揭密 Tung Tran 的 LinkBuilding

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发表于 2013-10-26 22:47:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tung Tran 在那篇采访中并没有说出他 LinkBuilding 的方法

只简单的说了一句 用了 1层私有博客

但是他在卖  bestadjustabledumbbells.org 时说出了详细的方法并且花了400刀


I've paid over $400 for SEO

Here are the links I used:

March: web 2.0, article directories, wiki, forum profile etc... and some links on my high PR blog network

August: 150 high PR links.

We can lose some web 2.0, profile and wiki link but the high PR links are permanent 揭密 Tung Tran  的 LinkBuilding So you can sure that the site will still keep the ranking


When you say 150 high pr links, does it mean that it is coming from 150 separate domains? ( do you have so much sites in your private network? )
If not, let us know it is getting links from how many domains in your network of high pr?

what is the cost for that network per month? ( approx how many domains you are getting link from in that network? )

他回答 :

Most of them are from a service I bought

I paid around $50 for a PR3, $200 for a PR4. The only monhtly cost is on SEO Hosting like $20 per month but I have just found a trick which can reduce it to only $3-4 per month

For the service, it's one-off package. $280 per blast


给力  发表于 2013-10-26 23:21


参与人数 1T币 +2 收起 理由
gger + 2


发表于 2013-10-26 23:50:25 | 显示全部楼层
400刀啊,I can't afford it~~
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-26 23:55:08 | 显示全部楼层
400刀只是他 SEO 部分的钱,文章,主机,模版杂七杂八的钱,还没算进去。
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发表于 2013-10-27 01:33:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-27 09:04:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-28 07:05:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-28 11:12:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-28 13:31:05 | 显示全部楼层
他的外链成本好高啊~~ 其他的投入相对于外链来说都很少了。。。
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