Baby Got Back
Please note that this tutorial is meant for advanced/intermediate users!
Are you promoting BH trafficor even CL traffic? Has it made you paranoid about your earnings? If sothen this tutorial is for you!
This tutorial will show you how to setup a nice looking dummy CPA network site of your own.
Q. Why create a fake CPA network site?
A. A lot of users, especially on CL have been learning how to pickup affiliate links. What I've noticed is that some of the flag happypeople have now started to attack affiliates at the core, by revealingtraffic sources to the networks.
By creating a fake site, we have now added an extra layer ofprotection as the first site that the users will see is our fake CPAsite. 95% of people will not follow the trail any further and allcomplaints will be sent to your fake network. Meaning your chances ofbeing caught have now decreased!
Another advantage is if the base network (where the offer is from)finds out that someone on your network is promoting via BH methods, allyou have to do to please them is say that you've dropped the affiliateand thanks for the heads up (This may not work all the time, as somenetworks are more ban happy, and may drop the offer or your account).
Getting Started
Step One:
First off you will need a domain name. It doesn't really matterwhat the domain name is, as you can adjust the name of the companybased upon the site name. Although I suggest that if your using an olddomain (maybe from mailing), that the domain not have any descriptpieces in it such as 'movies4me.com' would not be suitable!
Step Two:
The second step is to find a template that you like. I've includeda list of 3 templates that I've picked out that are easy to change toour needs.
Now from here your going to have to design the site to look like aCPA network, it's not as hard as many of you will think. The mainpoints to include are stated below:
- Login form on homepage or Login link to seperate login page
- Signup page that states that this network is for private affiliates
- Contact page with form or you can just list email address (easier option)
- A phone number! This is a must! You can include one that is alwaysbusy, but I suggest that you get a valid one from ring2skype.com orgoogle.com/voice (still in beta). From here record a message that youare out of the office, etc...
- An 'About us' page
- Description about your network and why it's private
- A reverse tactic: Put a invalid link page up, that will show whichpart of the url is the affiliate and how to report them (if you stickfood infront of their face, they will bite)
Take a look at some of the following sites if you need help deciding what to put in:
- [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://eliteroi.com]http://eliteroi.com[/url]
- [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://incentaclick.com]http://incentaclick.com[/url]
- [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://maxbounty.com]http://maxbounty.com[/url]
- [url=http://www.anonym.to/?http://copeac.com]http://copeac.com[/url]
**I will be creating a sample template with an invalid click page forpeople to use by next week. I originally wanted to release it with thistutorial, but things have become too busy**
Step Three:
This is where we are going to design a fake 'invalid click' page.On this page, this is where we will tell the users how to report'Spamming' affiliates.
If you would like a good example of an invalid click page, go to:
- incentaclick.com/click/
What you will be wanting to put on your invalid click page, is abasic design, that will tell your users that the click is invalid, andthen have a link that will take them to the homepage of your site.
IMPORTANT PART: Include a sample url and tell people how to reportAffiliates. Include something such as "if you have been spammed by ourlinks, please send an email to spam@cpacompany.com and we will dealwith the affiliate harshly."
You will need to make sure that this page has a .php extension so that the script below will work.
Step Four:
We will also need to create a simple redirect page. This will come in use later on.
Name the redirect page whatever you would like, and with whichever extension you would like (i still prefer php).
Now put this code into the file:
<title>CPA Company - Redirect</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.cpacompany.com/click/" />
Change the following:
- 'CPA Company' to your companies name
- 'http://www.cpacompany.com/click/' to your url and/or folder.
Step Five:
I was going to includea tracking script that is more powerful than roishield/any othertracker, but it is taking me a little longer to code, so for now youcan use the code below.
Now that your site is designed. We are now going to add inour fake tracking script. The following script will NOT track anything.All that the following script does, is make it so that you can fake anaffid and any other fields you wish to.
Here is the basic script:
$affid = $_GET['offer'];
if ($offer == "a1") {$link = "domain.com";}
if ($offer == "a2") {$link = "domain2.com";}
if ($offer == "a3") {$link = "domain3.com";}
if ($offer == "a4") {$link = "domain4.com";}
else include("fakeinvalidclickspage.php"); //This line makes it so thatany attempt to access an offer that isn't stated/access the base pagewill show our invalid links page
header("Location: $link");
You can rename the strings called 'offer'. What this will do is makethe redirect string something different. Such as you can use 'o' forshort, or you can use 'affid' and etc.
You will need to rename the strings called 'a1' and such to randomnumbers for your offers... This will make things look more legit.
Personally I prefer using 'offer' as the redirect string, as affid canbecome a little bit messy if someone just types in the affid and ittakes you to an offer page.
If you wish to add more links, simply copy the if '($offer == "a1"){$link = "domain.com";}' string and keep putting them under each other.
Next, you will need to fill in the value of 'fakeinvalidclickspage.php'with your invalid link page. What this does, is if anyone trieXXNooping it will take them to an 'invalid click' page. Make sure thatyou page is PHP!
Now place this script in the base folder of your domain or in asubfolder called 'tracking', 'click', or etc... Name the scriptsomething such as 'index.php', 'click.php','link.php', or even 'c.php'for short.
Now your links will look as the following:
The best part about this script is that we can add in any detailsbefore/after the 'offer' string. To do so, just add 'and' after eachstring. By doing this I can now create links that look just like a realCPA company:
**PersonallyI prefer to setup a another domain for fake tracking. This way whenpeople look at the link, they will go to the invalid link page beforethey know what your website is. (You can also use a subdomain)**
Step Six:
We are now going to setup an htaccess file so that we no longer need tospecify the php file to redirect. Also we will be making it so that any404 error's (invalid pages) are redirected to our script.
NOTE: You will need mod rewrite on your server
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /.*/index\.(php|html)\ HTTP
RewriteRule (.*)index\.(php)$ /$1 [R=301,L]
ErrorDocument 404 /redirect.php
A list of srtings that you will need to change:
- 'redirect.php' <-- Change to your redirect page
Now name the file '.htaccess' and upload this to the folder containing the script.
This will now make your links work without the 'index.php' part
Alongwith the template, I will release a modified version of the script sothat you can use tracking through slashes (cpacompany.com/OFFER#/AFF#/SUBSTING)
Step Seven:
Your done!
That wasn't so hard now was it? Congrats on making it this far, you've now taken a step closer to securing your income!
Here are some final tips to keep things in check:
- Make sure that you keep your website as professional as possible.
- If you just registered the domain, make sure to mention that your a 'new' private network.
- This isn't a 100% full proof method. You can still be caught easily, so always watch out and spread your earnings!
- Also remember that one phone call from the merchant to user can bust your traffic source.
- If you are using 3rd party traffic. Make sure that you put it beforeyour fake CPA networks link. We want it to flow as the following:
3rd party Tracking ---> Fake CPA Link ---> Real CPA Link ---> Offer
- If your doing blackhat traffic, then I suggest that you use a magicnumber script such as brad's standalone script. This is an extra layerof protection and will now make the flow look as the following:
Magic Number Script ---> 3rd party Tracking ---> Fake CPA Link ---> Real CPA Link ---> Offer
My Recommended Protection:
A DEMO site is also on the way!