[CPA] Dating Automation

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发表于 2012-5-20 23:26:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ok guys so i thought i would make something to help you guys this is what you will need

mIRC - http://www.mirc.com
And an msn account preferably a girls name i.e ( hotsexyblackhatmama@hotmail.com)

First of all load it up and fill it with any details you wish, now in the server address you will need to fill out one of the following servers


These work fine for me.
Now in your mirc scripts ( TOOLS > SCRIPTS EDITOR > REMOTES )
OR Press ALT + R and click the Remote tab fill in the following

on 1:TEXT:*Welcome to the BitlBee gateway*:&bitlbee:/msg $chan account add msn yourmsn@hotmail.com yourpassword
on 1:TEXT:*Account successfully added*:&bitlbee:/msg $chan account on
on 1:TEXT:*New request*:&bitlbee:/msg $chan yes
on *:TEXT:hi:?:/msg $nick Hi there
on *:TEXT:how are you:?:/msg $nick im great you? | /msg $nick im a little horny?
on *:TEXT:horny:?:/msg $nick Yes im very horny would you like to see my pictures or cam?
on *:TEXT:yes:?:/msg $nick Ok check out here and tell me what you think http://www.moneymakerdiscussion.com
Now you simply replace yourmsn@hotmail.com with your msn address, and replace your password with your msn accounts password.

Now to add more just add more of these
on *:TEXT:horny:?:/msg $nick Yes im very horny would you like to see my pictures or cam?
After the TEXT: <=== This is where you fill out a keyword

For example if you had someone reply to you "where is MoneyMakerDiscussion"
You could auto reply saying its at http://www.moneymakerdiscussion.com
Little example below

on *:TEXT:where is moneymakerdiscussion:?:/msg $nick its at http://www.moneymakerdiscussion.com
Fill this with all your autoresponses that you think will work you can learn for questions as you go along and watch the questions being asked then just load up the remotes tab and add more.

You can also add in yahoo, icq etc...
By adding
on 1:TEXT:*Welcome to the BitlBee gateway*:&bitlbee:/msg $chan account add yahoo username yourpassword
This will automatically accept friend requests
on 1:TEXT:*New request*:&bitlbee:/msg $chan yes
All you need is mIRC to make this work. Can be used for dating or something else you want to promote like an automatic business AI helpline out of hours or whatever you possibly can think off.

So basically you can spam gumtree or craigslist with this new created msn/yahoo address and it will work for you.

Now it will take some work at your end adding in autorespond messages but i cant do that for you as everyones different if you want to make a double response (i.e It will say hi, then enter and use another message use this | )

In example here
on *:TEXT:how are you:?:/msg $nick im great you? | /msg $nick im a little horny?
Thats pretty much all you will need to get going for those newbie to mIRC i suggest reading but after you fill your details in and hit OK

Just ALT + R button , then click remotes tab and paste the top code in and make a few of your own.
Its as simple as that after you enter the code in hit OK.

If your not connected then simply in the status window type
/server im.bitlbee.org

Also someone said that its not picking up the keywords during words, this is because you need to put a wildcard before and after the word, in my examples above i used the direct sentance if you want to put a wildcard i.e something that will respond with "im horny"

Put a * in between the keyword

on *:TEXT:*horny*:?:/msg $nick Yes im very horny would you like to see my pictures or cam?
This should make it a wildcard before and after or anywhere in a sentence. And respond to any sentence word with "horny" in it.
发表于 2012-10-21 09:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
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