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发表于 2007-4-15 14:24:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, m" w: x3 D8 v% P. ~: I+ E+ d7 L' G. b, l0 z' o
希望这个文章能给各位即将做adult content的朋友一点清楚的指点2 S: O# I0 Y; y: `( f/ J3 |
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, d' t! P! @+ @, K# w& a2 V3 C) p8 F6 c; s5 d* m& c1 v$ Q
希望和bobby236成为朋友。0 Z) B$ o+ ^5 G/ u% n0 X: [/ `
0 p. T9 p/ _9 X; v9 @
$ K8 b; E2 f9 Z; H7 E' {% n1 K" C1 D& L- D) L% l. A. w
How to make $3k+ per month with Gallery Submitting (10 Steps)  h7 ~+ i% `7 i- ?" A

6 N6 E" T" K+ _8 G+ o2 I
Hi everybody, I’m working as a gallery submitter now since ~5 years,  and during the last years I also started to run updates.advancedsubmitter.com and PartnerRequester.com, so I hope to know a bit about this area of the adult business 正规做站经验分享--完整版本 : P/ Q3 }% x. g1 J) H( N- j
0 r" C$ y7 w& [( t1 I! Z' ~% E# F
I always wanted to write a Tutorial about gallery submitting, and sinceI’ve recently hired a full-time employee I thought this might be theright moment to just write down what I had to teach him, and to use itas a guide for other beginners too. Since it would take to much time togo into every detail about TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Post) and MGP (MovieGallery Post) submitting, I’ll start with a rather basic Tutorial.
, Y- y. ]. H& D3 ~* _2 sPlease let me know if I’ve forgotten about anything, or if you have anyquestions, I’m available at ICQ 344688791 ortutorial(at)adultsponsortest.com
* P. ~, p0 v! Z, D8 K% A4 W0 ?) o; [' }7 l  m0 L3 u
Step 1: Choosing the right Sponsor7 z. S# w' P! o4 V& Q
Obviously before you can start your work you’d have to choose a goodsponsor. Spend at least 1 day for your research, and try to find aSponsor that’s not overused. I personally don’t care much about thepayout, as long as it’s reasonable, I focus more on the quality of freecontent they can provide, cause that’s important to get our gallerieslisted, and that will be the most important factor to get sales. WhenI’m looking for a new sponsor I just visit the bigger TGPs and MGPs(sextracker.com), and look around what they’ve listed right now. Mostbig sites sell their top spots, and since the webmasters that buy thesespots want to get a good ROI it’s very likely that the actual sitethey’re promoting converts well, so that’s a very good start topre-select. After you’ve found a few good sponsors, take a look attheir top sites, and try to estimate if they’re actually overpromoted(alexa.com). If you select a sponsor with ton’s of free hostedgalleries you’ll not get listed very often, since every TGP/MGP wouldjust list the FHGs with their own linking code. So we’re looking for asponsor with good content, that’s not overpromoted (i.e. lower alexarank) and without FHGs that everybody and his mother uses. Please alsotake your time for this research, that can easily take up to 1 workday.& A( m$ M7 n$ ^" S9 b0 ~

$ R3 ]% _- N' ~7 K3 OStep 2: Hosting
8 `) y/ _" o( I7 c: g0 b0 y* dOnly go with paid hosting, and if possible with your own dedicatedserver since virtual accounts would get too expensive rather soon. Tostart I’d say a dedicated server with ~1000GB data transfer/monthshould be enough for the first months, as you’ll need some time to getstarted anyway. At best your hosting plan should be expandable, asyou’ll need more bandwidth after a few months. Something like that isavailable for $100 per month or even less these days. Just ask on theWM Boards and you’ll get some offers.
2 L+ G8 S9 ?2 l" Y( I( [% j3 k1 L$ n$ b, C
Step 3: Domains
  V3 N7 B' }+ V, E# ^0 TThe domain for galleries isn’t so important at all IMHO, it doesn’thurt if it suit’s to the niche of your galleries content somehow, andyou should be able to use an email like webmaster(at)yourdomain.com
. }, @0 q5 C6 h  z
8 h6 a& I+ y9 r$ e1 }# eStep 4: Stats Program& H! D; Q" r# @) z, N
Many people underestimate the value of a good stats program, at bestuse a webserver based stats program (like urchin.com), a image counterlike sextracker.com should only be a temp. solution since it’ll neverbe as accurate as a counter with access to your server logs, and that’sespecially important if you want to dig a bit into SEO (Search EngineOptimisation) later on.5 u8 A6 V# Q! p' J0 a0 s
/ v5 b1 b1 Y2 Y% i) r  [# j% {
Step 5: Build your galleries6 U) D: U& G* g
I’m not a designer, so I’ve never given too much about fancy graphicson my galleries, it’s more important to have good content IMHO. Beforeyou start you’d have to select a Picture or Movie Set. At best chooseone with a girl (or guy) that’s actually featured on the front page ofthe paysite you’re promoting. Many people click through to the actualgallery because they want to see more of that content, so you shouldgive them a bit more on the main page, and hope that they wipe outtheir credit card to see even more inside the members area. % W3 }0 d, ?" a7 }5 ~# D0 ~
For a TGP gallery I’m always using 16 Thumbs, the fullsize picturesshould have between 40-100kb, and should have at least 600 pix on theshort side. For MGP galleries the common standard is 3 Movies, with~20sec runtime each, and ~1.5-3MB Filesize. You can also use 4 or 5Movies, that will actually give you the chance to submit to more sites,and doesn’t have a too big effect on your bandwidth bill, since mostsurfers only download 1-2 Movies anyway.
$ l9 Z$ q$ {5 CThe actual thumbnails on your gallery should be as good as possible,don’t use any automated tool to create them, make them by hand inPhotoshop, crop them to at least 100 pix on the short side (bettermore), and adjust their colour balance, and brightness.
9 b' L) t( X9 d( v, ]; k, jTake care that the general layout of your gallery looks clean, don’tmix up landscape and portrait format, if you have to, do it in a waythat it actually suits the gallery layout.. ~1 L% V# i* ~. A. M; b$ X& [
And I never use more than 2 outgoing links to my Sponsor, cause somesites have a very harsh limit upon these, and if your content is goodenough the surfer will look for a way to get more anyway, you can’tforce him to signup with more or blind links.4 r& e$ U$ f3 v& }
As links I personally always use text links, try to talk directly tothe surfer, and tell him why the site you’re promoting is the one heshould signup for. If you can’t come up with a good reason you shouldchoose another Site to promote 正规做站经验分享--完整版本  Stay away from banners, cause most galleries look rather crappy with them.9 m; w: |& D2 f  R: d4 G6 L3 Y
A 2257 link would be also good for your galleries, I’m not from the USeither, but it doesn’t hurt, and many site owners require it.
2 v6 o5 T8 M$ Z$ wI also put lot’s of SEO work into my galleries, although a gallery ispretty much the worst thing to optimise for Search Engines it pays of,and I get ~30% of my long term sales from SE Traffic. But how to dothat would be enough to write for a separate Tutorial.* Q/ G) l. L# C+ ?" e. @6 a: V

! N3 ^: Q( ]/ tTo be continued...

+ ~; w7 @, _. I8 h9 r' E
& {$ B8 ~# Q5 O6 [+ C$ {" ][ 本帖最后由 青春有悔 于 2007-4-15 14:37 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-15 14:26:41 | 显示全部楼层
Step 6: Preview Thumbnails
$ {# i' A9 \1 f) z& o: Q) B8 z" ?$ X8 S, K
I’ve made a separate explanation for these, since I think preview thumbnails are more important than many submitters might know. At first preview thumbs are required for so called “Thumb TGPs” or “Thumb MGPs” (madthumbs.com). As you can see almost all of these sites trade traffic with each other, that means that they need a good overall productivity (number of clicks per visitor) on their sites. To get that high productivity these sites would need good thumbs, that means for us submitters, the better we make our preview thumbs, the more likely it’s to get listed at these sites.8 |# Q5 @! N7 K
So don’t make your preview thumbs with any automated tool, make them by hand, and make them with a program like Photoshop. Adjust brightness, colour balance and sharpness if required.* U( w0 v* p7 L
* v/ x" @$ ~) e
Step 7: Submission Tools
" O, @- l: `$ x! C& _3 g
1 i# ]7 X7 `' ^1 R# \  a9 ?( u4 C, ~# v4 ~# c! t+ u6 u
To be continued...
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-15 14:39:52 | 显示全部楼层
Step 7: Submission Tools0 \) r& c+ v9 o, H- {
If you’re absolutely new to gallery submitting, stay away from any tools at the beginning, just start with good old manual work to learn everything. A while ago I’ve built a list for handsubmission at AdultSponsorTest.com, you can use that one to get started, although it’s a bit outdated by now
% C: [- a0 G/ N* p+ Q# RJust use 3 Recips per gallery and submit away. If possible use an email like webmaster(at)yourdomain.com, you’ll need that later on anyway. When you get used a bit more to the very basics, you can start using a submission tool like AdvancedSubmitter.com, you should only use it as a manual submission tool, that means only to create your mirror galleries with Recips, and to fill the submission forms. When you’re also used to that tool, the next logical step would be to expand your existing submission list with either the TGP Database or the MGP Database I’ve built. In the end you should be able to submit a TGP and a MGP Gallery per day, but at first I’ll have to show you how to get started with them." X. @7 K; X" r8 s* @4 a

6 q' B/ ^* A7 }* h. U. ~% G' cStep 8: Different ways to get listed
2 F- p4 n1 d9 V0 E. V: aBefore I can continue here I’d have to explain what kind of different TGPs and MGPs are existing.
# b( ^: R- G* b) |; J
3 m) J( W, K+ A$ ]-At first there are the ones that accept your submission for free and without any limitations. That means you (and ~5000 other submitters) can submit their galleries to them completely for free. After a review the site owner might decide to list your work, or to not list it. Obviously the competition there is rather big, so you’ll not get listed very often, and the number of these sites keeps declining too. So at max. you’ll be able to get ~10-15k uniques per day from these sites. But considering that an average gallery should be able to make a sale every 20-40k uniques it’s a start. That would mean ~$200-250 per month for the beginning. You’ll remain at that stage for the first 1-2 months.
/ N( g7 i3 X! i% e; F+ M+ X- U5 ^& R, J0 O/ ]/ k
-The second group is more important. Many sites pre-select their submitters, that means you’d have to contact them, or send in an application with your name, nickname, email, some sample galleries and a short story about yourself. If your application was good enough you’ll be granted with a Partner Account for that Site. This Partner Account enables you to submit with less competition, which means that you’ll get listed more often. And those Sites are bigger than the ones from the first group too, so with a reasonable number of Partner Accounts (150+) you’ll get ~70-150k uniques per day. And since your galleries should also convert a bit better meanwhile I’d say that would be ~$2-$4.5k per month.
! V6 U  |' S  ]4 P( F3 g: aSince there are more and more sites out there that require a Partner Account I’ve developed PartnerRequester.com a while ago, that tool gives you a ready to go list with ~1200 Sites, so you wouldn’t have to built/maintain that list yourself. You should also consider that it takes a long time to went through this stage, so if you’re completely new to gallery submitting it will take you at least 1 year from now until you’ll reach these traffic levels.; l+ Z0 G8 t6 ]; W. \( N( y8 U
0 d3 j/ y: _; z
-The third group contains sites that require a payment or a fee to get either a paid partner account, or a paid gallery spot. These sites are obviously the biggest ones, but many of them give a rather small ROI, so you’d have to know what you’re doing. If you’re able to make use of lot’s of these sites you’ll be able to get 300k+ uniques per day, but take care of your overhead costs. Consider that it takes a lot of work to get there, and at least 2 years of experience and networking.; M' X: H* x6 i& ]8 @. s

- _9 m& A3 {5 w3 ]( \  QStep 9: Submitting( u& g# F4 \9 z3 C5 a' [2 M9 {
Now after I’ve explained the different ways to get listed I’d like to explain how to continue with submitting. Meanwhile you should be familiar with AdvancedSubmitter, and if you’re using my DBs you’ll start to submit to the sites from the first group I’ve mentioned. It takes a while until traffic builds up, so just keep submitting, and don’t draw any conclusions until the first month is over. As soon as you have a few samples of your work, signup with PartnerRequester.com and start applying for Partner Accounts. You can also always drop me a message at ICQ#344688791 or tutorial(at)adultsponsortest.com with samples of your work. I’d review them and give you a few hints before you actually start applying. Add your new partner Accounts to your actual submission List ASAP, and after a month or so start to remove those sites from your list that never list you.
/ t. R2 }2 n6 n0 gAlways follow the site rules perfectly, that means correct descriptions, correct preview thumbs, correct Category, etc.7 w" ^+ j; f. @' @$ y
: B! E) B  |8 B" A: D
Step 10: Things to think about!( `; F/ [, `6 X. d# z
-Always keep in mind that you’re competing with ~5000 other submitters, that means to get good results you’d need to be better than at least 90% of them. So average work isn’t enough, if you want to belong to the top 10% earners, you’d have to deliver top 10% quality.5 X5 ?1 O5 K+ [1 d7 o% Q
+ ?# A' r0 R, C2 O4 G; \& }
-Try to do some networking on the boards, many site owners only give away partner accounts on WM Boards, so don’t be shy.( U% ?0 u' Q# ^+ y# O: e5 y: Y
$ w8 y" L! s1 N% A7 P
-Never get lazy, the harder it is to get listed at a specific site, the harder it is for others too, which means that you have better chances to get listed if you comply with the sites requirements.9 |+ \3 \  i' U$ w# ?: F3 i
( J( d& M/ V2 ^  F: u% J
-Don’t get mad about a specific site or webmaster, it’ll happen quite often that you’ll have to bend over. Get over it and see it as a business expense.5 \2 T+ v- O: S- c5 G

/ s* J) s" T1 T% B$ u4 A  bFinally I hope my little Tutorial is helpful, if anybody wants to ask me some questions, hit me up on ICQ 344688791 or tutorials(at)adultsponsortest.com. Or just reply in this thread.


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发表于 2007-4-15 14:44:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-15 14:54:32 | 显示全部楼层
bobby236,想问问你! d# }1 w. y4 N: ^
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-15 14:56:09 | 显示全部楼层
6 `; d+ X4 F$ {5 ~6 _# khttp://www.cnwebmasters.cn/viewt ... 4575&highlight=
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发表于 2007-4-15 15:14:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-16 00:17:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-16 09:36:25 | 显示全部楼层
希望做adult content的朋友出来指点一下
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发表于 2007-4-16 09:46:31 | 显示全部楼层
有做adult content的会敢出来说吗,做这个是要有麻烦地。。。正规做站经验分享--完整版本:
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 13:32:29 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 13:33:25 | 显示全部楼层
mulangren ,有什么麻烦,可以指点以下吗?
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