weekly news: 比萨斜塔让位 德国尖塔成“世界最斜塔”

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发表于 2007-11-16 10:16:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
weekly news: 比萨斜塔让位 德国尖塔成“世界最斜塔”

  German steeple beats Leaning Tower of Pisa into Guinness book
  A 15th century church steeple in Germany has snatched the accolade ofthe most tilted tower in the world from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, theGuinness Book of World Records confirmed on Thursday.
  The27-metre-high (86-feet-high) steeple in the northern village ofSuurhusen tilts at an angle of 5.19 degrees compared to just 3.97degrees for the Pisa tower.
  In a ceremony to mark GuinnessWorld Records Day on Thursday, the book’s editor-in-chief handed over acertificate to mark the accomplishment to church officials.
  "We have always known it, but now it’s official," said the pastor of the church, Frank Wessels.
  According to local historian Tjabbo van Lessen, the church was builtin marshy land in 1450 on foundations of oak tree trunks which werepreserved by the water in the ground.
  When the land was drained in the 19th century, the wood rotted, causing the tower to tilt.
  The steeple was closed to the public in 1975 for safety reasons, but re-opened 10 years later after being made safe.
  Suurhusen is a village of 1,200 residents near Germany’s border with the Netherlands.
  Sunshine ‘helps to keep you young’
  A healthy dose of sunshine may be the secret to staying young, British scientists have revealed.
  A healthy dose of sunshine may be the secret to staying young, British scientists have revealed.
  Vitamin D is produced naturally by the skin in response to sunlightand may help to slow the ageing process and protect against heartdisease, according to the study.
  Researchers from King’sCollege London studied 2,160 women aged between 18 and 79, looking attheir telomeres - a biological marker of ageing found in DNA. As peopleget older their telomeres get shorter and they become more susceptibleto certain illnesses.
  But the study found women with highlevels of vitamin D had comparatively longer telomeres - a sign ofbeing biologically younger and healthier.
  The study suggests vitamin D may help to slow down the ageing process of DNA, and therefore the ageing process as a whole.
  Lead researcher Dr Brent Richards said: "These results are excitingbecause they demonstrate for the first time that people who have higherlevels of vitamin D may age more slowly than people with lower levelsof vitamin D.
  "This could help to explain how vitamin D hasa protective effect on many ageing related diseases, such as heartdisease and cancer."
  He said further studies are required to confirm the findings.
  Professor Tim Spector, head of KCL’s twin research unit, and aco-author of the report, added: "Although it might sound absurd, it’spossible that the same sunshine which may increase our risk of skincancer may also have a healthy effect on the general ageing process."
  Vitamin D made by the action of sunlight on the skin accounts for 90per cent of the body’s supply, but lower levels can also be obtainedthrough food such as fish, eggs and breakfast cereals.
  Other studies have suggested the vitamin plays a key role in protecting against cancer and heart disease.
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