We are writing to notify you that we are terminating the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement with you with immediate effect. Your Associates Program account will be closed and you will not receive further payment of advertising fees. We have taken this step because you are not in compliance with the Operating Agreement that governs your participation in the Associates Program.
You are not in compliance with Participation Requirement Number 20 and the Trademark Guidelines because you are using screenshots of the Amazon Site which is likely to confuse customers about the relationship between your site and the Amazon site.
You can find the complete terms of the Operating Agreement and its Schedules via this link: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/agreement.
We insist that you immediately stop this activity and remove all Amazon content, including Special Links, from your site(s). Any other accounts you have or may open in the future may be closed and you will not receive any advertising fees. We reserve all other rights and claims we may have.