楼主 |
发表于 2008-10-24 20:29:57
* A Frog in the Valley - Technology Links and Opinion. In Frenglish...
* gammatron - Astronomy, technology, numismatics, and other interesting links.
* Gary Turner’s Momentary Lapses of Diltution - Gary Turner is the inventor of Blogstickers (Blogstickers.com) and Blogtank, a self-organizing community weblog (blogtank.radiopossibility.com) On his personal weblog Gary Turner shares his take on technology, the web, marketing revolution, media and weblogs. Gary is based in the UK.
* Geek Blog - The blog home of the Abnormal Geek, from the Yahoo described jack of all trades tech site, Geek’s World.
* Geek Extreme - News, reviews, and other stuff geeks or wanna-be geeks can use.
* Grafitti - Brian Bilbrey, NPS, maintains a daily personal/technical web log in the Grafitti section of Orb Designs Online. Linux is a recurring theme.
* Gregor J. Rothfuss - CMS developer talks about emerging technologies, knowledge management and CMS interop.
* grep computer(s) - Play with computers, work with computers, read about computers...so write about computers. Everything (and then some) I experience about computers...
* GrepNinjaLog - What a software engineering "grepninja" finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time.
* GuerrillaNews - Community weblog focussed on computer security.
* Hack the Planet - Wes Felter’s web log. Comments about software, hardware, Java, Linux, usability and the Mac. Not about cracking or security.
* 2020 Hindsight - Musings, Stories, Links, Digital Photography, Travel Diaries, L.A. News, and other things that are of interest to Susan Kitchens.
* Hired Insight - E-commerce commentary, small e-mail address harvesters available.
* Hopeless’ Weblog - Weblog of the various news items and articles I encounter during work. Subjects include agents, Java, Jini, ubiquitous computing and Psion/EPOC PDAs plus anything else that strikes me as worthwhile.
* HowToWeb Insider - A frequently updated weblog for website owners and web professionals.
* IDblog - The weblog of the STC Information Design SIG.
* ideasasylum - A commentary on technology including multi-agent systems, wireless ad-hoc networks and blogging. Other noteworthy news is also discussed. If you like what I like, you’ll like this site.
* Idiotprogrammer Web Log - A web journal created by Robert Nagle, a Texas technical writer. It covers cyberculture and the IT industry.
* ILF News - ILF News, the world’s leading publisher of business and financial news for the life sciences sector.
* Infolets - Exploring projects, products, and ideas that are interesting, innovative or just plain unique.
* Infosec Blog - A weblog about the information security industry with opinion and attitude you won’t find in any advisory or press release.
* inluminent/weblog - shedding light on marketing, adveritising, small business and technology
* Intelliware Development Inc. - Leaders in business application development, providing news and commentary on the technology industry and whatever captures the attention of our contributors.
* It Came from the Codeslave - Commentary & reflection on technology, web development, toys, video games and more from a veteran web designer
* IUnknown.com - John Lam’s weblog on software development.
* Jacob’s Angst - Bits of information about online technology and its impact. Contributions welcome by email.
* James Thornton’s Weblog - His filter on the Internet.
* JdB Cyberspace - The rambelings of Jarle Dahl Bergersen, featuring news and rants about Wi-Fi, Flash and other cool technologies.
* jimlog - Jim Gilliam’s tech, film, and business log.
* Joel on Software - A weblog by Joel Spolsky, a programmer working in New York City, about software and software companies.
* John Robb’s Radio Weblog - I generally talk about technology and the use of Weblogs for knowledge management.
* Jon Bob’s Tech news and links - Contains top tech stories and links where you can find more of the same.
* JY’s weblog - > World > France > Nantes > Home > JY
* kiplog - Knowledge Is Power - pointing to knowledge found on and about the Web
* Knowledge El Dorado - VeerChand Bothra’s blog on Collaboration, Groupware, Communities, Peer-to-Peer, Grids, Clusters, Knowledge Management
* Lekhani - Experiments in Scripting (amongst other things)
* Life of a one-man IT department - Blog about being the entire IT department in a smallish office building. Links to news, things I learn, things I deal with, information for others interested in technology.
* LucDesk - Links to articles I consider noteworthy on other sites: information design, web usability, user experience.
* Matt Croydon::postneo - A techblog about computers, the web, coding, scripting, weblogs, and more.
* McVey.org: a journal of sorts ... - The web home of Cam McVey - a bunch of stuff with a focus on web development and ice hockey!
* Mersault Thinking - Daily digest of useful articles and links on Information Architecture, Usability, User Interface design and anything else that helps build better web sites, from Dublin, Ireland.
* MichaelTorres.com - A stream of consciousness web filter, updated 3-5 times most days. Focused on high-tech, PDAs, cool web services, and software development as well as other random thoughts.
* Mike Golding’s personal weblog - Web Log, Photos, Experiments and Links
* milov.nl - Almost daily weblog/homepage focusing on digital art, javascript/dhtml, the weblog phenomenom.
* MindBlog ... It’s just mindbloggling - The passing thoughts of a Pageminder -- A Web Developer’s Journal.
* Mindjack’s Daily Relay - Trends and developments in digital culture.
* misnomer - looks at the social and technological conditions of the web as a medium.
* mitchleung.com - Personal web log provides Mac and web related tools and tips
* mlbell ~ a little bit of me - A personal weblog
* MoiK78 Blog - Useful articles and information about Internet and technology are posted.
* Nathan’s Current - Useful code snippets, tips, techniques and downloads. Technical and social happenings with philosophical interest. reviews of all kinds.
* Neongreen.com - A personal site from Minneapolis about technology, web, design, development, and daily life. Photos, links and an obligatory web cam are included.
* No Title - Technology information, regional news, digital photography, and local happenings from Silicon Valley.
* nublog: A Weblog on Web Content - Weblog from content consultancy contenu.nu offering sharp opinions on Web content.
* Nzbase.com - Search Engine Marketing in New Zealand - A New Zealand search engine marketing blog with news, articles and insights in both the national and global online industries.
* Office Jotter - Office Jotter is a personal analysis of what is happening in the world of the electronic business. It consists of a Web log and occasional longer material.
* Online Learning Daily - Daily news related to online learning. Covers new tech such as wireless access and tablet computers, e-learnining standards such as SCORM or IMS, learning management systems, instructional design, assessment and evaluation, and issues such as copyright and open access.
* Onlineblog.com - A technology weblog from the team that produces Online, the Guardian newspaper’s weekly technology section.
* The other side of the story - Telsa’s diary of life with geek guru Alan Cox, Linux, Gnome and Open Source.
* Paolo Valdemarin’s Weblog - Discussing about web technologies, ideas, integration and content management systems.
* Paul Boutin - Daily news and commentary from senior editor of Wired magazine
* paxtonland.com - Technology, software reviews, news, tips and more.
* The Personalization Underground - Bruce Kasanoff, a longtime innovator in the personalization space, says people who think personalization is about marketing are wrong. It’s about technology changing the way we live.
* peterme.com - Links, thoughts, and essays from Peter Merholz, about things like interface design, movies, and single-malt scotch.
* Poochkiss - Internet technology news.
* Premium Blend - A weblog on technology issues and developments.
* Pressflex blog: Internet publishing - This blog explores (a few of) the Internet’s implications for traditional publishers. |