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发表于 2006-10-1 22:00:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This question is the age old Style vs Function

- Do you use Adsense on your home page?

你是否把Adsense设置为首页? (我想应该是放GGAD的网站首页吧。。)

- Do you think it cheapens the page - but it makes money so what...


- Do you AVOID your home page but place ads on interior pages?





If your site is monetized by adsense, then absolutely run the adds on the home page. Your goal is to sell the click, why beat around the bush.
On the other hand, if your site is monetized by selling your product or service, then no way. If your site is so bad that a newly arrived visitor would rather click an add than learn more about your product or service, well then you have deeper issues than where to place adds.

When I see, for example - a web design firm - based on a previous reply, showing adds for their competitors, I lose 100% confidence in that site and would never buy from them.
I have also added a nicely blended block to my home page and it has been running now 24 hours.
The results are amazing.... I am seeing positive clickthough rates....

However - my whole site is about one subject with different variations on each page therefore the home page always has very relevant content.

My home page runs no ads because AdSense never could target that page right anyway. It never paid well.
If you can put ads on your home page that outperform your main product dump your original business and retire on adsense. Otherwise it just cheapens the space, sell your stuff on the main page.

I run a large informational/commentary site. My home page accounts for less than 1% of my traffic and when I used to run AdSense on the home page, it accounted for less than 0.1% of total AdSense revenue.
There are a lot of copy-cat sites out there and I want to make sure that anyone viewing my site doesn't mistake my site for one of the scraped copies. I also have a quite a few competitors who all put AdSense on their home page, and I want my site to stand apart from them.

My quest for the last year has been to try to figure out how I can keep this site profitable for the next 10 years or more. I know that the few dollars I could get from putting AdSense on my home page will not make a difference to the longevity of my business, but the image that AdSense on the home page conveys could do some damage. It's just not worth it for me.
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