以下是我5月份的时候针对团队文字编辑在Squidoo平台上发布的文章被locked而分析有感,下面是我通过google查询发现的一些外链对Squidoo的影响的一些探讨。原创内容,详情请看下面内容。3 P$ f1 m6 p+ D2 d9 x$ M" C1 V
0 w+ b; q, q5 k( T' O4 I
团队文字编辑一直有在Squidoo平台上发布文章,而技术组也给这些文章一些外链支持。然后后来相继的Squidoo文章被locked,而Squidoo又没有给出明确的理由,都能知道是触犯相关规定,但是不能明确。思索规则之余,我想到都是做了外链的lens才被taken down。所以不得不想到也许外链对其有一定的副作用。6 o7 ^, }/ x. [8 K: K; x8 l- h
0 d7 z C5 k' @$ U d, rhttp://hq.squidoo.com/tips/are-the-inbound-links-to-your-lenses-adding-value/
2 J* ^) Y: W) o. q& R& P' V
! [/ m* }: i: q [. Q; NSquidooHQ中文章末尾处有提到要保证外链相关性。nofollow的,低质量的外链会对有负面影响。
3 N0 C+ q0 r9 O" H5 a5 T( g! s" E9 h
Make sure that every link added to a lens is targeted and relevant. Avoid cheap linking from places that may not be trusted. Lenses found to contain an excess of links from “nofollowed” blog comments 5 C2 K" K& h1 s
or low quality “link directories” could be flagged or locked.7 ~8 ]) [0 }* T6 q$ N. Q
$ x# v& S) s$ |! Q1 W. c
; y! i; {$ T* L. r: l1 [This really clears nothing up for me,in fact the ambiguous terminology used to "clarify" the supposed inbound link problem which is wrongly punishing & frustrating so many of us lensmasters is actually confusing.: A7 n3 E# v' G+ u# x+ v# D
The term "low quality link" does not really tell us much,since we are discussing Google perhaps we should use their ranking system to help us understand better.# F" U- w8 Q8 Z" F, W5 F6 w
Is a Pr5 link low quality,or is it acceptable? At what PR level does the Squidoo filter decide the links change from "acceptable quality" to "low quality"? "Lenses found to contain an excess of links from “no followed” blog 3 |; i H( N' d# d
comments or low quality “link directories” could be flagged or locked"-How many is too many?
7 N9 c' ~9 w# @4 h1 u* m( fI have a lens which is (probably) about to be deleted after nearly 3 years of being blessed by SquidAngels and more because it has 6 links from 5 domains and the filter has deemed them to be low quality as of my (attempted) last update. Would 5 have passed the filter? Maybe? 5 D# O v" n) q. r) R; F
* y% H! C& S- I3 O
+ y. G0 i, X/ E1.http://www.squidprofits.com/squidoo-filters-backlinks-and-outbound-links/; |9 P* \ c5 V' L+ J+ r; v8 y! C
3 i# _( R9 \; `" A1 Z3.http://hq.squidoo.com/tips/why-does-squidoo-use-filters/
, L' T* a* o+ `: {4 B4.http://hq.squidoo.com/squid-news/changing-link-status-on-squidoo/+ b% O8 T9 N8 x) S
. f( L5 d1 q8 s0 y
7 Z; S" I: Z" m0 R+ `
8 \: f1 W. Q% L6.http://hq.squidoo.com/tips/what-to-do-with-a-locked-lens-and-more-advice-about-content/
* J3 S, F) B6 w2 Z+ k; K: b) c5 f. m, y# X
大家都知道SquidooHQ是Squidoo的官方说明,所以外链这个影响都是必然的了。所以个人觉得工具外链对squidoo lens不适用。上面的NO1讨论文章中,有提到这么一句:
4 d, h6 e# J9 JSomeone asks – “How can we control who links to our lenses from where? Do we need to worry about lenses getting locked because others have linked to them?” The response? “No need to worry Kylyssa, we’re not locking quality lenses.” 由此看看出高质量的内容是尤为重要的。5 {% }( ^$ g( Y0 l& r2 L
0 s6 R5 G* m4 h5 K& Y8 vThe most common reasons that lenses get unpublished
. X) K! b7 i" Q( _$ \1The lens is on one of our SquidDon't topics that we can't allow on the site.9 y4 R- b5 x; g. W ]
2The lens exists solely as an affiliate program lens, or engages in some sort of article spinning, rather than being original opinion content.
7 n! p; x. b/ t" [4 |3The lens has plagiarized content.
( M& R( e- C; E9 S7 X4The lens has aggressively duplicated content, and very little original, unique content written by you.7 Z {& j! U& d+ w. U
5The lens breaks any other elements of our content policies and TOS, ranging from keyword stuffing, content spamming, redirects, low quality, cloned lenses, hate lenses, lenses that violate our partner's TOS and more.
* o& g: z, Y# `' ]' h6We determine that the lens or the lensmaster has been doing more harm than good as a part of this community, and therefore the account gets suspended regardless of the content on the lens.
: z+ d [8 |# z( o$ _$ H7The lens is not in English and we cannot support complaints or spam suspicions about it.
, v$ ^/ l7 V# |
1 L! M( F5 V, W上面有明确的提到Affiliate,所以个人建议在Squidoo中不要带AFF链接,最起码的是不要显性的带,隐藏性的可以尝试带看是否会被filter检测出。) C8 N# ?$ [4 k- Q N
) ]7 L' c5 `* b5 p在用于品牌推广或者是Niche的流量文章,都是可行的。因为这些不可控,及其外链的影响,我们对于此平台的精力可能就需要稍微少一些,多挖掘一些别的高质平台。
# E o% U% q# [3 e4 T! s% X [上面的讨论一中评论里面有提到这两个平台:http://www.sirgo.com/ http://www.bubblews.com/ 文章平台,可以跟进。% x% Q0 N$ w) z
) m, m7 L" W! q) V% r& I8 hPS:以上探讨只是说明外链对于lens的影响,但是不能决定的说明我们的文章被locked就是因为这个原因。一个第三方平台确实很不可控,我们只能在尽量提高文章的质量上面又去完善的把握在它的规则之中。; M) v1 o( O1 H/ W. }
网上很多探讨Squidoo平台的,当然大家基本上都是在这个平台上去挣钱。正面反面的都很多。具体有兴趣的可以看看,刚刚提到的讨论1.http://www.squidprofits.com的博客,. q0 b; u4 i9 \
% P! J% K+ d6 y2 w9 L( p, p下面为知名论坛中对Squidoo的讨论。讨论中也有很多对于Squidoo的其他信息,有兴趣的可以详细戳看。
; F! ]8 |5 Q$ X0 ghttp://www.warriorforum.com/main-internet-marketing-discussion-forum/731902-site-squidoo-lens.html http://www.warriorforum.com/main-internet-marketing-discussion-forum/702223-what-now-woke-morning-find-my-squidoo-empire-has-been-locked.html
8 J2 p) T5 n7 A' s! y6 E6 d8 P/ i) K
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" S6 T% J4 ~$ o7 h1 }, S" g
0 X( B& k! W0 }8 v1 g& G- B C- t6 a) E( C
; A X- R7 F* z. i- i2 ~+ @
9 w2 b' i3 V/ w6 z" Q* @; u5 _. W |