我在谷歌花了30刀买了以为是永久的,问了客服,客服回复,6个月不用,还是”可能”会被回收,所谓的30美金,里面10美金是新选号,20美金是留下原来的号,相当于让你一个账户拥有两个voice number而已
‘To set your expectation, your Google Voice number that ends with 3321 is a permanent number, you just have to use your account by sending or calling text message/calls in order for you to keep the number because if our system will detect that you’re not making any outgoing activity, Google Voice may reclaim your number due to inactivity ‘
综上:去某宝6块钱直接买个号,然后保持使用即可,除非想自由选号,可以加10美金新选一个,20美金完全没必要! |