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发表于 2013-8-9 22:23:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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How To Really Make Money with Clickbank

     The following is the business model I use to make thousands of dollars everyweek with Clickbank. This is going to be long and detail post (over 2,300 words). I encourage you to read though the whole thing because this model works and has been proven over and over by myself and other affiliate marketers. While this model shows how to make money with Clickbank, the model can be applied to any other affiliate network or product (even a blog). I just happen to like Clickbank because information is one of the easiest products to promote and sell on the Internet.
Hit And Run Marketing Doesn’t Work
Most new affiliate marketers getting into the business do what I call hit and run affiliate marketing. It’s the model they’re all familiar with because it’s the one they hear about the most. The hit and run marketing steps goes something like this.
  • Select a Clickbank (or any affiliate) product to promote
  • Send traffic to the landing page with PPC/PPV
I’m sure you’ve all heard stories of affiliate marketers spending $10K a day to make $20K? It sounds great doesn’t it? The only problem is there are not many affiliate marketers who can do that. Also, those who are making a profit using the hit and run model are leaving a ton of money on the table.
Spending money on advertising to get one customer that you will never see again is one of the dumbest business move you can make. That’s like Best Buy spending $50K on a front page ad on the Wall Street Journal to have those customers buy one item and then never visit the store again. They’re go under in less than six months if that’s the case!
Another problem with the hit and run model is it’s not very stable. You have to keep spending money on advertising or the sales stop. You risk the chance of Google slapping your landing page because of a low quality score, you may run out of money tweaking the ads/keywords/landing pages, competition can drive up bids to the point where you can’t make a profit, the advertiser may pull the offer, etc.
Real Businesses Are Built On Repeat Customers
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Too many people think of Internet marketing as a game. It’s not. It’s a real business and real businesses are built on repeat customers. A restaurant can’t survive with first time customers only. The Apple Store, or any retail store, would go under in a few months if their customers visit the store once and never visit again.
If someone buys one Apple product, then he is likely to buy another product from Apple. The same thing holds true for affiliate marketing. If someone buys a Clickbank product from you, he is likely to buy another one. But that will never happen if all you do is hit and run marketing because you’ll never see that person again.
Repeat business is the key. It’s a lot easier and cheaper to market to a repeat customer than it is to acquire a new one. In fact, the average business spend seven times more in marketing cost to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. When you’re doing hit and run affiliate marketing, what you are in fact doing is spending that 7X more money to acquire a customer for SOMEONE ELSE! Can you see now why most hit and run affiliate marketers don’t make money?
A Clickbank Affiliate Model That Works
My Clickbank business model is more complex than the hit and run model. It will require more work on your part but unlike the the hit and run model, you will make way more money with it. Here are the steps.
  • Choose a series of Clickbank products in the same niche to promote
  • Create a free eBook about the niche to give away
  • Create a squeeze page offering the free ebook
  • Send traffic to the squeeze page
  • Capture the lead coming to the squeeze page
  • Deploy email auto responders with the Clickbank products
  • Watch the money rack up in your Clickbank account
The main difference between my model and the hit and run model is I’m building a customer base. Instead of sending leads directly to the Clickbank landing page to buy the product and never see them again, I send them to my squeeze page to capture their emails so I can market products to them for weeks, months and years to come. This is a far more powerful marketing method.
The Money Is In The List
I’ve said many times before that the money is in the list but it bears repeating. The money really is in the list. Look at all the really big affiliate marketers. Guys like Frank Kern, John Reese, Shoemoney, etc. They all have huge mailing lists. And because they have huge lists, they don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands per month on advertising. John Reese refers to his list as his ATM. He just goes to it whenever he needs to make a withdraw.
When Shoe launched Shoemoney System on Clickbank, he built a prelaunch list of over 100,000 names. While Shoe did well with his system, that list he built is worth an extra $1 million a year inadditional revenue because he’ll be able to use the list to promote other related products.
If you want to become a big Clickbank affiliate marketer (or blogger), you absolutely need an email list. That is your customer base. Without one, you’ll just be another hit and run affiliate marketer working for peanuts. Stop building other people’s customer base and start building your own.
Step 1 – Choose a Series of Clickbank Products
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The first step to making money from Clickbank is to decide on the niche you want to target. Ideally, the niche should be a niche that you have a knowledge of and a passion for. If that’s not the case, then you can still make money with it but you wouldn’t have as much fun and to me, having fun is even more important than making the money.
The Clickbank Marketplace list thousands of products for you to promote. You can sort search results based on commission, sales, popularity and a bunch of other criteria. I like to get a copy of the product before deciding on whether to promote it. You can either email the advertiser for a copy or buy it from them and then refund it if you don’t want to promote it. All Clickbank products are covered by a 60 day money back policy.
Step 2 – Create a Free eBook
The best way to make people give you their email address is to offer them something they find valuable for free. This is where the eBook comes in. You can write it yourself or hire Michael Kwan to write it. If you’re really cheap, you can use a PLR eBook. They’re just like PLR articles but in eBook size. Personally, I recommend you write it yourself or hire out the writing. The quality of PLR leaves a lot to be desired.
The free eBook doesn’t have to be very big, 20 to 60 pages should do, but it does need to cover the same niche as the Clickbank products you plan to promote. This is why I said you should have a knowledge of the niche you plan to deal in.
Step 3 – Create a Squeeze Page To Promote The eBook
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A squeeze page is a special kind of landing page that is created solely to act as an opt in for information – primarily email addresses – from potential subscribers. When people visit my blog, I want them to subscribe to my email list. However, because there is so much to see and read, the number of sign ups isn’t as high as it could be. By creating a separate squeeze page, the email sign up rate can skyrocket. While I can capture maybe 5% of people visiting my blog, I have seen squeeze pages with conversion rate has high as 60%!
The above screen shot is the squeeze page Jonathan Volk used to capture emails. By offering hisAffiliate Marketing 101 guide for free, Jonathan was able to get 50% of the people visiting that page to opt into his email list.
The easiest way to create a squeeze page is with Squeeze Theme by Unique Blog Designs. Squeeze Theme is powered by WordPress and will allow you to create custom squeeze pages in minutes. Jonathan and I both use Squeeze Theme to create all our squeeze pages.
To use Squeeze Theme, all you need to do is choose the theme you want to run, add the text, photo or video, your Aweber email codes and let Squeeze Theme do the rest. Before Squeeze Theme came along, I had a designer do all my squeeze pages. Now, Squeeze Theme does it for me in just a few minutes.
Step 4 – Send Traffic To The Squeeze Page
Once the squeeze page has been created, you need to send traffic to it. The quickest way to do that is to use pay per click or pay per view advertising. However, that’s also the most expensive way. There are tons of lower cost or free methods for traffic generation. A little creatively can go a long way.
Try to think outside the box when it comes to traffic building. Look at what Jonathan did for his eBook. Instead of using PPC to send traffic to his squeeze page, he set up a contest to give away three Apple iPads. Two iPads will go to the top two affiliates who send the most referrals. However, the the 3rd iPad will be awarded to a random affiliate on a draw based on one entry per referral. By referring a friend to download Jonathan’s eBook, you earn an entry. Refer two friends and earn two entries and so on.
The three iPads will cost Jonathan about $1,800. Not cheap but not out of the budget for someone who want to build a real affiliate marketing business. So far, Jonathan’s promotion has worked extremely well and he should have a list of over 10,000 names before the contest is over. If 100,000 names are worth $1 million a year, 10,000 names would be worth $100,000 a year. That’s not a bad return on $1,800!
Step 5 – Capture The Lead
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Lead capturing is the most important part of affiliate marketing. Your business is built around your list. Anything you can do to increase its size means more money for you. During the Affiliate Marketing 101 contest, Jonathan offered a 27″ iMac to anyone who can take over my 1st place spot in seven days. Nobody was able to beat me but you can bet a lot of people tried and Jonathan’s list benefited as a result.
While a squeeze page maybe the best way to get someone to give you his email address, you still need a system to handle and host the list. My recommended email service is Aweber. I’ve been using them for years and they are by far the best in the business. Aweber works seamlessly with Squeeze Theme and its web interface allows you to access it from any computer, anywhere in the world.
Aweber offers a $1 trial account for all new customers. The account is just like a normal Aweberaccount and includes unlimited email campaigns, newsletter, broadcasts and follow ups. It’s a great way to test drive Aweber to see what it can do for you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you find that email marketing is not for you, contact Aweber within 30 days and they’ll give you the $1 back.
Step 6 – Deploy Auto Responders
Auto responders are emails that go out at a set date and interval. When someone subscribe to my blog, they are sent a series of auto responder emails. These emails are design to do three things.
  • Build a relationship with the subscriber
  • Promote my blog and brand
  • Recommend products and services that help solve the reader’s problem
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Setting up the auto responder is extremely easy and is no different than sending out a normal email. If you’re using Aweber, all you have to do is click “Follow Up” in the Message tab. This will allow you to create a follow up message to be sent to your new subscriber at a later date. Aweber allows you to set up an unlimited number of auto responders.
If you check the screen shot above, you’ll see that my first auto responder email goes out the instant someone signs up to my list. The second follow up email out goes out four days after the first and the rest goes out in one week intervals until there are no more follow ups.
This is also known as a sales funnel. The first few emails helps build your relationship with the subscriber. Later emails in the funnel are used to promote the Clickbank products. This setup works far better than any hit and run system. Research has shown that most prospect won’t buy on the first visit or email. They need to be hit over and over again. This is where the auto responder comes in. The sooner you set it up, the faster you’ll be in the money.
Step 7 – Watch The Money Rack Up In The Clickbank Account
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This step is optional but I really enjoy it. (转载)一篇长文 英文和中文版 利用clickbank来赚美金
You now have the formula to a make massive amounts of money with Clickbank (or any other affiliate network). It takes more work than the hit and run model but the payoffs are much higher. I hope you enjoy this post and I hope it opened your eyes to what it really takes to make money with Clickbank. Your comments are welcome. If you felt I’ve left anything out and you have a question, please post it.


       这篇博文很长、很具体,但是我希望并且鼓励你能读完。通过Clickbank平台和下文中提到的这种模式,我每周能赚好几千美金。我自己和其他一些 做Affiliate项目的朋友都能证实,这种模式确实起作用,而且效果很好。虽然这个例子里用到的Clickbank平台,但是这种模式同样可以运用到 其他Affiliate项目或者某个产品(甚至)。只是我个人碰巧喜欢Clickbank罢了,因为信息类产品是互联网上最容易营销的产品之一。
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Hit And Run的市场营销走不远
      很多新人在进入Affiliate项目时往往会采取Hit and Run的市场营销方法。因为他们在网上看到了太多的关于这种方法的资料,因此这也是他们最熟悉的方法。Hit and Run的市场营销方法通常的步骤如下:
  1 选择一种CB产品(其他的Affiliate项目也可以)
  2 通过PPC/PPV的方法把流量导向Landing Page(或者叫登录页)
  3 获利
      我相信大家听过这样的故事:说有些做Affiliate的“高手”每天付出$10K的钱就可以收获$20K。 这样的故事听上去很棒,是不是?问题在于又有多少做Affiliate的人能向故事中的“高手”那么做呢?虽然他们赚了钱,但事实上这些人却把更多的钱留 在了桌上,没有装进自己的口袋里。
       另外,Hit and Run的市场营销方法也不稳定。因为像Google这样的搜索引擎还可能随时把我们的Landing Page 踢出搜索,因为通常情况下Landing Page的内容质量不高。另外我们还必须经常性的花钱做广告:关键词,排名竞价。终于有一天我们会入不敷出。
       太多太多的人认为网络营销只不过是个游戏。我要说网络营销不是个游戏!这是生意,真正建立在回头客上的生意。开了一家饭馆,客人来了一次就再也不光 顾了,这样的店绝对生存不下去。苹果公司,或者其他的零售商店也好,如果每个客人也只是光顾一次而已,我相信他们也撑不了几个月的时间。
       假设一个人买了一件苹果的产品,那么他就很有可能再买其他的产品。做Affiliate也是这个道理。如果有人从我们这里买了CB的产品,他就可能再从我们这里购买其他的东西。但是当我们采用Hit and Run的市场营销方法时,我不相信我们能有回头客。
      生意重复做才是王道。向老顾客推广新产品远比拉一个新顾客容易,而且成本低。事实上,后者要比前者贵上7倍,如果单单从金钱上衡量的话。也就是说当我们采取Hit and Run的市场营销方法的时候,我们正可能花着7倍的价格,试图达到一样的效益。现在你应该知道为什么大多数人做不成Affiliate项目了吧。
我 的CB联盟模式
        我这个CB模式比起上面的那个更复杂一点。在这种模式下,我们自身要投入更多的精力。不同的是,我的这种模式能产生 一个长期的盈利渠道。
  1 选择一种我们要推广的CB产品
  2 想好这个产品属于哪种话题范围,写一本关于这个话题的免费电子书
  3 制做一个Squeeze Page,向人们免费提供这本电子书
  4 把流量导向Squeeze Page
  5 抓住Squeeze Page的流量
  6 搭配CB产品,配置邮件自动回复
  7 看账户上的数字慢慢上涨
      上面我们提到了两种CB模式,两者之间的区别在于后者是在构建一个客户群。第一种模式是把客户直接导向CB的Landing Page,为客户购买产品提供渠道;而我是把客户导向Landing Page,然后试图得到客户的电子邮件,这样我可以在未来的几个星期,几个月,甚至是几年的时间里向我的客户推广产品。这样的市场推广方式更具有竞争力。
      我已经说过很多回了,钱就在名单列名上,但是我还是要重复这句话,钱真的就在名单上。看看那些真正的营销大师:Frank Kern, John Reese, Shoemoney等等。他们手头上的名单列表数量是巨大的。也正是因为他们有着这些名单列表,他们用不着每个月花钱来做广告。John Reese 甚至把他的名单列表比作ATM机,随用随取。
Shoe在CB上建立Shoemoney System的时候,他先建立了一个数量超过100,000的名单列表。Shoe的系统是做的很好,他的名单每年至少有$1百万的附加值。因为他还可以用这张名单来推广其他的相关产品。
想成为一个CB营销大师(博客也可以)的我们绝对需要一张电子邮件列表。我们的列表就是我们的客户群。没有客户群,我们就只是在玩Hit and Run而已。别再为他人建立客户群体了,开始建立我们自己的客户群吧。
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       在CB的Marketplace里面上为我们列出了可以推广的几千件产品。我们可以通过佣金,销售量,受欢迎程度和其他的一些条件来筛选产品。我通 常喜欢在推广某个产品钱先看一看样品,然后再决定是否推广。我们可以发邮件给广告人,说我们想要一份样品,或者先买下来,如果我们不想推广的话,可以退 货。所有的CB产品60天退款保证。
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       Squeeze页面是一种特别的Landing Page,是为了得到某种信息而制作的页面,主要是为了从潜在的订阅者那里得到电子邮件。当人们访问我的电子邮件时,我希望他们能订阅我的博客,而我的电 子邮件列表上就多了一个地址。因为信息量大,订阅者的数量当然是越大越好。建立一个独立的Squeeze Page可以提高订阅率。如果说我的博客能把5%的访问量转化成订阅者的话,我的squeeze页面上的转化率高达60%。
      上面的那张截图是Jonathan Volk曾用来获取电子邮件的squeeze page。在这个页面上,人们可以免费下载Jonathan提供的《Affiliate Marketing 101》这本书,50%的人们会选择性的加入到Jonathan的邮件列表中。
      那怎么样使用Squeeze模板呢?非常简单!选一个我们喜欢的模板,把文字,图片或者视频加上去,还有Aweber email codes,剩下的交给Squeeze模板就可以了。以前我是花钱雇人为我制作Squeeze页面,不过现在Squeeze模板可以在几分钟内帮我搞定一 切。
     说起怎样吸引流量,我们的想法要跳出盒子。先让我们来看看Jonathan在推广他的电子书时是怎么做的。Jonathan没有使用PPC来吸引流 量,相反,他举办了一个有奖竞赛,谁推荐流量多,谁就获奖。奖品是苹果平板电脑ipad,三份。每推荐一人下载Jonathan的免费电子书,推荐人就会 得到一条记录,推荐两个人就会有相应的两条记录,以此类推。推荐下载人数最多的第一名和第二名得到其中两份奖品,第三份奖品的得主按照推荐记录随机抽取。
       三份苹果平板电脑ipad大概要$1,800,不便宜,但是对于真正想加入到Affiliate营销的人来说,这点钱并没有超预算。目前为 止,Jonathan’s推广效果非常好,在这个有奖竞赛结束前,他得到的电子邮件应该已经会超过10000。如果100000份电子邮件的价值在每 年$1百万左右的话, 那么10000份电子邮件每年大概价值$100,000。1,800美金的投资获得的回报是$100,000。
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       市场营销里最重要的就是流量转化。我们所有的工作围绕着我们的那张名单进行。任何增加名单数量的方法意味着更多潜在收入。在《Affiliate Marketing 101 contest》这本书里, Jonathan承诺,任何人在7天里取代我第一名的位子(原文中没有提到是关于什么的排名),他奖励一台苹果的27″ iMac。事实上没有任何人能打败我,或者取代我排名第一的位子。但是我们可以打赌的是,一定有非常多的人参加了,而Jonathan也得到了他想得到的 名单。
       话说回来,虽然squeeze页面是得到人们的电子邮件的最好方法,但是我们还需要一个系统来操作我们的名单。我个人推荐是邮件服务商是 Aweber.他们的服务我已经用了很多年了,目前为止是圈子里最好的。Aweber和Squeeze模板兼容好,我们可以从任何一台联网的计算机都可以 进入到他的操作界面。
       Aweber的新用户可以使用$1的体验服务,体验服务的账户和正常的账户没有区别,无限电子邮件广告,新闻递送,广播。对于想测试Aweber系 统的用户来说,$1的体验服务是个非常棒的选择。如果觉得电子邮件营销对我们来说不合适,可以联系Aweber,只要是在30天以内,$1包退。
第六步–Step 6 –设置自动回复
   1 和我们的订阅者建立一种亲近的关系
   2 推广我们的博客,提高知名度
   3 向订阅者推荐产品和服务,解决他们可能存在的疑问或者问题

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       设置自动回复很简单,跟平常我们发电子邮件没有区别。如果我们使用Aweber,我们要做的就是点击Message标签下的“Follow Up” ,然后我们就可以建立一系列的电子邮件,这些邮件将在人们订阅我们博客后,按照我们的设置一封接着一封地发出去。Aweber对我们的自动回复没有限制。
       这种方式也称为销售漏斗。第一封邮件用来和订阅者建立关系,随后的邮件用来推广CB产品。这样的销售模式远比任何形式的Hit and Run要好。调查表明,大多人并不会在第一次访问我们的博客或者第一次收到我们的邮件时购买我们推荐的产品。这个时候我们的“攻势”不能减弱。这也就是为什么我们要用Aweber这样的服务的原因。
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         这一步可选可不选,但是我喜欢这样做 :)
好了,我已经把每一步都仔仔细细的写出来了,这个关于CB的教程就写到这里了。我要说的是,这个CB模式比一般的Hit and Run的模式要复杂,更花时间,但是我们的回报将是巨大的。我希望这个教程能让大家明白CB这样的联盟到底应该怎么做,也希望大家能喜欢这篇教程。

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-9 22:47:19 | 显示全部楼层
dodeem 发表于 2013-8-9 22:35 (转载)一篇长文 英文和中文版 利用clickbank来赚美金


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-9 22:57:39 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主的热心 分享,很细心
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-10 08:31:02 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-10 15:49:20 | 显示全部楼层
quanjugouzi 发表于 2013-8-10 08:31 (转载)一篇长文 英文和中文版 利用clickbank来赚美金


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-10 17:08:43 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-11 00:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-7-20 16:46:42 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-9-3 20:58:19 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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