妈的 今天收到了一个 K号信
内容是 :
You are not in compliance with the Linking Requirements(https://affiliate-program.amazon ... p/operating/linking) because your site makes inaccurate, overbroad, deceptive or otherwise misleading claims about Products, the Amazon Site, or our policies, promotions or prices.
because your site makes inaccurate, overbroad, deceptive or otherwise misleading claims about Products, the Amazon Site, or our policies, promotions or prices.
网站内容到底要注意哪些问题才能降低K 号的 风险? 希望经验的兄弟姐妹们 补充一下 让大家一起少走弯路哈
1.价格不能乱放上去 API 调用才行
2.亚马逊的图标不能乱用 最好用指定的