First name: 填写姓,汉字
Surname: 填写名,汉字
Company: 公司名,可以填写你的网站名称,应为英文字符
Email: email地址,也将作为你的帐号登陆名
User name: 登陆名
Home or company address: 默认为中国China
Password: 密码
Confirm password: 密码确认
Yes,I have read and accepted the... 在前面方框打勾
I am not liable to pay VAT in the sense of German VAT Act (UStG) as my company is based in the European Union outside of Germany. I am not liable to pay VAT in the sense of German VAT Act (UStG) as my company is based outside of the European Union.I am acting as an private individual outside of Germany and am not liable to pay VAT in the sense of the German VAT Act (UStG).
Name: 网站名,应为英文
URL: 网站地址
Usage: 用途,如果是个人,选择第一个,企业选择第二个
Language of web site : 网站使用语言
Description and target group : 网站的一些简要介绍,应为英文
Keywords: 网站关键词,应为英文
Page impressions: 网站月PV流量
Visitor: 网站月IP流量
I use the following exceptions: 无需改动
Category: 所属的类别,最少选一个,最多选三个
Sales regions relevant for you: 选择广告的地区,一般选中国