[插件] WPtouch Pro Unlimited Version手机优化wordpress theme

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发表于 2012-1-7 13:47:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
价格$199 wordpress手机优化模板
What Is WPtouch Pro?

WPtouch ProTM is a WordPress plugin to add powerful, easy-to-use themes for mobile + tablet visitors. It’s also a theming framework, great for creating mobile & tablet themes for your clients.

How Does It Work?

It works by detecting devices like iPhones, iPads, Android & and more, serving its optimized themes instead of your regular desktop theme. Visitors can always switch back if they choose.
How Is It Different?

WPtouch Pro has thousands of hours of work behind it. We think it’s the most polished, professional mobile plugin available for WordPress.
What Makes It ‘Pro’?

WPtouch Pro includes 200+ great new features with powerful options in an easy-to-use admin panel. It also includes awesome customer support + free upgrades through all 2.x releases.

WPtouch Pro Unlimited Version
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