Flagged Exploit

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发表于 2011-8-3 00:27:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jxau00001 于 2011-8-3 00:30 编辑

So yeah, I got bored and thought I'd throw this in the sub section.

Here are my tips.

They do check IP addresses. They don't (so far) check to see if your IP came from hotspotshield or tor etc

They do notice catchalls. Don't use more than 1 email address per url. ESPECIALLY .co.cc which are obvious.

They obviously notice emails. Don't bob@345.com or hello@cool.com Instead batmanfan45@gmail.com, christopher89@live.com etc

They DO check PASSWORDS. DON'T (if your making your own refs) use the same password.

How do I know most of this stuff? I emailed them after the last promo and they showed me the 3 accounts that flagged my account. They showed me everything about each flagged account.

I personally wouldn't put too much effort or money into getting refs. Its better to be careful and not to get flagged than to get a crapload of accounts and get flagged.
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