godaddy VPS 申请退款信

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发表于 2013-8-9 15:09:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

i just bought a VDS which turned out to be AP region.
what i want is US location. so i concelled them and apply for refund to my paypal, then i'll rephurchase US one.
Customer Number: Username: Receipt Number:
45671128713       42256728713         463257438

Virtual Dedicated Hosting Value Linux CentOS – AP $27.99
Quantity: 1  
  Term: 1 month(s)  

Standard (Turbo) SSL (1 Year) (annual) $0.00
Quantity: 1 certificate(s)  
  Term: 1 year(s)  

Special Savings:     $12.00
Subtotal:     $27.99
Shipping & Handling:     $0.00
Tax:     $0.00
Order Total $27.99

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