本帖最后由 猪农 于 2013-11-23 12:28 编辑
楼主按4楼的回答做就可以了,PayPal可以做(1)一次性付款(2)Recurring Payments 自动续期, 这两者支付方式。
但是,GoDaddy只允许你以preauthorized (preapproved)的方式支付,先建立支付协议,然后它再扣钱。这也就启动了自动续期,如果你不想这样做,支付后去PayPal上取消某一个支付协议。相当多的公司(包括域名商,主机商)都要求这种支付方式,就是为了让你到期不知不觉就续期了。
关于自动续期的付款,如下你自己看看PayPal 官方说法,或自己用翻译机,这里不翻译了
Recurring Payments
A Recurring Payment is a payment in which you (as a buyer or a sender of funds) provide an advance authorisation to a third party (such as a merchant or eBay) for a third party initiated payment, that is a charge to your PayPal account directly on a one-time, regular, or sporadic basis. Recurring Payments are sometimes called “Subscriptions”, “Automatic Payments” or “Preapproved Payments”. Recurring Payments can be managed from your PayPal Account. By providing an advanced authorisation for a third party initiated payment, you are giving the third party the ability to collect or reverse variable payment amounts from your PayPal account until such time as this arrangement is cancelled.