Making good money in the volunteer section on CL

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发表于 2011-8-3 20:32:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
theboss;275016 Wrote:Alright, so the most consistentlysuccessful thing I've done to make money online is posting in theVolunteer section on Craigslist. It's dead simple, pick a survey sitethat has an affiliate program and post your affiliate link right in thead. All your ad has to say is something like Make money filling outconsumer surveys and then have your link in the ad.

It sounds stupid mainly because it is kind of stupid but it works damnwell. I lost my poster and haven't found a reliable one since so Ihaven't done it in a couple months but its pretty easy to make 300bucks a day with this. The ads in the volunteer section don't reallyghost or anything either.

While it would be naive of me to say that this method hasn't been usedby others, I've never seen anyone say anything about it in my 4 yearsof being into IM. If I ever see this shared outside of MMD VIP therewill be some serious problems. I'm sharing this for free just to giveto the VIP community and you'd be hurting yourself too by sharing orselling this method because this could get saturated if seen by enoughpeople.

Anyways, enjoy.
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