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发表于 2006-7-25 11:31:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Your site ****.com is illegally duplicating copywrited content from our site
****.com. Content duplication is a serious form of infringment and we advice
you to put down your site or remove all our content from it within 24 hrs. In
the event of non-adherence we will take legal action against you, primirialy by
releasing DMCA with all search engines, your hosting company and your affiliate
network, linkshare and google adwords. This will make your domain blacklisted
and your site will be removed from all indexes. In addition all your PPC and
CPA affilations with Google and Linkshare will be permanently blocked. To avoid
these from happening take down our site content from *****.com within 24 hrs
starting frm now.
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