[SEO] 自然地增加外链 natural link building

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发表于 2012-9-16 00:36:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文链接 http://cnwebmasters.com/thread-97882-1-1.html
there is so much crap around about "natural link building" and most of it is totally wrong in my opinion. lets say you post 50 links a day, because you think that makes you stay under the radar. if you'd post 1000 links a day, it would hurt? no it wouldn't and thats because google won't index all he links the same day. even if you ping it, google will just take notice of the page you ping, not all its content and will schedule it for re-spidering.

在我看来关于自然地增加外链的许多的说法都是垃圾的,错误的。比如说你为了安全考虑,每天只添加50个外链,难道每天添加1000个外链就危险吗? 一点都不危险,因为google不可能在一天只能抓取你发的所有外链。即使你ping所有的外链,google也只会注意到这些被ping的页面,而并不是被ping页面的所有内容,过后google蜘蛛才会抓取这些页面。

just think of it, 1000 links a day can be natural too. you post a damn funny video on your blog and it will go viral in no time. 1000 links arent much in that case. so maybe if you fire off 100k or more a day and its all on linkfarms then google *might* get suspicious, but let me tell you this, i have tons of domains and never ever got one banned sofar. i tested various blackhat things even cloaking (thats what really gets you banned if done wrong) and they are still there ranking. i take new domains and spam them the same day they got registerd, a few weeks later they rank. so in my opinion, this "natural" link building is just another theory that sounds plausible to many, but has no value in the real world. of course you don't have to belive me, but try it yourself i have yet to see anyone getting removed from the index for backlinks only. maybe if you have adsense (i don't use that,but have many other affiliate shit on them).

另外一种可能是假如你每天发了100k或许更多的外链,而且这些外链全部发在链接工厂,有可能会引起google的怀疑,但是我告诉你,我的很多域名到现在为止没有一个被K的。 根据我个人的测试,很多的blackhatseo方法甚至cloaking(桥页)(cloaking如果没有做好会被K)也可以获得排名。我注册过一些新域名,然后开始发外垃圾链,几个星期后也获得了排名。 所以在我看来,自然地增加外链的理论就是哗众取宠,没有一点实际价值。 当然你也可以不相信我,你去可以自己测试的,我还没有看到过仅仅因为外链被K了的。 但也不排除许你给网站上方了adsense广告(我没有做adsense,但是我哦放了其他的推广链接)

sometimes you have to read between the lines. a good example is google saying that blog comments are bad and webmasters that did comments should remove them, but later they say blog comments are a valuable place for information. now think about it ? my opinion is this: its fear tactics! they want to get the webmasters to stop doing blog comments for seo.

有时你必须体会言外之意,才能明白什么是正确的seo方法。一个明显的例子就是google说Blog评论外链是垃圾的,网站主应该去掉这些评论,但是后来又说Blog评论是是很有价值的。 所有自己好好想想吧。 在我看来这就是google的吓唬人的策略,想让我们站长停止用Blog评论的方式做seo。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 00:38:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 oceanxwzj 于 2012-9-16 02:16 编辑

好像发错位置了 老大帮我移一下
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