[Social Media] SocialNetwork - Cash in Rewards

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发表于 2012-5-21 01:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello, today i'll get into some social networking methods that actually work, and that don't require either lots of work or high inicial investment. I'll use as an example facebook, since its the best social network to use this, still this works in all of them. I can tell you this method is universal and works in all, still don't waste your time in Myspace or in Hi5, because they will get you lower return (and in Myspace you get the chance of being sued).

TIP #1: Just because I'm using facebook as an example, it doesn't mean you Must your facebook. Like I said, this works in most (if not all) social networks (maybe twitter is the last one I'd try this); And you don't need to aim TOP social networks. Think out of the box... maybe less populated networks are less aimed by people doing twists of this method, and so, you'd have an higher success rate!

Now, after this brief intro, i'll get you forward to the juicy method:

1st Action: Lets start by the basics, and inicial investments: You'll need a domain and hosting. To spend the minimum as investment, purchase a .info domain (I recommend DomainHostingAll.com) and as Hosting, use HostGator Baby, using as a coupon "wordpress" (so 1st month, and you'll be changing hosting all months, costs you only 1cent). Try to aim some pretty and catchy domain name related to rewards and prizes (example: lastFreeRewards.info ; GetRewards4free.info ) OR, use some domain related to your SPECIFIC, see 3rd Action, offer and using the words Reward and Free).

2nd Action: after you have domain set up, you'll need to be a member of some CPA networks (since you'll target CPA offers that don't require much of user time, so E-mail or Zip-Code submits). I recommend you hydra, neverblue, copeac, and EliteROI (i'll write something later in this blog regarding getting accepted to CPA companies), still if you have difficulties being accepted, try AdscendMedia (as they don't have phone call verification), Netpartners (easy to get into) or other trusted ones that aren't as hard to get as the first ones i've wrote.

3rd Action: Pick the offer you'll be dealing with. There are unlimited things for you to work with. Try to make some market research first (meaning that you'll search the SocialNetwork you'll work), and in this example, i'll be searching Facebook for groups or fanpages regarding to laptops. I've found some pages where members want Facebook games to load faster.. guess what... maybe most of those members have old, slow computer... why not picking an Laptop offer and try to make them bit the bait?

4th Action: Free Laptops is what i'll be using right? So, i'll get the code for that offer, meaning i'll get the link where users must click to get to that offer and i'll be paid.

5th Action: Preparing the index page of my website! How to do it the easiest way? Simple, i'll make my homepage redirect to the offer, why is this? Why haven't I just sent the affiliate link to members of those pages? because members of social networks are getting smarter nowadays, they wont simply click links that have "ref=blablabla" or something like that. So we will open notepage, insert this code in it:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=">
and after "URL=" we will add the code we got.
Save it as index.html (Save As -> index.html)

6th Action: Working with more than 1 Social Network? Great, make it seem to the user that you sent the link that this is a facebook exclusive offer, so if my domain was "LaptopPrizesCompany.info", i'll create one folder, named Facebook, and then i'll upload the index.html to it. Create another one named /SpecialOffer/ and upload the same index.html to it.
Now I have my domain and hosting ready. Everything set up, just need people to come and complete the offers. My domain will be "www.LaptopPrizesCompany.info/FaceBook/" (keep the words capital, like I did.. since members will read the domain.. if someone reads "getyourfreelaptops.info/facebook/" it wont work as good as "GetYourFreeLaptops.info/FaceBook/"). and using the FaceBook folder, I can also create the "MySpace", or the "Hi5" or the "Orkut" and work with several Networks again (I Don't Advise MySpace or Hi5... its filled with C-o-o-ki Stuff3rs, so people are even more aware and probably will just report you as SPAM).

7th Action: Into the Social Network - Create a new profile, Try to aim the name of your account to something related to your offer... to Free Laptops, I'd Try something like First Name: LaptopRewards and lastname "Prizes". If you want to spend more time with this, go to the affiliate page, grab some image that appears in that page (logo or something) and add it as your Picture, so it will seem that you are not an affiliate, but you are actually the company getting Zip Submits, or Email submits, and then you will be the official representant of the company.
In your profile, try adding something like (DONT JUST COPY PASTE, Make your own, make your twists, make it seem original, and MAKE IT CATCHY):
"Welcome to (domain name) (social network name) profile! We're happy to announce that during (current month) we will be providing (offer) prizes to members that add us. Check (yourdomain.info/socialnetwork/) for more information, or send us a private message. Thank you for being an interested customer of (offer niche)."
AND, in social networks that Allow Fan pages, create one dedicated to this offer, and try to twist this, in your fan page, add as a rule that they must invite all the friends to be Ilustrous member of (domain name). You'll have the chance that this fan page would go Viral, and you can't even imagine the profit a viral fanpage in facebook has.

If you don't have a Dynamic Ip address like I do, I recommend you to use a proxy, because getting banned would mean stopping this work, and the chance they could take further actions.
Now, make a fan page research, try adding friends (you could use a bot... FaceBook Friend Blast or something... you pick... there are several out there, google it.) As a target do like I told you in a tip above, try targetting people that would be interested in your offer. Now, Mass Add tons of them. They will approve you (some of course) and they will check your profile, where you have that pretty message. Some will click it, but even after that, you will send (2 days After) a good personal message to all your friends, with something like:
"Thank you for accepting being a friend with (domain name) here in (social network name)! Out of every 100 members that add us, 1 is selected to receive a special offer. Please check (yourdomain.info/SpecialOffer/) to claim it. Please don't forget to tell all your friends where did you get that prize from. We are a starting company, and all help would be thanked."

Don't expect that they will tell their friends, but you will be surprised on how many people actually will claim their prizes!

TIP #2: If you have chances of investing harder, try using some CPA Framer, or something that allow you to change the offer to something more appealing... the sky is the limit....
I've even tried creating an index page with an email submit telling that by submitting the email you would get into an automatically generator that would sent you Mafia Wars invites... don't need to tell you how many people are crazy to get mafia wars invites do I?

TIP #3: Spend some time in that social network... expecialize... understand what people are looking for... understand what people are wanting. and offer that to them. You'll have skyrocket success. Don't forget to be rotating your CPA companies, and so, sharing the money trough several companies... its always safer, as you will be getting TONS of traffic completing the emails submit.

TIP #4: Lower CTR!! Make people see the page and not filling email submits! how to do that? get free sources of traffic! check more in Free Traffic – AutoSurfing programs : IM Expert , you have an extensive tutorial in how to get free traffic sources.

TIP #5: Your Network doesn't like redirecting pages? Cheat them... install wordpress, and use CPA redirector, then you'll simply make your index.html redirect to the page where you're talking about the offer (using the magic number). Check CPA redirectors here in this forum, you'll have all that you need to set it up! It provides more work, but its DEFENITELY safer if you're getting tons of traffic to your offer!

Hope you liked this tutorial... the idea isn't mine, since it has been discussed in several places, but I've made this tiny twists by myself...

Please don't share this outside VIP section. I've shared it in my blog, but it is not very known, and so this tiny twists will be kept safe.

Tricks (that i'm not sharing in my blog):
TONS OF FARMVILLE USERS are requesting for Mystery Eggs... use GodCPA, frame an email Submit, and make them insert the email hoping they will get MysteryEggs Links in their email! This will make your profit ROCK!
发表于 2012-9-28 11:49:04 | 显示全部楼层
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