7 ~# t u- 谈谈个人看法:
# }, p3 m c; ^) _( x, d - 1.打击群发。
0 ^) w/ e. v/ A7 R# G4 D - 2.评论,留言等,要增加字数。减少锚文本。
" a# z6 Q; n* t4 Z - 3.文章站等文章,要增加锚文本的类型,不要都指向自己的网站,送点给其他人。
) C$ A" ?6 |% f4 N D8 F2 r
7 `, o$ A+ y% _0 H; D0 t# Y- 其实等于屁话,google一直禁止,只是现在更强调了一下。只要做到我上面的三点,手工党无忧。
3 A. t- J4 c: o |