[article rewrite] How to get UNIQUE outsourced Articles/Content for your website FOR FREE

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发表于 2012-5-22 00:04:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alright, so I was facing a really BIG problem this week which is basically, a website with a lot of categories/subcategories and NO content. After some brainstorming and digging as well, I came up with 3 methods to do just that without spending ANYTHING!

I know that these methods are pretty basic, but trust me they work very well. I was surprised of how effective they really are, yet nobody is talking about em' anywhere.

With no further duo, let's get started :pepsi:

Method 1 - Submit A Post Page

Adding a "Submit A Post" page on your website, can do all the difference in getting you free articles, from anyone who's checking out your website. The tricky part here, is that your website is supposed to be already having traffic, because frankly if you already have no traffic, then nobody will be submitting anything.

It's a good strategy to have that planned out from the very beginning, before you even start promoting your website. Just think of it as an additional strategy that you can apply on your website to get some free content. A very nice way to encourage your visitors to submit posts to your website is by adding a 1 liner at the end of each post/page on your website or blog, asking them to contact you if they feel like something a long the lines needs to be updated, and/or if there's a new story they want to publish. Lemme explain this by a little example.

Let's assume that you have a page which talks about "Tips on buying cars", adding a 1 liner that basically says "You think we've missed something out? Let us know" then just include a link to your Submit A Post page.

Method 2 - Recruit the Community

This method is all about encouraging the community which already exists for whatever topic you're talking about on your website. By basically telling them that you NEED content written, and their posts will be "featured".

This method really can be applied on different placed, be it forums, craiglist, social networking sites (for example, if your niche has a page on facebook), etc.

Let's take Facebook as an example, If I were aiming for content that's related to a TV show for example, I simply would post on pages that talk about that specific TV show, and giving them the opportunity to apply as authors for X community, where they can submit articles/videos/pictures/whatever, and get featured on the home page. Then put my email, or my phone number so they can contact me.

Trick here is to "MAKE THEM BUY THE IDEA", nuff said. Use your own imagination and whatever you see perfect for introducing your website, etc. And maybe you can list some benefits for becoming authors on your website.

Method 3 - We Are Hiring Writers

I'm sure you got the idea from the title. This method is all about looking throughout the web (again, forums, social networks, etc.) for content writers that you are GOING to hire.

Trick here is to ask the applicants to supply a specific number of UNIQUE articles before they are accepted, and thats how you're going to judge if they are quality content writers or not.

You can ask the applicants to supply whatever number of articles you want, but don't be too greedy though. Don't ask for more than 3 articles as a proof of quality, or applicants will suspect you as a scammer and most likely you will never get anything submitted.


I believe these methods can be tweaked in a lot of different ways, lemme say that it will work best if you start brainstorming for the best PLACE to look for content writers for your website. It all depends on the content you're looking for, and indeed the number of articles/content you're going to get depend on the way you write your pitch. Think out of the box, then TEST them one by one, and see which ones work out the best for you.

I'm sorry for any spelling/grammatical mistakes, but I wrote this one really quick.

发表于 2012-11-9 10:45:30 | 显示全部楼层
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